#1: I found a bug, how do I report it here, so you can fix it?
Describe the bug, in detail if necessary. When does it occur and under which circumstances?
Always include:
your Minecraft version (especially in the weeks after an minecraft upgrade)
your Smart Moving version (maybe the bug you found has already been fixed in a later release)
your Smart Moving installation package (the zip file inside the released zip file you used to add Smart Moving to your Minecraft installation)
all other mods you had installed parallel to Smart Moving when the bug occures
the mod versions of all these other mods (don't forget to include the APIs like ModLoader, ModLoaderMp, PlayerAPI or MinecraftForge)
the complete startup output from the client's terminal window and (when involved) the server's terminal window. (when you can't see the terminal windows have a look at the next FAQ's answer)
if the bug crashes the game, the complete error message including it's stack trace (when you can't see the error message long enough continue reading this FAQs)
the game mode the bug occured in: (SSP/Survival Single Player, SMP/Survival Multi Player, CSP/Creative Single Player or CMP/Creative Multi Player)
the active configuration while the bug occured: (Disabled, Easy, Medium or Hard)
if you modified the options file, all your modifications or the complete options file you are using
if the game mode is SMP start from the beginning of this list with the Minecraft server you used when the bug occured. If you don't have a specific information about that server, mention it in your post.
#2: My game crashes but I cannot see the error message long enough to copy it!
Minecraft 1.6.1 and later:
In the Minecraft-launcher
Select your profile
Click the "Edit Profile" button
Ensure the option "Launcher Visibility" is checked
Ensure the option "Launcher Visibility" is set to "Keep the laucher open"
Click the "Save Profile" button
Click the tab "Development Console"
Start the game
After the error occured simply copy the lines you need from the log displayed in the laucher frame.
Minecraft 1.5.2 or earlier:
In windows start the minecraft client from the command line console using the following statement
#7: The game crashes! I get a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BaseMod" error message!
Smart Moving can not find ModLoader in your Minecraft!
Download the latest version of ModLoader from here and extract it into your minecraft.jar.
#8: The game crashes! I get a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BaseModMp" error message!
Smart Moving can not find ModLoaderMp in your Minecraft!
Download the latest version of ModLoaderMp from here and extract it into your minecraft.jar.
#9: The game crashes! I get a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: PlayerBase" error message!
Smart Moving can not find Player API in your Minecraft!
Download the latest version of PlayerAPI from here and extract it into your minecraft.jar.
#10: After I installed Smart Moving, Single Player Commands stopped working!
Smart Moving is incompatible to Single Player Commands because it is using PlayerAPI.
Both mods overwrite the same essential class file and disable each other when one is installed over the other.
Download the matching version of the Single Player Commands for Player API patch from here and install it according to the instructions in its readme file.
You will also need one of the installation packages "SmartMoving for ModLoader" or "SmartMoving Client for ModLoaderMp" on your Minecraft installation to fix this incompatibility.
#11: After I installed Smart Moving, I could only move at very high speeds!
You probably installed both ModLoader installation packages.
The installation packages SmartMoving for ModLoader and SmartMoving Client for ModLoaderMP should not be installed in the same minecraft.jar.
Try to reinstall one of these package into a clean minecraft.jar or remove either mod_SmartMoving.class or mod_SmartMovingMp.class from your minecraft.jar
#12: The game crashes! I get the error message: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The class 'net.minecraft.move.playerapi.SmartMovingPlayerBase' can not be registered with the id 'Smart Moving' because the class 'net.minecraft.move.playerapi.SmartMovingPlayerBase' has allready been registered with the same id"!
You installed more than one Smart Moving installation package!
Either remove the file mod_SmartMoving.class or the file mod_SmartMovingMp.class from your minecraft.jar. (depending on whether you prefer the Smart Moving for ModLoaderMp or Smart Moving for ModLoader installation package)
Or restart your installation procedure from a clean minecraft.jar installing only one Smart Moving installation package this time.
#13: There so many buttons in the control settings menu that the Done button covers other buttons!
That is a well known problem.
To fix it you need to install a mod that improves the control settings menu so it can handle additionaly buttons.
#14: I have basic problem and so many mods that I don't know whether the problem is caused by Smart Moving or not!
Check whether the problem persists when removing Smart Moving and when running Smart Moving for itself!
To completely disable Smart Moving with minimal effort remove the file mod_SmartMoving.class or mod_SmartMovingMp.class from your minecraft.jar or minecraft_server.jar - and check whether the problem persists.
If the problem persists without Smart Moving, then Smart Moving is not the source of your problem
Otherwise continue reading.
To test Smart Moving for itself, backup all of your stuff and start reinstalling the same Smart Moving installation package as before (and all of its dependencies) into a new clean jar file - and check whether the problem persists.
If the problem persists with Smart Moving for itself, Smart Moving is definitely the source of your problem.
Otherwise the combination of Smart Moving and one (or more) of your other mods is causing your problem. Try to find the minimal set of mods to reproduce your problem and provide that information when posting your bug report here.
#15: I want to install Smart Moving at my server. Will everyone need to install client side Smart Moving to join my server after the server installation?
No, depending on which server you run, all clients will eventually need to have ModLoader and ModLoaderMp or Minecraft Forge installed!
In that case all non Smart Moving clients will not send any Smart Moving packets to the server and will ignore all recieved Smart Moving packets from the server.
However, in case you run a ModLoaderMp server all clients need ModLoaderMp installed and in case you run a Minecraft Forge server all clients need Minecraft Forge installed to work at all.
Only case you run a standard Bukkit server you clients do not need any other mods installed.
#16: I want to install Smart Moving but I am new to Minecraft modding, so I have not idea where to start!
This site should be a good starting point for you!
Also don't forget to read this post's Installation chapter and study some of the tutorials linked there.
#17: What can I do to restrict the usage of the Smart Moving mod on my server?
When you are running a bukkit server the most simple solution to your problem is to use the pukkit plugin SBC and configure it to your needs.
Otherwise or if you want a finer control of the mod features, you have to install the correct Smart Moving server installation package on your server and use the server's Smart Moving configuration file to overwrite the client's local configurations. Optimally you start by changing the value of the option move.server.config to true to enable the overwrite feature at all.
#18: The game crashes! I get a "java.lang.NullPointerException" error message at "ModLoader.onTick(ModLoader.java:1213)"!
You have a buggy installation of ModLoader installed on your system!
Either download my fix or the (hopefully itself fixed) latest version of ModLoader from here and extract it into your minecraft.jar.
#19: I can't find the installation package for Minecraft Forge client!
The installation package "Smart Moving Client for ModLoader" is the one you are looking for!
You can run mods originally written for ModLoader using Minecraft Forge - at least the mods that can handle the slight differences between ModLoader and FML correctly.
#20: I installed Minecraft Capes and now this mod crashes Minecraft!
Your installation package of Minecraft Capes is incompatible with Player API you installed because it was required by this mod!
Reinstall Player API and use another installation package of Minecraft Capes instead. The "MCPatcher method" mentioned at the Minecraft Capes thread might be a good choice.
#21: I installed this mod and now Minecraft Capes stopped working!
Your installation package of Minecraft Capes is incompatible with Player API you installed because it was required by this mod!
Use another installation package of Minecraft Capes. The "MCPatcher method" mentioned at the Minecraft Capes thread might be a good choice.
#22: What is the mod pack policy for Smart Moving?
Smart Moving and Smart Render are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later. (see FAQ#23)
This means mod pack creators are not required to ask for my permission to add these APIs to their mod packs.
I case you want to ask for my permission anyway, I recommend sending me a private message via this forum. I will most likely reply by formally granting you permission.
However, this rule only applies to actual mod packs. It is not allowed to include any of these APIs in an actual mod
#23: What licence is Smart Moving licensed under?
Smart Moving and Smart Render are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later.
You will receive a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the Smart Moving download.
Thanks to BlackDragonIV for this awesome feature demonstration video.
Thanks to xXL33tsauceXx for this awesome show case video.
Feature:Free Climbing
This mod implements an optional mode of free climbing behaviour. When enabled by configuration or by default you can climb everywhere you find at least a block sized horizontal edge.
To climb up you have to move forward toward the edge (default "W") and click and hold the grab button (default "LCONTROL").
To climb down click and hold the grab button without moving forward toward the edge.
To grab an edge while falling down along a wall, rotate towards the edge in the wall and press the grab button. If you are still falling slow enough, free climbing will start. If you are beyond a certain falling speed when grabbing, damage will be done to you.
To change this default grab button visit Minecrafts "Options"/"Controls" menu.
Feature:Ladder Climbing
This mod implements three additional modes of ladder climbing behaviour.
Simple Mode:
Standard climbing on complete ladder coverage
Standard climbing on feet only ladder coverage
Slow climbing on hands only ladder coverage
Smart Mode:
Standard climbing on complete ladder coverage
Slow climbing on feet only ladder coverage
Slow climbing on hands only ladder coverage
Standard climbing when "holes" in the walls next to the ladder are present (solid block/nonsolid block or half steps)
Free Mode:
Ladder climbing is functionally embedded in the feature free climbing.
Specific speeds are configurable on top of the free climbing configuration with Smart Mode-inspired default values.
Feature:Climbing along ceilings
This mod allows climbing along ceilings as long as the ceiling block supports it. Currently only the steel fence block and the closed trap door block support ceiling climbing.
To start climbing along ceilings hold the grab button when below, but not too far below, the climbable ceiling. To stop ceiling climbing simply release the grab button.
If wall climbing is also possible when pressing the grab button, wall climbing will start instead. In this case turn into the direction you want to move to start ceiling climbing.
Feature:Climbing up vines
To start climbing up vines hold the grab button when in front of a vine and hold the jump button to start climbing up.
To stop climbing up just release the jump button. To stop climbing at all release the grab button.
Feature:Configurable sneaking
This mod allows to configure the standard sneaking via the configuration file. The sneaking speed can set and sneaking can be disabled at all.
Additionally sneaking can be made togglable. When toggled on it can be toggled off by pressing the sneak button again. This also works while swimming or diving.
Feature:Alternative Swimming and Diving
This mod implements optional alternative swimming and diving behaviours.
To dive jump into still water that is at least two blocks deep. Then press and hold the forward button to dive. To steer use your mouse.
To swim stop holding the forward button and press and hold the jump button instead until you reach the surface. Then press and hold the forward button again to swim. To steer use your mouse again.
To dive again stop pressing the jump button and direct your mouse toward the depths.
When you are walking in one block deep water you can switch to diving by pressing the sneak and then the grab button. If you press the jump button before the grab button you will switch to swimming instead.
When you are swimming or divind in one block deep water you can switch to walking by pressing the grab button.
Feature:Alternative Flying
This mod implements an optional alternative flying behaviour.
It completely replaces standard flying and allows you to fly up and down via looking. The standard flying jump to raise, sneak to fall behaviour has been reimplemented and works similar to its standard flying counterpart.
Alternative flying can be started and ended just like standard flying by double clicking the jump button.
Feature:Charged jumps
This mod implements optional, configurable charged jumps.
To start charging press and hold the jump button while sneaking on the spot. To jump either release the jump button or stop sneaking. The default maximum charge jump height is two blocks.
When you start moving while charging the charge will be lost.
Feature:Wall Jumping
This mod implements the possibility to wall jump from blocks.
To wall jump from a block press jump while being airborne, release it, and press it again before hitting the block you want to wall jump from horizontally. When you collide with the block - while not falling too fast allready - a wall jump will be triggered.
You can also head wall jump from a block instead by also pressing the grab button before hitting the block you want to wall jump from.
To cascade your wall jumps just keep pressing jump. To break your cascade release jump. Hitting the ground or head wall jumping will also break the cascade.
Feature:Head Jumps
This mod implements the possibility to jump head first instead of head up.
To head jump start sprinting and press the grab and the jump button. When the jump button is released you will jump, head first, with a angle depending on how long you pressed the jump button.
Hitting ground while falling with your head first will damage you more than hitting ground with your feet first.
Feature:Side & Back Jumps
This mod implements the possibility to jump to the side or back while straightend on ground.
To jump left double click the left button, to jump right double click the right button and to jump back double click the back button.
You can also jump back-left and back-right by double clicking both relevant buttons at once.
Feature:Climb Jumps
This mod implements the possibility to jump up and back while free climbing.
To jump up climb up as far as possible and click the jump button.
To jump back stop climbing by releasing the forward button press the sneak button to hold the height release the grab button and click the jump button.
You can also head jump back instead by not releasing the grab button after pressing the sneak button and before clicking the jump button.
This mod implements ground sliding.
To slide on the ground you have to start sprinting first. Then press the sneak button while pressing the grab button.
Additionally you can start sliding from forward jumping or flying. Just hit the ground while pressing the sneak and the grab button.
You will slide as long as the initial horizontal ground hitting speed and the ground spipperiness supports it. If the sneak button is still pressed when the sliding stops you start crawling instead.
To stop sliding before it stops itself simple stop pressing the sneak button.
Feature:Faster Sprinting and Exhaustion
This mod implements a faster, optional, configurable sprinting and exhaustion behaviour. It is merged with the standard minecraft sprinting and hunger behavior.
To sprint you have to move forward and click and hold the sprint button (default "TAB"). Sprinting is currently possible for walking, swimmingdiving, crawling, and climbing.
Sprinting optionally causes exhaustion and will automatically end when a certain configurable threshold is reached.
To change this default sprint button visit Minecrafts "Options"/"Controls" menu.
This mod implements an optional crawling movement to fit through 1x1 passages.
To crawl you have to press the graband the sneak button. When climbing would be possible at you current position and direction you might start climbing instead. To avoid this press the sneak button before the climb button to ensure to start crawling. When crawling you can release the grab button.
You can also free climb while crawling. Just move to the related edge press grab and move forward towards it.
Additionally you can free climb into a crawlable gap. Just press sneak while you climb up and you will end up crawling in the first crawlable gap along your climb path.
Crawling can be made togglable via the configuration file. When toggled on it can be toggled off by pressing the sneak button again to enter sneaking of by pressing the jump button to stand up immediately.
This mod changes the behaviour of its features depending on the content of the configuration file "smart_moving_options.txt" in the ".minecraft" directory of your minecraft installation.
Currently the difficulty levels "Easy", "Medium" and "Hard" are configured. You can switch between those in-game by pressing F9 (the exact button can be changed too)
More information about the configuration of this mod is included in its readme and option files.
Previous option files like "smart_climbing_options.txt" and "smart_ladder_climbing_speed_options.txt" are still accepted but their content is eventually overridden by the content of existing more actual option files.
If no option files are present at all, the default option values (all features, default configuration) will be used.
If an option is not present in the files, the corresponding default value will be used.
The option "move.options.version" will be used for cross version compatibility.
Previous Versions:
Previous Versions (for Minecraft 1.8)
Version 16.2
Added license information and improved core code simplicity and robustness: Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Version 16.1
Merged SmartCore mod into SmartMoving mod, fixed overly fast limb movement of remote players, placing blocks at chests by pressing the sneak button while not standard sneaking and added dependency to PlayerAPI core 1.3 or higher: Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Version 16.0.1
Improved handling of enhanced third party armor models: Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Version 16.0
Upgraded to Minecraft version 1.8, lost ceiling climbing configurability and a lot of compatibilites: Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Previous Versions (for Minecraft 1.7.10)
Version 15.6
Added license information and improved core code simplicity and robustness: Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Version 15.5
Added compatibility to minecraft forge version "": Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Version 15.4
Merged SmartCore mod into SmartMoving mod, fixed support for Carpenter’s Blocks ladders, overly fast limb movement of remote players, placing blocks at chests by pressing the sneak button while not standard sneaking and added dependency to PlayerAPI core 1.3 or higher: Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Version 15.3
Improved handling of enhanced third party armor models: Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Version 15.2
Removed proprietary sprint button and added categories to remaining buttons: Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Version 15.1
Upgraded to Minecraft version 1.7.10: Download fromMediafireorDropbox
Previous Versions (for Minecraft 1.7.2)
Version 15.0.1
Fixed support for Carpenter’s Blocks ladders: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 15.0
Removed ModLoader, Bukkit and Standalone support, splitted up Smart Moving to multiple mods and upgraded to Minecraft version 1.7.2: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Previous Versions (for Minecraft 1.6.4 and earlier)
Version 14.6.1 (for Minecraft 1.6.4)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 14.4.1 (for Minecraft 1.6.2)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 14.0 (for Minecraft 1.5.2)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 13.8 (for Minecraft 1.5.1)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 13.3 (for Minecraft 1.5)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 13.1 (for Minecraft 1.4.7)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.12.1 (for Minecraft 1.4.6)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.10 (for Minecraft 1.4.5)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.6 (for Minecraft 1.4.4)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.5 (for Minecraft 1.4.2)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.3 (for Minecraft 1.3.2)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 9.5 (for Minecraft 1.2.5)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 7.5 (for Minecraft 1.2.4)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 7.2 (for Minecraft 1.2.3)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 6.13 (for Minecraft 1.1)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 6.5 (for Minecraft 1.0)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Hey this mod is awesome but sadly conflicts with some of my mods =\
Do you think you could try and make this modloader compatible? or release a download with just the ledge grabbing\lifting code?
Sorry to add more onto your plate but this also really badly screws up playing in multiplayer, If I join a game while I have this mod then only a 16x16 block of land loads and I can only move for about a minute then I Error out
A new update for minecraft came out so give Divisor a break.
It will be updated when Divisor is ready to update it, all your doing is making this thread get unneeded attention from people patiently waiting for an update.
If your so inpatient and want it fixed now then do it yourself.
A new update for minecraft came out so give Divisor a break.
It will be updated when Divisor is ready to update it, all your doing is making this thread get unneeded attention from people patiently waiting for an update.
If your so inpatient and want it fixed now then do it yourself.
I didn't expect 1.7 come out today... :unsure.gif:
sorry... normally I'm NOT like this and I don't like this behaviour but I like this mod...
Thanks, but I have to reconfigure it every time I exit the game!! im using modloader version.
Dont know if anyone got these, but I have found some bugs:
- When swimming or climbing, player's hair texture (the additional layer of texture for head) is not attached to players head.
- When swimming, i press third person view, then first person view and players hand is in the wrong place.
I have the bugs as you with the re-config after exiting the game, with the swimming and the hair textures disappear and the hand moving bug too.
this looks AWSOME to you even if i havent tryed it yet (1.7.2)
can you make it so you can select tap sprint climb so sprint is tap sprint buttom or hold it and climbing to be only hold ?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"as long thers man it will be war."
"in war, we win or lose, live or die, the difrens is just an eyalash"
gen. duglas McArthur
sometime what i type soundes better when im typing it!!
and also i support:
have you played Brink? cuz in brink thers a system called S.M.A.R.T(like your mod) buttom but that buttom is the same as sprint buttom but if you only tap that buttom the char will only sprint without accedently vaulting/climbing but if you hold that buttom then he will do that.
soory if it is hard to undrestand 1st im bad at englis 2st i have dulexia cant even spell that damn word.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"as long thers man it will be war."
"in war, we win or lose, live or die, the difrens is just an eyalash"
gen. duglas McArthur
sometime what i type soundes better when im typing it!!
and also i support:
The Smart Moving mod provides various additional moving possibilities
Current Version 16.3 (requires Minecraft Forge and Player API)
Upgraded to Minecraft version 1.8.9: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Thanks to Revolver0125 this tutorial and installation video (at 4:00). (up-to-date)
For installation instructions either:
Required Mods
Always include:
#2: My game crashes but I cannot see the error message long enough to copy it!
Minecraft 1.5.2 or earlier:
in your .minecraft directory.
If you need a minecraft server error message instead, start your server from the command line console using the following statement
in your minecraft_server.jar's directory.
If the java command could not be found, make sure your java installations bin folder is included in the PATH environment variable of your system.
#3: I want to set up a server with Smart Moving but nothing works!
If you don't know how to effectively install multiple mods into minecraft have a look at this first.
On your vanilla server:
On your bukkit server:
On all clients:
#4: I can crawl and everything works fine in SMP, but when I try to crawl under something I glitch and I don't go anywhere!
Install Smart Moving on your Minecraft server, request it to be installed or switch to a server that supports Smart Moving.
Also see FAQ#3.
#5: When I climb down a long distance in SMP I get damaged when I arrive at the ground!
Install Smart Moving on your Minecraft server, request it to be installed or switch to a server that supports Smart Moving.
Also see FAQ#3.
#6: I can't see the other players' Smart Moving animations in SMP!
Install Smart Moving on your Minecraft server, request it to be installed or switch to a server that supports Smart Moving.
Also see FAQ#3.
#7: The game crashes! I get a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BaseMod" error message!
Download the latest version of ModLoader from here and extract it into your minecraft.jar.
#8: The game crashes! I get a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BaseModMp" error message!
Download the latest version of ModLoaderMp from here and extract it into your minecraft.jar.
#9: The game crashes! I get a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: PlayerBase" error message!
Download the latest version of PlayerAPI from here and extract it into your minecraft.jar.
#10: After I installed Smart Moving, Single Player Commands stopped working!
Both mods overwrite the same essential class file and disable each other when one is installed over the other.
Download the matching version of the Single Player Commands for Player API patch from here and install it according to the instructions in its readme file.
You will also need one of the installation packages "SmartMoving for ModLoader" or "SmartMoving Client for ModLoaderMp" on your Minecraft installation to fix this incompatibility.
#11: After I installed Smart Moving, I could only move at very high speeds!
The installation packages SmartMoving for ModLoader and SmartMoving Client for ModLoaderMP should not be installed in the same minecraft.jar.
Try to reinstall one of these package into a clean minecraft.jar or remove either mod_SmartMoving.class or mod_SmartMovingMp.class from your minecraft.jar
#12: The game crashes! I get the error message: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The class 'net.minecraft.move.playerapi.SmartMovingPlayerBase' can not be registered with the id 'Smart Moving' because the class 'net.minecraft.move.playerapi.SmartMovingPlayerBase' has allready been registered with the same id"!
Either remove the file mod_SmartMoving.class or the file mod_SmartMovingMp.class from your minecraft.jar. (depending on whether you prefer the Smart Moving for ModLoaderMp or Smart Moving for ModLoader installation package)
Or restart your installation procedure from a clean minecraft.jar installing only one Smart Moving installation package this time.
#13: There so many buttons in the control settings menu that the Done button covers other buttons!
To fix it you need to install a mod that improves the control settings menu so it can handle additionaly buttons.
Three of these mods are:
#14: I have basic problem and so many mods that I don't know whether the problem is caused by Smart Moving or not!
To completely disable Smart Moving with minimal effort remove the file mod_SmartMoving.class or mod_SmartMovingMp.class from your minecraft.jar or minecraft_server.jar - and check whether the problem persists.
#15: I want to install Smart Moving at my server. Will everyone need to install client side Smart Moving to join my server after the server installation?
In that case all non Smart Moving clients will not send any Smart Moving packets to the server and will ignore all recieved Smart Moving packets from the server.
However, in case you run a ModLoaderMp server all clients need ModLoaderMp installed and in case you run a Minecraft Forge server all clients need Minecraft Forge installed to work at all.
Only case you run a standard Bukkit server you clients do not need any other mods installed.
#16: I want to install Smart Moving but I am new to Minecraft modding, so I have not idea where to start!
Also don't forget to read this post's Installation chapter and study some of the tutorials linked there.
#17: What can I do to restrict the usage of the Smart Moving mod on my server?
When you are running a bukkit server the most simple solution to your problem is to use the pukkit plugin SBC and configure it to your needs.
Otherwise or if you want a finer control of the mod features, you have to install the correct Smart Moving server installation package on your server and use the server's Smart Moving configuration file to overwrite the client's local configurations. Optimally you start by changing the value of the option move.server.config to true to enable the overwrite feature at all.
#18: The game crashes! I get a "java.lang.NullPointerException" error message at "ModLoader.onTick(ModLoader.java:1213)"!
Either download my fix or the (hopefully itself fixed) latest version of ModLoader from here and extract it into your minecraft.jar.
#19: I can't find the installation package for Minecraft Forge client!
You can run mods originally written for ModLoader using Minecraft Forge - at least the mods that can handle the slight differences between ModLoader and FML correctly.
#20: I installed Minecraft Capes and now this mod crashes Minecraft!
Reinstall Player API and use another installation package of Minecraft Capes instead. The "MCPatcher method" mentioned at the Minecraft Capes thread might be a good choice.
#21: I installed this mod and now Minecraft Capes stopped working!
Use another installation package of Minecraft Capes. The "MCPatcher method" mentioned at the Minecraft Capes thread might be a good choice.
#22: What is the mod pack policy for Smart Moving?
This means mod pack creators are not required to ask for my permission to add these APIs to their mod packs.
I case you want to ask for my permission anyway, I recommend sending me a private message via this forum. I will most likely reply by formally granting you permission.
However, this rule only applies to actual mod packs. It is not allowed to include any of these APIs in an actual mod
#23: What licence is Smart Moving licensed under?
You will receive a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the Smart Moving download.
Feature: Free Climbing
To climb up you have to move forward toward the edge (default "W") and click and hold the grab button (default "LCONTROL").
To climb down click and hold the grab button without moving forward toward the edge.
To grab an edge while falling down along a wall, rotate towards the edge in the wall and press the grab button. If you are still falling slow enough, free climbing will start. If you are beyond a certain falling speed when grabbing, damage will be done to you.
To change this default grab button visit Minecrafts "Options"/"Controls" menu.
Feature: Ladder Climbing
Feature: Climbing along ceilings
To start climbing along ceilings hold the grab button when below, but not too far below, the climbable ceiling. To stop ceiling climbing simply release the grab button.
If wall climbing is also possible when pressing the grab button, wall climbing will start instead. In this case turn into the direction you want to move to start ceiling climbing.
Feature: Climbing up vines
To stop climbing up just release the jump button. To stop climbing at all release the grab button.
Feature: Configurable sneaking
Additionally sneaking can be made togglable. When toggled on it can be toggled off by pressing the sneak button again. This also works while swimming or diving.
Feature: Alternative Swimming and Diving
To dive jump into still water that is at least two blocks deep. Then press and hold the forward button to dive. To steer use your mouse.
To swim stop holding the forward button and press and hold the jump button instead until you reach the surface. Then press and hold the forward button again to swim. To steer use your mouse again.
To dive again stop pressing the jump button and direct your mouse toward the depths.
When you are walking in one block deep water you can switch to diving by pressing the sneak and then the grab button. If you press the jump button before the grab button you will switch to swimming instead.
When you are swimming or divind in one block deep water you can switch to walking by pressing the grab button.
Feature: Alternative Flying
It completely replaces standard flying and allows you to fly up and down via looking. The standard flying jump to raise, sneak to fall behaviour has been reimplemented and works similar to its standard flying counterpart.
Alternative flying can be started and ended just like standard flying by double clicking the jump button.
Feature: Charged jumps
To start charging press and hold the jump button while sneaking on the spot. To jump either release the jump button or stop sneaking. The default maximum charge jump height is two blocks.
When you start moving while charging the charge will be lost.
Feature: Wall Jumping
To wall jump from a block press jump while being airborne, release it, and press it again before hitting the block you want to wall jump from horizontally. When you collide with the block - while not falling too fast allready - a wall jump will be triggered.
You can also head wall jump from a block instead by also pressing the grab button before hitting the block you want to wall jump from.
To cascade your wall jumps just keep pressing jump. To break your cascade release jump. Hitting the ground or head wall jumping will also break the cascade.
Feature: Head Jumps
To head jump start sprinting and press the grab and the jump button. When the jump button is released you will jump, head first, with a angle depending on how long you pressed the jump button.
Hitting ground while falling with your head first will damage you more than hitting ground with your feet first.
Feature: Side & Back Jumps
To jump left double click the left button, to jump right double click the right button and to jump back double click the back button.
You can also jump back-left and back-right by double clicking both relevant buttons at once.
Feature: Climb Jumps
To jump up climb up as far as possible and click the jump button.
To jump back stop climbing by releasing the forward button press the sneak button to hold the height release the grab button and click the jump button.
You can also head jump back instead by not releasing the grab button after pressing the sneak button and before clicking the jump button.
Feature: Sliding
To slide on the ground you have to start sprinting first. Then press the sneak button while pressing the grab button.
Additionally you can start sliding from forward jumping or flying. Just hit the ground while pressing the sneak and the grab button.
You will slide as long as the initial horizontal ground hitting speed and the ground spipperiness supports it. If the sneak button is still pressed when the sliding stops you start crawling instead.
To stop sliding before it stops itself simple stop pressing the sneak button.
Feature: Faster Sprinting and Exhaustion
To sprint you have to move forward and click and hold the sprint button (default "TAB"). Sprinting is currently possible for walking, swimming diving, crawling, and climbing.
Sprinting optionally causes exhaustion and will automatically end when a certain configurable threshold is reached.
To change this default sprint button visit Minecrafts "Options"/"Controls" menu.
Feature: Crawling
To crawl you have to press the grab and the sneak button. When climbing would be possible at you current position and direction you might start climbing instead. To avoid this press the sneak button before the climb button to ensure to start crawling. When crawling you can release the grab button.
You can also free climb while crawling. Just move to the related edge press grab and move forward towards it.
Additionally you can free climb into a crawlable gap. Just press sneak while you climb up and you will end up crawling in the first crawlable gap along your climb path.
Crawling can be made togglable via the configuration file. When toggled on it can be toggled off by pressing the sneak button again to enter sneaking of by pressing the jump button to stand up immediately.
Feature: Configurability
Currently the difficulty levels "Easy", "Medium" and "Hard" are configured. You can switch between those in-game by pressing F9 (the exact button can be changed too)
More information about the configuration of this mod is included in its readme and option files.
Previous option files like "smart_climbing_options.txt" and "smart_ladder_climbing_speed_options.txt" are still accepted but their content is eventually overridden by the content of existing more actual option files.
If no option files are present at all, the default option values (all features, default configuration) will be used.
If an option is not present in the files, the corresponding default value will be used.
The option "move.options.version" will be used for cross version compatibility.
Previous Versions:
Previous Versions (for Minecraft 1.8)
Added license information and improved core code simplicity and robustness: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 16.1
Merged SmartCore mod into SmartMoving mod, fixed overly fast limb movement of remote players, placing blocks at chests by pressing the sneak button while not standard sneaking and added dependency to PlayerAPI core 1.3 or higher: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 16.0.1
Improved handling of enhanced third party armor models: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 16.0
Upgraded to Minecraft version 1.8, lost ceiling climbing configurability and a lot of compatibilites: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Previous Versions (for Minecraft 1.7.10)
Added license information and improved core code simplicity and robustness: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 15.5
Added compatibility to minecraft forge version "": Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 15.4
Merged SmartCore mod into SmartMoving mod, fixed support for Carpenter’s Blocks ladders, overly fast limb movement of remote players, placing blocks at chests by pressing the sneak button while not standard sneaking and added dependency to PlayerAPI core 1.3 or higher: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 15.3
Improved handling of enhanced third party armor models: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 15.2
Removed proprietary sprint button and added categories to remaining buttons: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 15.1
Upgraded to Minecraft version 1.7.10: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Previous Versions (for Minecraft 1.7.2)
Fixed support for Carpenter’s Blocks ladders: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 15.0
Removed ModLoader, Bukkit and Standalone support, splitted up Smart Moving to multiple mods and upgraded to Minecraft version 1.7.2: Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Previous Versions (for Minecraft 1.6.4 and earlier)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 14.4.1 (for Minecraft 1.6.2)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 14.0 (for Minecraft 1.5.2)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 13.8 (for Minecraft 1.5.1)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 13.3 (for Minecraft 1.5)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 13.1 (for Minecraft 1.4.7)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.12.1 (for Minecraft 1.4.6)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.10 (for Minecraft 1.4.5)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.6 (for Minecraft 1.4.4)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.5 (for Minecraft 1.4.2)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 11.3 (for Minecraft 1.3.2)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 9.5 (for Minecraft 1.2.5)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 7.5 (for Minecraft 1.2.4)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 7.2 (for Minecraft 1.2.3)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 6.13 (for Minecraft 1.1)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Version 6.5 (for Minecraft 1.0)
Download from Mediafire or Dropbox
Fan Content and References
A Map Collection established by baeshra.
An Homage Map to the game Mirror's Edge requiring this mod.
A Parkour Map created by Bloxcraft.
A very good Parkour Map created by Binix and it's also very good antecessor
A Tutorial/Challenge Map created by Blue_Legion.
A Challenge Map published by JetfireBlack.
A Training course created by George3636.
A Quest Map created by black00ut.
An Obstacle Course created by cavesticks12.
A Challenge Map created by Random_Asian and its slightly less difficult antecessor.
A Tutorial Course created by LaBarata.
The huge Parkour of Range published by TheNewbiesMines.
A vertical Parkour Map made by Sushin.
A slightly dark Parkour Map made by 8bitspartan1441.
A Training Course made by xDizasteRx.
Review and Smart Moving 1.6.2 installation tutorial made by Revolver0125:
Mod review and installation tutorial in spanish provided by Unrecord:
Mod review and installation tutorial in french provided by clem1999:
Showcase video and Smart Moving 1.2.5 multiplayer tutorial made by SCMowns:
Smart Moving 1.4.7 Mac installation tutorial made by MinecraftCookiesModding:
More videos:
Christmas video made by Yogpod:
Action video made by EpicWeirdoKid:
Mod review in italian provided by VentilaX:
Other Videos:
MC Mod Showcase made by MinecraftToday:
minecraft SMART MOVING MOD spotlight made by MegaGhostSpy:
Mod Spotlight made by twistedright:
Mod Review made by OhmightyMagpie:
Mod Review made by JKapFilms:
Mod Spotlight made by DigitalPork:
Showcase video in polish made by PolskiPingwin:
Older Videos:
Demonstration video made by Failboat103:
Best Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Mods made by minecraftturtle:
Demonstraction video made by MCModSpotlight suggested by Fredward:
Not Minecraft-related, I know - but the author wants more readers - and to be honest, he deserves them!
Very nice mod indeed.
Sig'd: Once
Do you think you could try and make this modloader compatible? or release a download with just the ledge grabbing\lifting code?
No bugs found until now... this mod is genious. I like the way you did it how the player is acting when he climbs or swims!
(deserves a bump and...)
Here is a video I made:
Use it if you want.
Great Mod!
Here is my channel on youtube for you to look at my stuff
Here is my channel on youtube for you to look at my stuff
It will be updated when Divisor is ready to update it, all your doing is making this thread get unneeded attention from people patiently waiting for an update.
If your so inpatient and want it fixed now then do it yourself.
I didn't expect 1.7 come out today... :unsure.gif:
sorry... normally I'm NOT like this and I don't like this behaviour but I like this mod...
Here is my channel on youtube for you to look at my stuff
But, sorry I have to say it, there is again one: when I jump in the water while third person view, my game crushes...
Ou know you have all time you need... Haste makes waste...
Here is my channel on youtube for you to look at my stuff
Your diving version should definitely be implemented into minecraft! It's simply amazing, good work!
Thanks for the key, Stephen!
Here are the comments from the video:
name taked from Brink? Smoth Movement Across
Random Terrain S.M.A.R.T.
Xxgoblin 1 day ago
Seems like a pretty awesome mod! :biggrin.gif:
deathnight114 1 day ago
Awesome mod :biggrin.gif:
RsJackedison 1 day ago
haha i love how he swims in the air above the water
Gravemind2401 1 day ago
The swimming should be in beta 1.8
twanajester23 1 day ago
Here is my channel on youtube for you to look at my stuff
In the Control Options ingame when you press escape.
Here is my channel on youtube for you to look at my stuff
I have the bugs as you with the re-config after exiting the game, with the swimming and the hair textures disappear and the hand moving bug too.
Here is my channel on youtube for you to look at my stuff
can you make it so you can select tap sprint climb so sprint is tap sprint buttom or hold it and climbing to be only hold ?
"in war, we win or lose, live or die, the difrens is just an eyalash"
gen. duglas McArthur
sometime what i type soundes better when im typing it!!
and also i support:
have you played Brink? cuz in brink thers a system called S.M.A.R.T(like your mod) buttom but that buttom is the same as sprint buttom but if you only tap that buttom the char will only sprint without accedently vaulting/climbing but if you hold that buttom then he will do that.
soory if it is hard to undrestand 1st im bad at englis 2st i have dulexia cant even spell that damn word.
"in war, we win or lose, live or die, the difrens is just an eyalash"
gen. duglas McArthur
sometime what i type soundes better when im typing it!!
and also i support: