the default 16 bit has to match minecrafts texture pack or it will look retarded ive made a 32x32 64x64 and 128x128 textures with a terrain overlay i just have not updated the links yet
need the whole modloader txt error to even try to tell you what this error is
of course not. my mod uses all item sprites so untill Minecraft extended is updated you cant use my mod with any others. item sprites issue. or block id conflict
thanx for the bump and i take it everything is working for people i havent had any errors or bugs yet?
unfort. there is not =( one day maybe notch will bump the sprites or make it easier to add more.
So,error is longer,but i think it doesn't matter...?
i havent released the 1.8.1 smp version yet im doing some testing and a quick ore texture change before release. I want to make sure everything works first.
smp version is out now. let me know if you have any more problems
molten rubies? emeralds? you post this in the right mod? There are none of those items in my mod. Also update what list I never made one to begin with.
Done work:
first of all i have installed modloadermp on server side,then mod,so it works perfectly,after that i have installed modloader and modloadermp for client side,but when i added files in .minecraft/mods directory it didn't work,so i had to add files in minecraft.jar.
If i unrestand correctly i must install SSP version into client and SMP version into server? When i try to login on the server it says "missing following mods : mod_tcmoresgalores SMP Version 1.0". But when SSP and SMP versions installed in minecraft.jar together or only SMP version it doesn't works properly :sad.gif:
Something gone wrong :\
thats odd. The way mine is set up i have my mod in .minecraft/mods folder and the server side I installed in the minecraft_server.jar and it worked for me. You have version 1.0 of my mod? and are running 1.8.1? if yes to both of those im not sure what it could be. maybe something conflicting not sure what it could be though. Ill have to mess around with it to see if I can reproduce this bug
I figured how to run mod on both sides using .../mods folder,before that i copied just "inside folder" files into the ../mods and it didn't work,so i needed to put whole folder with files. Now it works,but i can't still login on the server. Yes,1.0,i downloaded it two times ):, 'cause think that problem was with version of mod. Yes,1.8.1.
Maybe you can help another way - can you upload it somewhere,please? (minecraft folder(or just .jar with /mods) and server)
well i cant distribute minecraft.jar or minecraft_server.jar and both the links are current. gimme a little bit to see if i can find out why it happened, you have the same downloads I have. so my build is no different then yours.
SSP build
modloader 1.8.1
modloadermp 1.8.1
oresgalores 1.0
SMP build
modloadermp 1.8.1
oresgalores 1.0
those are my builds, im off to work shortly but i will test the crap out of it when I get home.
Yes,i have the same downloads :\
Maybe something conflicts with server.properties?
Can't understand. But what makes me wonder that i can play for 0.5-1 second on the server 'til it show me this message :ohmy.gif: i see sky,mobs etc.
Ok,i'll try to reinstall,maybe it will help.
Same result :/