Servers down for now well I work on my XL version hopefully I can update it soon to 1.7
The new ores added by this mod make some very strong very efficient tools and weapons as well as some very strong armor the ore generation has been toned down a bit making them harder to find which just makes it way more fun to actually spend the time searching for these ores instead of using whats in plain sight but themadcrafter can go into more detail for you
jakeman55555 ill see what I can do Im making this mod by myself 700 + textures 2 separate mods all solo Ill look into it over the next couple days
KFCFootlong Hybrid is the best pick right now the foolsgold shovel is the best shovel and the sturmanite axe is the best axe I know this isnt A full list Ill be making one soon like I stated above this mod is all me alot of work solo once I release version 1.0 I will include a list of the tools
oh and jakeman55555 to your second post you should read the main page i didnt lie this is what is stated on the front page 2 times
this one above the pic
not all items are in 0.9 some are for my mod add on more on this below
and this one above the crafting links
note: there are recipes included that you cant make untill my XL version is released
ooo diamonds hehe thank you, trying to make it epic
lol only 66 :biggrin.gif: if i think of any ill let you know
thanx theres just so many of em lol any help dill do. I have a bunch kinda named but it needs some work
Whats this you might ask? Well this is an add on for my mod. I just included this in my mods post instead of making a new post. Over the next 2 days I will be updating this information and I will be releasing version 0.1 of extended. This isnt a solid release but more of a preview
everything in the green is the original Ores Galores and the red is what is in the extended version so far
1.Modloader for 1.7.3
2.Ores Galores for 1.7.3
3.Minecraft Extended for 1.7.3
Install Instructions:
If your doing a fresh install of Minecraft then you don't need Ores Galores you can just download my add-on as long as you have installed Modloader and Minecraft Extended
1.Delete Ores Galores zip And add Ores Galores Extended zip HERE in your .minecraft/mods folder and your done
2.If you put my mod into minecraft.jar then just put these class files and image folders in the minecraft.jar overwriting the old ones
Will post recipes later today
Mods Tested with so far
1.Recipe Book
2.Audio Mod
3.Too Many Items
4.Single Player Commands
5.Minecraft Extended
Things In Extended:
New armor (4 sets)
New Tools complete hybrid set(there are 2 now that destroy everything in 1 hit even my ores :smile.gif:)
New Liquid (hydrocerussite liquid)
New Weapons (Battleaxes)
New Ingot
New Blocks
New Levels of Healing Potions
This document is Copyright ©(2011) of themadcrafter (hereafter referred to as "The Owner") and is the intellectual property of The Owner. Only Minecraftforum.net and mcmodcenter.net is able to host any of The Owner's material without the consent of The Owner. It may not be placed on any other web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. (Electronic mail is acceptable as long as you wait for a response.) If you mirror this mod page or anything The Owner has made on any other site, The Owner may seek compensation for the damages through a lawsuit.
all this add on does is exactly what it says adds on but it is dependant on Minecraft Extended due to the mass amount of item sprites.
yes hopefully it will be a little while till my solid extended release so I have some time to add more, gonna start bows and arrows next
still waiting for modloadermp =(
PS, I before E except after C.
I made this mostly for smp thats why there is a wide variety of everything, alot more fun then ssp. Im just waiting on modloadermp so i can update my server, im still running 1.6.6 =)