thanx its pretty big and still doesnt change the feel of minecraft to much and i added a couple new things.
thank you and dont worry this will be smp again for 1.8.1 then im gonna focus on porting to bukkit.
also volcanic rose pickaxe mines obsidian pretty fast, and 2 of the other pickaxes mine my ores better. and im finding a use for the ender pearl. . .
title says being updated =)"[1.8.1] TMC Ores Galores 0.9.5 SSP being updated" it will be released later today if not first thing in the morning tuesday i just need to remake some recipes and a few other tweaks
i change the title when updating cause i usually get people asking whens the update =)
Fair enough, was just wondering. Looking forward to trying this mod out. This will be my first time using it.
um not sure what you need my mod only works on 1.7.3 right now im in the process of updating the single player version for 1.8.1 i have not started an smp version yet for 1.8.1so if your trying my mod 0.9 with 1.8.1 its not gonna work
oh i see what your saying yeah im not sure havent tried modloadermp yet i hope sdk updates his this time around. I like flans but it seems glitchy at times
An explanation on what each material/item does, its rarity, power, etc.
didnt take the link down just the post about it on the first page i think its on page 15 or 17 its only for 1.7.3
ill be working on a list over the next couple days im uploading the update now and tuesday ill edit the crafting recipes.
then ill start on the list
Are you planning on updating the extended version as well?
yes I will be updating the Extended version after my smp release and mce is updated
Thank you hope you like. I still need to work on ore gen though some are spawning to much pinkopal, zircon and a few others also a note the volcanic rose pickaxe mines obsidian fast, the dark pickaxe mines my nether ores fastest, and the hybrid and zircon pickaxe mine all ores fast except obsidian
More Ores, Xtra Ore, Millenaire, Morecreeps & Weirdos, etc
All incompatible