some are equal/less/greater than iron, I am currently working on a list showing the stats. Hopefully I will have it done soon
I just added a spreadsheet for the tools and weapons showing stats. These are not final I may tweak them a little I'm not sure yet but this shows the basics.
Thank you, and it will be fixed in the next release. When my mod used modloader had no issues but when I added forge support some things changed. I am still working on the bugs.
Thanks! Also, is it possible to make the Crafting guide bigger? Its hard to read. Keep up the good work!
Just got done fixing the ores. When I release the update only Blackmica can be mined with wood, I will release a spreadsheet showing what Minecraft Tools mine my ores. Also It will show my tool levels. As for the crafting guide I will release an updated one with the update for my mod, I am thinking maybe saturday or sunday. Small list of the bug fixes etc. . .
Also my Ores Galores for Terraria is almost finished, ores and some weapons are in, just armor and some misc. things left
Not sure. I dont have that issue, Citrine Ore should smelt fine in the furnace, just tried it to make sure and it works. as long as you have coal and a furnace you should be good
Not sure whether is it because of me using forge 497, as the installation tutorial mentioned "forge 499", but so far i got no problem on using this mod except this part
Thats an issue on my end Im fixing right now, when I added the ore I forgot to update the textures, I will upload a fix in about 10 mins.
I always try to get it updated as soon as possible I usually just have to wait for mcp and forge to update. Depending on how much has changed since 1.4.7 and 1.5, should be updated same day forge update is released.
EDIT: I see they are both updated so hopefully today if not saturday night at the latest I will be updated
Preciate all the work my man
Love this mod
Thanks and hopefully the update should be done soon im about half done with it all so this friday saturday at the latest