I be needing some help: Basically my plan is to play with the PLAYSOUND feature. For example, when I open the inventory gui, it will simultaneously play the chest opening sound. The problem is I don't know the names of the sounds! EDIT: I found the sound names, I just need help with a script, so when I open my inventory it PLAYSOUND(random.chestopen). and when I close my inventory it Play random.chestclose.
Hello fellow macro people of the minecraft world...... I need help
I am an administrator on a server that uses pex permissions. We manually promote players when they say a phase that is found within our rules. I am trying to make a macro that grabs that users name when they say the phrase and executes the command "/pex promote usernamehere obv". I have seen a few examples of how this is done but nothing has really fit the bill for me. I still learning the syntax of this language so any help is great help
I'm not quite sure if someone has already helped you with this but, I personally use these:
Keybind for guests:
1.) Hello $$u, welcome to our server.|/lookup $$u <--- /lookup is used for mcbans
2.) For build rights type /rules and tell me once you have. <---- this is just how we promote guests.
3.) /pex promote $$u|Ok, congrats, you're now promoted. <---- You can also use this for general promotions, not just guests.
Im sure you could make these better however, It's already simple enough. All you need to do is click the right button, and then click a name that appears in a list of online users.
I be needing some help: Basically my plan is to play with the PLAYSOUND feature. For example, when I open the inventory gui, it will simultaneously play the chest opening sound. The problem is I don't know the names of the sounds! EDIT: I found the sound names, I just need help with a script, so when I open my inventory it PLAYSOUND(random.chestopen). and when I close my inventory it Play random.chestclose.
Any help would be amazing
There's not currently any way to detect what gui is opened. I'll add an event for this in the next version.
Yeah, but what I did do was
MouseButton3: /home|$${PLAYSOUND(portal.travel)}$$
MouseButton4: /back|$${PLAYSOUND(random.pop)}$$
Sounds really nice lol
But I'm having more trouble. I had an idea to make a button that tells me what time it is while I'm mining.
This is what I have
IF(TICKS > 0 AND < 1000);LOG(6:00 AM);ENDIF;
IF(TICKS > 1000 AND < 2000);LOG(7:00 AM);ENDIF;
The problem is, no matter what the current tick is. 14,000 lets say, It still logs "6:00 AM" and "7:00 AM."
Did I miss something or is this just a bug? Please help.
Yeah, but what I did do was
MouseButton3: /home|$${PLAYSOUND(portal.travel)}$$
MouseButton4: /back|$${PLAYSOUND(random.pop)}$$
Sounds really nice lol
But I'm having more trouble. I had an idea to make a button that tells me what time it is while I'm mining.
This is what I have
IF(TICKS > 0 AND < 1000);LOG(6:00 AM);ENDIF;
IF(TICKS > 1000 AND < 2000);LOG(7:00 AM);ENDIF;
The problem is, no matter what the current tick is. 14,000 lets say, It still logs "6:00 AM" and "7:00 AM."
Did I miss something or is this just a bug? Please help.
So im still trying to get it to extract the username out of the text, and its not really getting it so well, can you help me match the regex for this?
§7[G] §f§fedman111§7: Hello
The red part is the username, and the Orange is the message, when I tried it would get rid of the [G] but not the §f§f before and §7 after. What would i do to remove those from it? This is what i used to get it:
ECHO(&4%@&name% Said This -> %@&message%)
and the echo is: §f§fedman111§7 Said This -> Hello
Im trying to get it to say: edman111 Said this -> Hello
Does anyone know what I can do to get this to work, I have one exactly like this that toggles sneak and it works fine but I can't figure out the keycode for the middle mouse button click.
Does anyone know what I can do to get this to work, I have one exactly like this that toggles sneak and it works fine but I can't figure out the keycode for the middle mouse button click.
Instead of trying to press the actual key, which might ignore what it's bound to, use it on the action instead
KeyDown(Sneak) and KeyUp(Sneak)
So im still trying to get it to extract the username out of the text, and its not really getting it so well, can you help me match the regex for this?
§7[G] §f§fedman111§7: Hello
The red part is the username, and the Orange is the message, when I tried it would get rid of the [G] but not the §f§f before and §7 after. What would i do to remove those from it? This is what i used to get it:
MATCH(%CHAT%,[.\]](.*?) :(.*),@&name,1,NUL)
MATCH(%CHAT%,[.\]](.*?) :(.*),@&message,2,NUL)
ECHO(&4%@&name% Said This -> %@&message%)
and the echo is: §f§fedman111§7 Said This -> Hello
Im trying to get it to say: edman111 Said this -> Hello
I'm not sure how much of that is optional, or of it can be different colors, but for that line, what would work is
simply put anything that's constant as a literal, and the name and message as groups with wildcards
like this
§7[G] §f§f(.+?)§7: (.+)
then, ofcourse, escape things that the regex engine doesn't read as a literal normally
§7\[G\] §f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+)
(the two \'s are to escape the square brackets, which make a character group; the \s is a space)
Hi, i can't seem to get the mod to work. I installed modloader and put the mod_macros_0.8.7_for_1.2.5.zip in my mods folder. the minecraft has crashed screen stays open for less than a second and minecraft quits. because of that i had to get the error log from the modloader.txt, but the error is too long to post. any ideas how to fix the problem or how i can send you the error report?
Does anyone know what I can do to get this to work, I have one exactly like this that toggles sneak and it works fine but I can't figure out the keycode for the middle mouse button click.
User variables have to be lowercase, so IF(TOGGLE) must be IF(toggle). However, you should note that there aren't "key codes" for the mouse buttons because they are not keys, the middle click would be button 2 anyway, 3 and 4 are the side buttons. The KEYUP, KEYDOWN and TOGGLEKEY commands actually manipulate keybinds and you can find the list of functions that work with each command in the readme.
Hi, i can't seem to get the mod to work. I installed modloader and put the mod_macros_0.8.7_for_1.2.5.zip in my mods folder. the minecraft has crashed screen stays open for less than a second and minecraft quits. because of that i had to get the error log from the modloader.txt, but the error is too long to post. any ideas how to fix the problem or how i can send you the error report?
If this happens then it's likely you have old mods in your "mods" folder which modloader is trying to load. Delete or rename your "mods" folder and create a new one, then put the .zip file in the folder. If your "mods" folder is already empty, you can post the error log by putting [spoiler] in front of the log and [/spoiler] after it.
How do you use the variable in the onPlayerJoined event? And I found a bug where it would repeat what I tell the macro to do in that event 4 times when I join, causing me to get auto banned onto my server and me asking the admin to unban me
I'm not sure how much of that is optional, or of it can be different colors, but for that line, what would work is
simply put anything that's constant as a literal, and the name and message as groups with wildcards
like this
§7[G] §f§f(.+?)§7: (.+)
then, ofcourse, escape things that the regex engine doesn't read as a literal normally
§7\[G\] §f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+)
(the two \'s are to escape the square brackets, which make a character group; the \s is a space)
I tried using that regex but it instead showed
NUL Said this -&--#62; NUL
I'm not sure how much of that is optional
None of that is optional, the text format is:
{color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{sender}{suffix}{color}: {msg}
there is an &f before the prefix and the prefix is also &f thats what the double §f§f are before the name, the suffix is optional, and the color is the same color as the one in the very front, so it was §7, so technically the only optional thing is the suffix, and no one has that anyways.
I tried using that regex but it instead showed
NUL Said this -&--#62; NUL
None of that is optional, the text format is:
{color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{sender}{suffix}{color}: {msg}
there is an &f before the prefix and the prefix is also &f thats what the double §f§f are before the name, the suffix is optional, and the color is the same color as the one in the very front, so it was §7, so technically the only optional thing is the suffix, and no one has that anyways.
Oh, i missed another space..., just after the [G]
instead of §7\[G\] §f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+)
Also,{color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{sender}{suffix}{color}: {msg} makes the whole thing even more confusing for me =/
Oh, i missed another space..., just after the [G]
instead of §7\[G\] §f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+)
Also,{color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{sender}{suffix}{color}: {msg} makes the whole thing even more confusing for me =/
actually for some unknown reason, what i wrote got changed a bit, but thats out of the thing, the regex §7\[G\]\s§f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+) stil does not work like it should, it keeps showing NUL. here ill paste the full script
Log(&4%@&name% Said This -> %@&message%)
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small]
And the chat system isn't that confusing, One line of text as its seen on the server would be &f[G] &f&f(name)&7: (message) and if i match the text with colors to the format, it would be like this
{color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{sender}{suffix}{color}: {msg} &f[G] &f&f(name)&7: (message) the suffix is in black because of the fact that it is almost never used, and only about 2 people on the server have it.
actually for some unknown reason, what i wrote got changed a bit, but thats out of the thing, the regex §7\[G\]\s§f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+) stil does not work like it should, it keeps showing NUL. here ill paste the full script
Log(&4%@&name% Said This -> %@&message%)
And the chat system isn't that confusing, One line of text as its seen on the server would be &f[G] &f&f(name)&7: (message) and if i match the text with colors to the format, it would be like this
{color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{sender}{suffix}{color}: {msg} &f[G] &f&f(name)&7: (message) the suffix is in black because of the fact that it is almost never used, and only about 2 people on the server have it.
Okay, well, suddenly the color code is different, you have an f before the [G]
in that case, you'd have to change...
to §f\[G\]\s§f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+)
i know the original like you gave me is §7[G] §f§fedman111§7: Hello,
so what gives..., is the colour there optional?
actually that was a typo, sorry..., but actually, i was able to make it work last night, apparently this regex works to match the username, never guessed it was this simple to solve
this only works for default users at the moment, but its good for now.
actually that was a typo, sorry..., but actually, i was able to make it work last night, apparently this regex works to match the username, never guessed it was this simple to solve
this only works for default users at the moment, but its good for now.
strange..., i can't imagine how [.\]]\s could possibly work, since it's a character group (matches only one character) followed by a space, and all lines start with a 2 letter colour code and [G] before the first space appears...
Oh well, what matters is it works i suppose, congrats
My onChat event seems to not be working, to test it I had it run a test.txt that only had the command "log(done)". In the event bar I put $$<test.txt>. Yes the .txt is in the folder will all other of my scripts. Then I tried $${$$<test.txt>}$$ in the event bar, still nothing...
Any help?
I had a friend take my exact .txt file and try the same thing, it worked for him...
It's only a example..
But i'm thinked about two IFMATCHES now and come here to say, but you already answered
Basically my plan is to play with the PLAYSOUND feature. For example, when I open the inventory gui, it will simultaneously play the chest opening sound. The problem is I don't know the names of the sounds!
EDIT: I found the sound names, I just need help with a script, so when I open my inventory it PLAYSOUND(random.chestopen). and when I close my inventory it Play random.chestclose.
Any help would be amazing
I'm not quite sure if someone has already helped you with this but, I personally use these:
Keybind for guests:
1.) Hello $$u, welcome to our server.|/lookup $$u <--- /lookup is used for mcbans
2.) For build rights type /rules and tell me once you have. <---- this is just how we promote guests.
3.) /pex promote $$u|Ok, congrats, you're now promoted. <---- You can also use this for general promotions, not just guests.
Im sure you could make these better however, It's already simple enough. All you need to do is click the right button, and then click a name that appears in a list of online users.
There's not currently any way to detect what gui is opened. I'll add an event for this in the next version.
MouseButton3: /home|$${PLAYSOUND(portal.travel)}$$
MouseButton4: /back|$${PLAYSOUND(random.pop)}$$
Sounds really nice lol
But I'm having more trouble. I had an idea to make a button that tells me what time it is while I'm mining.
This is what I have
IF(TICKS > 0 AND < 1000);LOG(6:00 AM);ENDIF;
IF(TICKS > 1000 AND < 2000);LOG(7:00 AM);ENDIF;
The problem is, no matter what the current tick is. 14,000 lets say, It still logs "6:00 AM" and "7:00 AM."
Did I miss something or is this just a bug? Please help.
Instead of AND you should use &&
Macro/Keybind mod Wiki
Yeah I realized shortly after, The actual code is:
IF(TICKS < 1000);LOG(6:00 AM);ENDIF;
IF((TICKS < 2000) && (TICKS > 1000);LOG(7:00 AM);ENDIF;
§7[G] §f§fedman111§7: Hello
The red part is the username, and the Orange is the message, when I tried it would get rid of the [G] but not the §f§f before and §7 after. What would i do to remove those from it? This is what i used to get it:
and the echo is: §f§fedman111§7 Said This -> Hello
Im trying to get it to say: edman111 Said this -> Hello
Well, Mouse 3 and mouse 4 are the 2 side buttons on a mouse, if you have those. Middlemouse is usually the scrollbar. But It's not gonna work :S.
Instead of trying to press the actual key, which might ignore what it's bound to, use it on the action instead
KeyDown(Sneak) and KeyUp(Sneak)
I'm not sure how much of that is optional, or of it can be different colors, but for that line, what would work is
simply put anything that's constant as a literal, and the name and message as groups with wildcards
like this
§7[G] §f§f(.+?)§7: (.+)
then, ofcourse, escape things that the regex engine doesn't read as a literal normally
§7\[G\] §f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+)
(the two \'s are to escape the square brackets, which make a character group; the \s is a space)
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
User variables have to be lowercase, so IF(TOGGLE) must be IF(toggle). However, you should note that there aren't "key codes" for the mouse buttons because they are not keys, the middle click would be button 2 anyway, 3 and 4 are the side buttons. The KEYUP, KEYDOWN and TOGGLEKEY commands actually manipulate keybinds and you can find the list of functions that work with each command in the readme.
If this happens then it's likely you have old mods in your "mods" folder which modloader is trying to load. Delete or rename your "mods" folder and create a new one, then put the .zip file in the folder. If your "mods" folder is already empty, you can post the error log by putting [spoiler] in front of the log and [/spoiler] after it.
Yes in the config file.
I tried using that regex but it instead showed
NUL Said this -&--#62; NUL
None of that is optional, the text format is:
{color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{sender}{suffix}{color}: {msg}
there is an &f before the prefix and the prefix is also &f thats what the double §f§f are before the name, the suffix is optional, and the color is the same color as the one in the very front, so it was §7, so technically the only optional thing is the suffix, and no one has that anyways.
Oh, i missed another space..., just after the [G]
instead of
§7\[G\] §f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+)
Also, {color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{sender}{suffix}{color}: {msg} makes the whole thing even more confusing for me =/
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
actually for some unknown reason, what i wrote got changed a bit, but thats out of the thing, the regex §7\[G\]\s§f§f(.+?)§7:\s(.+)
stil does not work like it should, it keeps showing NUL.
here ill paste the full script
And the chat system isn't that confusing, One line of text as its seen on the server would be &f[G] &f&f(name)&7: (message)
and if i match the text with colors to the format, it would be like this
{color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{sender}{suffix}{color}: {msg}
&f[G] &f&f(name)&7: (message)
the suffix is in black because of the fact that it is almost never used, and only about 2 people on the server have it.
Okay, well, suddenly the color code is different, you have an f before the [G]
in that case, you'd have to change...
i know the original like you gave me is
§7[G] §f§fedman111§7: Hello,
so what gives..., is the colour there optional?
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
this only works for default users at the moment, but its good for now.
strange..., i can't imagine how [.\]]\s could possibly work, since it's a character group (matches only one character) followed by a space, and all lines start with a 2 letter colour code and [G] before the first space appears...
Oh well, what matters is it works i suppose, congrats
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Any help?
I had a friend take my exact .txt file and try the same thing, it worked for him...