edit also found an install video on you tube so i posted the link
Also, I am using Misa's Hi-Res texture pack, when I open the server publicly I will include a client. Can I Retexture your blocks with a 64x64 Hi-Res Skin?
the only smp issue ive been having is the durability of tools is broken. Im sure I figured out why just havent had a chance to fix it yet, also only issues would be block ids with other mods smp side. and I actually made a 64 bit version of my textures with the terrain.png overlay including the ores and stone, I took the links down because im in the process of remaking the textures for 32,64, and 128. I have a link for the 64 if you like if not you can make your own if you want.
I was half way through my own set of textures, but yes the link for the 64 textures would certainly save me some time. Much appreciated.
http://www.mediafire.com/?h5hb4sa7q25pbss not all the images are 64 almost about 80-85 percent are never got to the armor, and armor molds. and there may be newer blocks, items etc that havent been made 64 yet so just add this folder in to the other folder and it will just overwrite whats there so you dont loose images causing a crash. which you probably know but just in case.
terrain overlay is cool to you just paste it on top of your texturepacks terrain.png
would be way to much work making my ores texture pack specific versions hehe. hhmmmm maybe some of the bigger texture packs. . .
Sweet Let me know when its up
sure if you want but ive already made 32x32 64x64 and 128x128 textures for my mod, so you can make your own or ill send you a link. I took the links down due to the fact im re-doing all the textures which will take awhile there are over 180 per resolution. but i have older versions which are almost complete let me know.
It's Up! I'm looking forward to the release of the new textures, hopefully as the server grows in popularity your mod will.
Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist ~ George Carlin
LINK: http://www.minecraft...inecraft-forge/
Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist ~ George Carlin
EDIT: Never mind! Its more item ID's than blocks! Yay!
I am actually gonna do this. Alright, just click the damn things. Now. You must.
yeah i tried to focus on more items then blocks alot of other mods add blocks so only added a few for now though hehe that may change in the future