Avoid screwing with the cv.class if you can (might be too late but whatever). Too many mods already change that most important little piece of data.
I'm getting tiny image noise/tearing issues around the edges of grass blocks when using this mod btw. It's only noticeable in the dark, and my well just be video issues of various sorts on my end, but I thought I'd let you know anyway.
(this post is mostly just a bump if you haven't noticed.)
As far as performance goes, the difference between unmodified Minecraft and Minecraft with Natural Textures Mod, is virtually null. It shouldn't slow down anybody's computer.
In regards to your other concern, yes, both ModLoader and my mod modify renderblocks (cv.class). However, Natural Textures Mod is fully compatible with ModLoader as long as you install Natural Textures Mod after you have already installed ModLoader. Natural Textures Mod will not break other mods that use ModLoader so long as you install it in the correct order.
NTM is incompatible with some mods for other reasons though. Mods that also mess with the metadata are likely to be incompatible, and any mods that modify any of the same class files are probably incompatible as well.
Would this cause any sort of performance drop or incompatibility with other mods?
For example, modloader edits cv.class and so does your mod. Installing this mod would overwrite the modloader cv.class. Would that break other mods that use modloader?
This... is... AWESOME!!! :biggrin.gif: It would be great in combination with my little mod. :smile.gif:
One suggestion: Why don't you use the little trick, that Notch used to shift the tall grass and flowers (pseudo) randomly? It does not affect the metadata and still looks pretty random.
A solution for your problem would be something like this.
int numOfDirections = 4;
long offset = (long)(x*0x2fc20f)^(long)z*0x6ebfff5L^(long)y;
offset = offset*offset*0x285b825L+offset*11L;
int yourDirection = MathHelper.floor_float(((float)(offset >> 24 & 15L)/15F*(float)numOfDirections-0.5F));
uvRotateTop = yourDirection;
I hope I could help.
Ah, I forgot to mention: The 'random' value depends on the coordinates, so it will remain the same through every render cycle. And you not even have to create a new world.
Hey, Could you take the template text file and add the "best" values to it based on the default textures? Hoping you know what I mean :biggrin.gif:
EDIT: Cause I mean, some of us are lazy
I just tried out what you suggested, and I like it a lot better. Thanks! This is my first mod, so I'm not very familiar with Minecraft's code. It's great to have help. :biggrin.gif:
Hey, Could you take the template text file and add the "best" values to it based on the default textures? Hoping you know what I mean :biggrin.gif:
EDIT: Cause I mean, some of us are lazy
I believe the thread title is not clear enough, when i glanced at it first, i though "natural" as in some kind of default setting. I did not realize you meant "natural" as in you wanted to reduced the artificial texture tiling ingame.
If you rename this mod something like "Natural textures, distorted tile texture effect", it might pull more views and downloads for ya.
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; oreLapis
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; netherrack
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; cobblestoneMossy
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; oreRedstone
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; sand
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; blockGold
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; web
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; glowStone
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; snow
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; oreCoal
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; pumpkinLantern
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; dirt
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; blockDiamond
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; slowSand
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; oreDiamond
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; oreIron
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; sponge
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; bedrock
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; sandStone
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; blockSteel
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; ice
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; planks
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; obsidian
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; blockClay
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; bookShelf
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; pumpkin
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; gravel
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; oreGold
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; blockLapis
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; cobblestone
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; grass
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; stone
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; brick
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; blockSnow
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; glass
Then it does not work.
How do you use it with the default texture pack?
Yup; I messed-up pretty badly. :sad.gif: It works fine when minecraft is deobfuscated, but not so much obfuscated. I think what's happening is that the mod can't find the block names in the the block class, because when Minecraft is obfuscated blocks are no longer called things like "oreLapis" or "netherrack." I should have used the block ID numbers instead of their names. I'll release a new version tonight or tomorrow that fixes it.
I get this strange error:
[code]MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; oreLapis
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; netherrack
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; cobblestoneMossy
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; oreRedstone
MINECRAFT: Block class does dot define the static field; sand
Then it does not work.
How do you use it with the default texture pack?
Yup; I messed-up pretty badly. :sad.gif: It works fine when minecraft is deobfuscated, but not so much obfuscated. I think what's happening is that the mod can't find the block names in the the block class, because when Minecraft is obfuscated blocks are no longer called things like "oreLapis" or "netherrack." I should have used the block ID numbers instead of their names. I'll release a new version tonight or tomorrow that fixes it.
Actually, it's not just the default texture pack. I've used lots of different texture packs and they still produce a quilt-like landscape. In unmodified Minecraft, The pixels always appear in the same position, from block to block, over again. X little smudge or X little angular shape will always appear in the same place from block to block. It's inevitable that there will be repeating pattern. It's not the default texture pack that is at issue.
Very interesting mod because the original grass texture is simply DISGUSTING. I mean, it's really bad. It's not tiling properly at all, so it make this "quilt effect" as you say. You mod fix this issue, in a certain way but the better thing to do IMO is to change the texture. Even with the mod, this looks like spots everywhere.
They changed the cobblestone, damn, for good. This was ugly too. I hope they will change wood planks and grass too...
The mod will not change the orientation of new blocks/ mod blocks. It only randomizes the textures of the blocks listed in the text file. For example, I notice you currently have a banner for Nethercraft in your signature. Natural Textures Mod will not randomize the new blocks created by Nethercraft.
I'd love to make Fiftyninecraft compatible! I'm not sure how I'll get it to work with the customizer, but I can do a seperate download like how I handled the aether mod.
Any chance of making natural water textures? Only reason I ask is because each water texture has the same randomized pixels and after seeing the textures moving the same way for all the textures it gets a little 'boring'
I'm getting tiny image noise/tearing issues around the edges of grass blocks when using this mod btw. It's only noticeable in the dark, and my well just be video issues of various sorts on my end, but I thought I'd let you know anyway.
(this post is mostly just a bump if you haven't noticed.)
In regards to your other concern, yes, both ModLoader and my mod modify renderblocks (cv.class). However, Natural Textures Mod is fully compatible with ModLoader as long as you install Natural Textures Mod after you have already installed ModLoader. Natural Textures Mod will not break other mods that use ModLoader so long as you install it in the correct order.
NTM is incompatible with some mods for other reasons though. Mods that also mess with the metadata are likely to be incompatible, and any mods that modify any of the same class files are probably incompatible as well.
EDIT: Cause I mean, some of us are lazy
If you rename this mod something like "Natural textures, distorted tile texture effect", it might pull more views and downloads for ya.
Then it does not work.
How do you use it with the default texture pack?
Ok. Thanks. :smile.gif:
Minecraft technology - the logical way - the only way.
The mod will not change the orientation of new blocks/ mod blocks. It only randomizes the textures of the blocks listed in the text file. For example, I notice you currently have a banner for Nethercraft in your signature. Natural Textures Mod will not randomize the new blocks created by Nethercraft.