A configuration file is created when you run it the first time.
You can use this file to change the block IDs, item IDs, disable click sounds,
or use an alternate recipe for crafting red alloy.
A configuration file is created when you run it the first time.
You can use this file to change the block IDs, item IDs, disable click sounds,
or use an alternate recipe for crafting red alloy.
Texture packs: Faithful32 for Integrated Redstone and RedPower V1.5.1, by Vattic [1.7.3] The Attendee's HD Textures 128x and 256x for RedPower Wiring V1.5.1
Here are some banners for my mod, courtesy of DXTN!
All my mods are copyrighted material. They may only be downloaded from the
links I provide. You may download them to use and play, if you want to do
anything else with it, you have to ask me first. Full terms and conditions are
available on the download page on the blog.
Mod Compilation Policy
Due to the alarming number of new modpacks wanting to include RedPower lately,
and my inability to possibly evaluate and answer everyone asking, I've decided
to cut way back on allowing it.
Here's the deal:
- Established modpacks or private server packs only. If your post
count is below 100, and your modpack is less than a month old, I'll just say
no. A "private server pack" refers to a modpack intended to be used by a
closed membership Minecraft server and distributed only to those members.
- You must have my permission. Post on this thread.
- Proper credit and attribution. "RedPower by Eloraam", with a link to this thread, is a suitable example.
- Non-commercial, non-profit mod packs only. If you're going to bundle my mod, you can't use adf.ly or similar for the compilation pack. I'm OK with giving my work away, but not having someone else profit from it.
By popular request, a PayPal donate button:
Will this be a closed source mod? I would really like to see what you did and learn from it for my buildcraft mods.
I was originally planning to just merge it back into buildcraft. After making it a standalone, I have to say that I'm really not sure, but I think it's likely that I'll make it open source. I like open source. I did just start modding yesterday though, so I'm still doing things like figuring out how to bundle mods, how to upload, getting accounts set up, etc.
And I'm curious to see your ideas. I have a few more pipe mods in mind myself. Perhaps we could even collab on a bundle at some point.
Awesome! I'm glad somebody did this!
I actually requested a feature for a detector, or a series of detector pipes that went unnoticed on the buildcraft forum, perhaps it can give you some ideas for your mod? At any cost, great plug-in, I'll have to check it out. Though I am curious to see it in action, do you have a video or a screenshot available?
Hey there SpaceToad,
Again, loving this mod, especially the new editions in the latest version. A little while ago I finished making an automated flint factory [With help from Better than Wolves] and came up with an Idea for the pipe component of this mod. I'm not certain if this was already brought up but I'll give my proposal anyway. Who knows, maybe my idea has something fresh to add?
Detector Pipe
A simple modification of the wooden pipe, the detector pipe adds a pressure plate within the pipe that will send out a redstone current when an item passes through the pipe. Need to know remotely if your pipe system is functioning? Set one of these bad-lads up in the pipeline and create a signal back at your workstation to indicate that it is in fact doing it's job!
Where = Wooden Pressure Plate
Reverse Detector Pipe
So, with the detector pipe we can now see if items are flowing through the pipelines, but what if we want to know if there is nothing flowing? How many times has the fuel input for your automated furnace gotten backed up and spilled onto the floor wasting valuable resources? The Reverse Detector Pipe could solve this issue! When the pipeline is empty a constant stream of restone current is released! With this you can halt the flow of a line that is dependent on another for performing an automated function, or perhaps you have an indicator panel to show when a supply of bonemeal is dry for from your skeleton smasher?
Where = Wooden Pressure Plate and = Redstone Torch
Selective Detector Pipe
Sometimes being picky is a good thing, and it's more often than not that a minecrafter will OCD about the details! Having trouble with dependent lines now giving equal amounts of resources to your crafting bench? Tired of stray porkchops being sent to your wool line due to the complexity of your system? Is the Iron Pipe old news, have spare diamond sitting around to make things with? Then why not splurge on the Selective Detector Plate? It acts like the diamond filter pipe, where you can load in one or more options into it's filters, the catch is, when that item passes through the pipe it will sent out a redstone current!
Where = Wooden Pressure Plate
Closing Sales Pitch:
Detector pipes can be quite applicable in organizing complex, or even simple pipe systems. The diamond filter and iron valve pipes are useful, but even adding some of these features to them can reduce the size of these structures. Obviously, keeping all these functions within range to actually work is part of the challenge! With the detectors you can reduce complex redstone functions that may take up a lot of space, and add a few new fun features. :3
Some Sentimental Words of thanks for your mod:
In all seriousness through, the pipes are what sell me on your mod, and I'm glad that it's split up now, the only reason I download the factory portion is for the crafting table. The things that can be built with the pipes alone is outstanding! And couple that with some of the other mods that add building functions [Minefactory, Better Than Wolves to name a few!] and you can make some remarkable structures!
Today with Buildcraft and BTW I made an automated cake farm and a flint processor! Keep up the great work! I still need to test out the obsidian pipes... but I'm sure they won't upset! [Also, it can replace the allocator in most instances, which makes for one less mod on my poor minecraft jar.]
Awesome! I'm glad somebody did this!
I actually requested a feature for a detector, or a series of detector pipes that went unnoticed on the buildcraft forum, perhaps it can give you some ideas for your mod? At any cost, great plug-in, I'll have to check it out. Though I am curious to see it in action, do you have a video or a screenshot available?
No video or screenshot yet. There's a second mod I'm working on that I'd like to finish before I record a video, since it makes this mod do some very cool things. I'm also hoping that SpaceToad makes wooden pipes positive-edge clocked - he said yesterday that he liked the idea, so there's hope. With that, and my new mystery mod, some very cool machines can be made.
I would love to collaborate on a package. Once i get my code building again (using MCP's new pre-made eclipse view broke my build) I will be setting up a sourceforge site for it.
This mod excites me, I now know that custom pipes are possible (i had a pipe in mind that I was gonna try to create). Can't wait to see things built with this pipe!
It was on Spacetoad's to-do list, but looks like someone else got there first. Looks good, this is going on the wiki. Would like SMP though, if you can manage.
I'm not set up for SMP yet, but it's something I'd like to add. I'm currently working on another mod while I wait for a few Buildcraft fixes.
Actually this type of pipe open a whole new interesting thing for Buildcraft, cause you can make counters circuits and some type of logic machine for a complete robot craft big machine!!!
Exist a wikipage just for Builcraft? I guess the Builcraft mod can achieve for a wikipage.
Unfortunately I'm having a bit of trouble with that. The only way that seems reliable is to install Buildcraft and this mod both into minecraft.jar, rather than putting either in your mods directory.
Unfortunately I'm having a bit of trouble with that. The only way that seems reliable is to install Buildcraft and this mod both into minecraft.jar, rather than putting either in your mods directory.
I'm working on it.
Ah okay =) started to wonder if i failed when i got errors :biggrin.gif:
Whew, what a day. Almost have my second mod ready, then I'll look at fixing up the redstone pipe and getting some videos and such. Tomorrow, I hope :smile.gif:
Whew, what a day. Almost have my second mod ready, then I'll look at fixing up the redstone pipe and getting some videos and such. Tomorrow, I hope :smile.gif:
Okay, so it generates power whenever something passes by, right? Is it only other pipes connecting it (golden) or also all redstone that may lay beside/under/above it?
Anyway its a really nice addon since it would save space (but not recourses, making it fair) to power the golden pipes in the system :smile.gif:
It powers its own block (with all that results in) when there are objects inside it. This means that you can run redstone wires right up to it, and they'll get powered. Using it to power golden pipes behaves a little odd, I can't say I recommend it - just use a redstone torch placed right next to the golden pipe.
Trying to use the redstone timers mod, however there is no way to change block ids so it doesn't conflict with other mods?
Edit: The error I'm getting is that is conflicting with block 115, which I use for wireless redstone, which does allow for changing block ids, however Id have to replace a LOT of wireless redstone blocks if I were to change it instead of yours, since I'm adding your mod 2nd.
Trying to use the redstone timers mod, however there is no way to change block ids so it doesn't conflict with other mods?
Edit: The error I'm getting is that is conflicting with block 115, which I use for wireless redstone, which does allow for changing block ids, however Id have to replace a LOT of wireless redstone blocks if I were to change it instead of yours, since I'm adding your mod 2nd.
No problem at all - check your minecraft config directory. I use the standard modloader config file code, so you can easily change the IDs of my mod :smile.gif:
RedPower 2 Prerelease 6
Official Blog
RedPower 2 Introduction:
RedPower Logic + Wiring in action:
Open this spoiler to see more of the mods in action:
Circuit by invis45:
Circuit by eastborn:
Circuit by ChilliConCarnage:
Single Player or Network Client Installation:
These go in minecraft.jar:
- Install Risugami's ModLoader
- Install
MinecraftForge Client Version.
Now download the parts you want and put the zip files in your mods directory
(NOT in the jar)
[1.4.6] RedPower Core V2.0pr6
[1.4.6] RedPower Digital V2.0pr6
[1.4.6] RedPower Mechanical V2.0pr6
[1.4.6] RedPower Compat V2.0pr6
A configuration file is created when you run it the first time.
You can use this file to change the block IDs, item IDs, disable click sounds,
or use an alternate recipe for crafting red alloy.
Server Installation:
These go in minecraft.jar:
- Install MinecraftForge Server.
Now download the parts you want and put the zip files in your mods directory
(NOT in the jar)
[1.4.6] RedPower Core V2.0pr6
[1.4.6] RedPower Digital V2.0pr6
[1.4.6] RedPower Mechanical V2.0pr6
[1.4.6] RedPower Compat V2.0pr6
A configuration file is created when you run it the first time.
You can use this file to change the block IDs, item IDs, disable click sounds,
or use an alternate recipe for crafting red alloy.
Recipes are available at the unofficial recipe
Also consult the Official Wiki.
At a glance:
RedPower Core (with Microblocks!):
RedPower Wiring+Logic:
RedPower Lighting:
RedPower World:
RedPower Machine:
RedPower Control:
Texture packs:
Faithful32 for Integrated Redstone and RedPower V1.5.1, by Vattic [1.7.3]
The Attendee's HD Textures 128x and 256x for RedPower Wiring V1.5.1
Here are some banners for my mod, courtesy of DXTN!
All my mods are copyrighted material. They may only be downloaded from the
links I provide. You may download them to use and play, if you want to do
anything else with it, you have to ask me first. Full terms and conditions are
available on the download page on the blog.
Mod Compilation Policy
Due to the alarming number of new modpacks wanting to include RedPower lately,
and my inability to possibly evaluate and answer everyone asking, I've decided
to cut way back on allowing it.
Here's the deal:
- Established modpacks or private server packs only. If your post
count is below 100, and your modpack is less than a month old, I'll just say
no. A "private server pack" refers to a modpack intended to be used by a
closed membership Minecraft server and distributed only to those members.
- You must have my permission. Post on this thread.
- Proper credit and attribution. "RedPower by Eloraam", with a link to this thread, is a suitable example.
- Non-commercial, non-profit mod packs only. If you're going to bundle my mod, you can't use adf.ly or similar for the compilation pack. I'm OK with giving my work away, but not having someone else profit from it.
By popular request, a PayPal donate button:
It looks just like the other pipes, but red. I'll work on some screens or maybe a video.
I was originally planning to just merge it back into buildcraft. After making it a standalone, I have to say that I'm really not sure, but I think it's likely that I'll make it open source. I like open source. I did just start modding yesterday though, so I'm still doing things like figuring out how to bundle mods, how to upload, getting accounts set up, etc.
And I'm curious to see your ideas. I have a few more pipe mods in mind myself. Perhaps we could even collab on a bundle at some point.
I actually requested a feature for a detector, or a series of detector pipes that went unnoticed on the buildcraft forum, perhaps it can give you some ideas for your mod? At any cost, great plug-in, I'll have to check it out. Though I am curious to see it in action, do you have a video or a screenshot available?
In case you where curious, here is my post.
I'll edit when I test your mod.
No video or screenshot yet. There's a second mod I'm working on that I'd like to finish before I record a video, since it makes this mod do some very cool things. I'm also hoping that SpaceToad makes wooden pipes positive-edge clocked - he said yesterday that he liked the idea, so there's hope. With that, and my new mystery mod, some very cool machines can be made.
I'm not set up for SMP yet, but it's something I'd like to add. I'm currently working on another mod while I wait for a few Buildcraft fixes.
Exist a wikipage just for Builcraft? I guess the Builcraft mod can achieve for a wikipage.
Unfortunately I'm having a bit of trouble with that. The only way that seems reliable is to install Buildcraft and this mod both into minecraft.jar, rather than putting either in your mods directory.
I'm working on it.
Ah okay =) started to wonder if i failed when i got errors :biggrin.gif:
what is the second mod? o.O
great mod btw
It powers its own block (with all that results in) when there are objects inside it. This means that you can run redstone wires right up to it, and they'll get powered. Using it to power golden pipes behaves a little odd, I can't say I recommend it - just use a redstone torch placed right next to the golden pipe.
Edit: The error I'm getting is that is conflicting with block 115, which I use for wireless redstone, which does allow for changing block ids, however Id have to replace a LOT of wireless redstone blocks if I were to change it instead of yours, since I'm adding your mod 2nd.
No problem at all - check your minecraft config directory. I use the standard modloader config file code, so you can easily change the IDs of my mod :smile.gif: