05/24/95 - 02/20/12
Do you think that I have what kind of mistakes??
[WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.NullPointerException
at mn.<init>(SourceFile:22)
at hy.b(EntityTrackerEntry.java:316)
at hy.b(EntityTrackerEntry.java:218)
at uh.a(EntityTracker.java:53)
at fn.a(SourceFile:25)
at fi.c(World.java:930)
at fp.c(WorldServer.java:105)
at fi.b(World.java:918)
at hv.c(SourceFile:101)
at gq.b(NetLoginHandler.java:130)
at gq.a(NetLoginHandler.java:51)
at ep.a(SourceFile:94)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:451)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:353)
at cu.run(SourceFile:457)
yes untill i add forge support
can you pastebin the whole error report? I cant tell from this little piece
Right now there is no armor, Due to minecraft adding more items over the last few months I had to free up some space. So currently there is not any armor. But once I add forge support the armor and several other things will be back in play.
Thanx again for trying my mod and thanx to those that are still playing it.
Thank you Im glad to see some people still are playing this. I know it took me awhile to update(5 months) Have alot going on college, work, drama, kids lol. I do miss the armor I cant wait to get my forge version going so I can bring back some stuff and add some new stuff. Thanx to all the people that play this, Ive had no posts about bugs which is good. And please vote for your texture packs I would like to start making those soon as possible.
doku texture packs are about 50% done