Ah, my bad, it hadn't really occurred to me that server mods would alter the player list being sent to the client, d'oh! That's easy to fix though, for starters I can add validation to match valid player names in the list which should filter 99.9% of the names correctly, and also as you suggest add some kind of filter settings as well.
I've found and fixed this one now, part of the override code had some OpenGL instructions in it which weren't needed and the bug you're seeing is caused by the game entering the menu with the lighting flag enabled. I'm thinking of releasing an updated 0.5 which fixes both of these issues.
I've also made a short video which covers some of the scripting functionality, as I mention in the video I'm open to suggestions for what to add to the scripting language itself now that the framework is in place.
- notnat
I wasn't aware that SPC worked in multiplayer, or that it allowed you to bind and rebind keys without knowing the LWJGL key codes, or that you could have multiple keybind configurations switchable using a single key or a simple on-screen interface, or that it had an in-game text editor and supported on-the-fly inclusion of selected text files.
Single Player Commands is - frankly - awesome, I'm not attempting to duplicate any of that functionality. This started as a multiplayer keybind solution but has evolved somewhat; in fact I am aware of people who actually use this with Single Player Commands because they prefer the interface.
Since I've had nearly 5,000 downloads so far I assume somebody must be using this :smile.gif:
That's very possible, and certainly makes a lot of sense for servers which don't have home support but do have teleport-to-coordinates support. I think that for flexibility you'd need two variations, one which inserted the coordinates in a fixed format (eg. X Y Z separated by spaces) and one which allowed you to specify a format in the macro.
How does this sound:
$$p - A place: prompt for a place name and the relevant coordinates, "auto" option uses current coordinates. Inserts the coordinates in the macro in preset format (separated by spaces for example).
eg. /tp $$p
$$px $$py $$pz $$pn - Insert constituent parts of a stored place into the macro (x, y, z and name)
eg. /tp $$px,$$py,$$pz|I just teleported to $$pn
Does that sound sensible? Or is having the second option a bit overkill? I can see uses for it such as teleporting into the sky above the place using /tp $$px $$py 128 for example. Let me know what you think.
Fair enough, I'd rather provide flexibility where possible, putting the separator or default format in the config makes sense to me, obviously default being space as you say. I'll add the function and you can let me know how you get on with it, I've batched up a couple of bug fixes and new scripting commands already so if I can I'll release an update in the near future. :smile.gif:
Yes, no problem. For worlds do you mean like single player worlds or SMP worlds with the likes of Multiverse? Is there a command to list those things which could be used to provide similar auto-populate functionality as with homes and towns?
The colour lookup key is currently fixed to be the <Macro Override> key, is this causing conflicts for you? I can certainly provide an option to change it if it's causing you headaches :smile.gif:
I wasn't aware that this worked in multiplayer.
- notnat
Please don't leave us ever. <3
Indeed it does, in fact that's the primary reason it came into being. I added support for single player too because it was requested, I don't use it in SP myself since I don't play SP, but I know that people use it in conjunction with Single Player Commands. The new scripting feature allows you to do some other things that are possible with standalone mods such as toggle-able sneak, auto-walk, and (in 0.6 which I am working on) stuff like binding a key to sprint. If you have ideas feel free to post them.
I make a point of not releasing anything I'm not prepared to support :smile.gif: I'm still supporting mods I wrote for other games more than 8 years ago. Glad you like it.
I do have two suggestions:
1: I think you need to give it a better name, so we can track it better, and recommend it to other people by name! like Keybind PRO or MacroMine, Bind'n MIne or something.
2: I find that when you use the GUI to set keybindings, after success it drops you back into the game and you have to start the process over. I would like to be able to program multiple keys at once!
Obby donor at minecraftonline.com
Hey, glad that it helped you out! I have to say I hadn't given much thought to the name other than that sometimes you end up having to read a lot more about a mod before you realise what it does - this really does what it says on the tin but something a bit more spaffy might be nice :smile.gif: The name I really liked was BindCraft but a quick Google shows there seems to be a dead mod with the same name (and no promo either) so I'm hesitant to pounce on that in case the original developer decides to revive their mod and thus create confusion.
I completely agree about the binding multiple keys thing, it was kind of bugging me the other day actually. I think I'll add a "Back" button to the macro edit screen which takes you back to the bind screen, and also an option to have that be the default behaviour as well.
I've delayed 0.6 a little to add a new macro playback mode, in the new mode you can specify 3 macro commands corresponding to key down, key held (with variable repeat-rate), and key up events. Naturally these type of macros can't contain parameters (but can include files) but this opens up a lot of options when combined with scripting functions (such as hold-key-to-sprint, or hold-key-to-fly).
Anyhow thanks for the suggestions, any comments are always welcome :smile.gif:
You can actually do this already (kind of), although the feature is greatly improved in the next version which supports loops. However you can currently make very long scripts which will almost achieve the same thing, albeit with a requirement to retrigger it every now and again.
For example, bind a key to
then in autolist.txt put
You can put parameters in the scripts as well so you can do your auto-tp thing using
for example.
Hope this helps, as I mentioned I have made some improvements to scripting in the new version so when I release that it will be simpler to do this kind of thing :smile.gif:
Looping wasn't really possible until I added a mechanism to stop a macro that's running, which I now have :smile.gif:
I'm glad you like it! The friends list is used to replace a parameter in your macro so if you want to say, private message someone with whisper then you could have a macro like /whisper $$f $$! and then when you press the key you get the friends list. You have to populate it yourself though :smile.gif:
Actually it's not a control per se, more a combination of circumstances which are checked before sprint is enabled. If you wanted to just change it in the core code (eg. you don't care about compatibility) then you could replace the checks with a simple check for keypress and that will do it, taking into account available food reserves etc. I think there are mods which already do this stand-alone so you may be reinventing the wheel somewhat.
I've taken a different approach with my own implementaion using only the Java reflection API to modge with the internal flags which control sprinting. This isn't especially straightforward but it's the approach I've taken as I'm insistent that this mod not modify any existing classes.
This is something which occurred to me before and I plan to implement conditionals in the scripting engine at some point in the future which will allow this to be implemented. A simple work-around / alternative solution at the moment is to make 2 configurations with almost all keys global except for a single "toggle" key which is defined to set the mode and then swictch the config, thusly:
with a corresponding one for creative. I actually use this myself. Conditionals ("if" statements) will be added in the future but in the name of stability I'm implementing features in a measured and systematic fashion.
Thanks :smile.gif:
But i cant get it to work D: This might be just stupid me but when i press shift + apostrophe nothing happens, and when i tried to change it in the options file i couldn't find what i was looking for (I'm not even sure what it is that i'm looking for) can you offer me some advice?Nevermind all that random nonsensery. I figured it out 5 seconds after posting. Anyways as i said, awesome mod :biggrin.gif: