Hopefully I can Fix this by 1.0 which wont be for a week or two so I shoild be able to/ Also for now there is a zircon sword with no lightning download on the front page at the top it just disables lightning so you can still see use the sword =)
azurite liquid makes azurite crystals the crystal has no use yet, maybe make a super liquid =)
Thank You wait for the xl version hehe then it will be epically awesome lol
I will be posting some news about the add on over the next few days as well
haha yea :biggrin.gif:
you only need to do one install either into the minecraft.jar or the zip version the says mods folder
i recommend just using the one that goes in your .minecraft/mods folder
there are 2 methods
1. inject files into minecraft.rar
2. Add the tmc_oresgalores.zip to your mod folder
either one of those will be fine I have all custom class files so it doesnt have to go in the jar, but if you put in the jar and mods folder you will crash if you still have problems let me know but you only need one method into the minecraft.jar or the one made for the mods folder
Seph good news biome terrain mod is updated for 1.7.3 so just waiting on modloadermp then we can update the server to 1.7.3
It is isnt it
lol yay! :smile.gif:
thats weird all I did was disable the lightning damage Ill look into it try to fix that tonite or monday Hopefully version 1.0 will be ready within a week or two tops
3 diamonds for you!
thanks again :smile.gif:
oh wait nvm lol my bad my cousin used iv edit and added extra durability to all my items xD so nothing was breaking srry
Thank you FlameEmperor I tried to add a lot and make it not to complex
and sepheroth lol you had me worried I couldnt find anything wrong hehe
lol yea srry i felt dumb because he told me right after i posted it :biggrin.gif: