yep only thing that sucks is zmod hasnt been updated so I can only run the server without it so no warps or anything =( and all the other server stuff are bukkit, zbukkit etc. . so I pretty much have to port my mod over to use modloadermp for bukkit. and mce still has not fixed the nether =( double booo
I'm using MCExtended and already have 700+ id's used. Can you add a property file or something? I want this mod!
And a suggestion: You already have liquids, but only items. It will be pretty good if we can pour it!
Thanx and I am looking into adding a properties file by version 1.0 im kinda limited right now due to working 6 days a week. Have you tried that id resolver mod I think it is. That might work for now for you.
awwwwwww lol i guess more waiting :sad.gif:
awww that sucks ive been playing with my friends on smp can u try to recode the modloader mp yourself and i made the hybrid pick!!!!
well im still trying to figure out how to work this i might just wait. I like having the durability, but its not a big issue and flan will be back in less then a week hopefully. When I had sdks official modloadermp in 1.6.6 everything worked fine. But flans unofficial one breaks it so its gotta be something small. and i only have 1 day off this week so no time to try to fix myself. but i will be looking into it.
and has anyone else had the durability bug?
i havent really been playing minecraft lately so i cant really tell you i just cant wait till this week is done so i can have more free time lol
i tryed it in ssp last night and it had it, was gonna use it on smp but not until that gets fixed XD
Do you have mincecraft extended? If not that could be why my mod uses all item sprites so in order to add more mods you need mc extended if you already have mce im not sure.
I do have mce and I finally got it to work in single player after a lot of fiddling. Love the mod. I just wish there was an ID resolver for multiplayer since some of your ids conflict with one of industrialcraft's blocks and a lot of buildcraft's blocks.
Im actually getting ready to rewrite my code so I can have the properties file =). as soon as I get a day off. I have been working 6 days a week for a month so the update will be a little while but i want it perfect before I release it anyways. So it kinda works out