Minecraft Version - 1.6.2
Smart Moving Version - 14.1
Smart Moving Installation Package - Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or MCPC+
Other Mods - Minecraft Forge, Universal 1.6.2
[1.6.2]Rei Minimap v3.4
TooManyItems 2013 07 05 - 1.6.2
MC 1.6.2 - Player API forge 1.1
MC 1.6.2 - Render Player API forge 1.1
(In that order)
I use Magic Launcher
So my problem is that Smart Moving isn't being picked up at all (I tested this multiple times by taking Player and Render Player API out of the load, and the game wouldn't crash as I would expect it to when a mod such as this is missing dependencies)also, there is no "smart_moving_options.txt" in my .minecraft folder.
This is an external mod rather then a core mod correct? Based on the readme, it is an external mod and goes in "%appdata%\Roaming\.minecraft\mods"
Minecraft Version - 1.6.2
Smart Moving Version - 14.1
Smart Moving Installation Package - Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or MCPC+
Other Mods - Minecraft Forge, Universal 1.6.2
[1.6.2]Rei Minimap v3.4
TooManyItems 2013 07 05 - 1.6.2
MC 1.6.2 - Player API forge 1.1
MC 1.6.2 - Render Player API forge 1.1
(In that order)
I use Magic Launcher
So my problem is that Smart Moving isn't being picked up at all (I tested this multiple times by taking Player and Render Player API out of the load, and the game wouldn't crash as I would expect it to when a mod such as this is missing dependencies)also, there is no "smart_moving_options.txt" in my .minecraft folder.
This is an external mod rather then a core mod correct? Based on the readme, it is an external mod and goes in "%appdata%\Roaming\.minecraft\mods"
Are you opening the zip file and only putting the 'smartmoving for modloader' zip file in the 'mods' folder?
So I have noticed that I have no Mods section in game, The last time I played MC (1.5.2) Forge placed a Mods button on the main menu that would show all the loaded mods. Did they remove that or is it still there and I just don't have it?
I'm assuming that I don't have it which would mean that Forge isn't being loaded either which could be my problem.
Right on the button! Forge should show as usual, when installed correctly.
Wow. Thank you so much for the help. That fixed it. I have no Idea why Magic Launcher wasn't using forge, but running the normal launcher (With the Forge profile) worked!
I feel like such a noob but is there a forge for the 1.5.2 version ( i couldnt find any in the info and i use magic launcher so none of the videos really help me)
Hello, sorry for this Noob question, what do i´ve to do in order to use Single Player Comands, and this Mod?
I always get a crash, i even followed some video tutorials on YouTube, but is still Crashing.
At the moment Nothing for 1.6.2. Smart moving requires player API which at the moment is not compatible with SPC. You could go back to MC1.5.2 and use it with divisor's 'SPC patch for player API'.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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DAMN.......I hate the change in the camera because your player only runs in one direction is so stupid the player does not turn direction or face the direction he's going when you turn the mouse so stupid is there a way to disable it I want my normal f5 plz help
So I thought of a useful idea, I dont know how easy this would be but perhaps divisor could implement a system that lets you press the grab key just before landing after a long to preform a roll that reduces the fall damage. possible?
DAMN.......I hate the change in the camera because your player only runs in one direction is so stupid the player does not turn direction or face the direction he's going when you turn the mouse so stupid is there a way to disable it I want my normal f5 plz help
F5 works normally for me.
And everytime I restart minecraft I have to rebind my sprint and grab keys (numpad0 and f respectively) I don't like grab on ctrl because that's what optifine zoom is on and its difficult for me to press both ctrl and shift at the same time. The keys reset to ctrl and shift everytime the game closes. How do I make it stop resetting?
DAMN.......I hate the change in the camera because your player only runs in one direction is so stupid the player does not turn direction or face the direction he's going when you turn the mouse so stupid is there a way to disable it I want my normal f5 plz help
And everytime I restart minecraft I have to rebind my sprint and grab keys (numpad0 and f respectively) I don't like grab on ctrl because that's what optifine zoom is on and its difficult for me to press both ctrl and shift at the same time. The keys reset to ctrl and shift everytime the game closes. How do I make it stop resetting?
Try changing it in the config file maybe?The file is in .minecraft instead of .minecraft/config( but why?).
Any possibility to fix the incompatibility with other mod which change the player model or place something with 3D model on the player? For example more player models and backpacks, they always act as the player is facing north.
This mod is very good, but there's no wallrun, what I recommend to add, because I want to make a Mirror's Edge Map with this mod (but I don't need to do this now)
Smart Moving Version - 14.1
Smart Moving Installation Package - Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or MCPC+
Other Mods - Minecraft Forge, Universal 1.6.2
[1.6.2]Rei Minimap v3.4
TooManyItems 2013 07 05 - 1.6.2
MC 1.6.2 - Player API forge 1.1
MC 1.6.2 - Render Player API forge 1.1
(In that order)
I use Magic Launcher
So my problem is that Smart Moving isn't being picked up at all (I tested this multiple times by taking Player and Render Player API out of the load, and the game wouldn't crash as I would expect it to when a mod such as this is missing dependencies)also, there is no "smart_moving_options.txt" in my .minecraft folder.
This is an external mod rather then a core mod correct? Based on the readme, it is an external mod and goes in "%appdata%\Roaming\.minecraft\mods"
Yeah. I'm not supposed to open that zip up as well am I? That second zip file itself is supposed to be in the mods folder right?
So I have noticed that I have no Mods section in game, The last time I played MC (1.5.2) Forge placed a Mods button on the main menu that would show all the loaded mods. Did they remove that or is it still there and I just don't have it?
I'm assuming that I don't have it which would mean that Forge isn't being loaded either which could be my problem.
Wow. Thank you so much for the help. That fixed it. I have no Idea why Magic Launcher wasn't using forge, but running the normal launcher (With the Forge profile) worked!
I always get a crash, i even followed some video tutorials on YouTube, but is still Crashing.
F5 works normally for me.
And everytime I restart minecraft I have to rebind my sprint and grab keys (numpad0 and f respectively) I don't like grab on ctrl because that's what optifine zoom is on and its difficult for me to press both ctrl and shift at the same time. The keys reset to ctrl and shift everytime the game closes. How do I make it stop resetting?
I guess you have more player models.
Try changing it in the config file maybe?The file is in .minecraft instead of .minecraft/config( but why?).
Click one of the download links provided.
"Yeah I do." "Oh."
Please do not look at my old posts.