Any contribution will help me get through school and go to college!
List of Donators!
None :sad.gif:
Rare Ores v1.9--------(1.0.0)
Note: This was a rushed update! Please let me know of any bugs immediately! I didn't have much time to test this! Expect bugs!
I also didn't have time to work on the bows as planned....very sorry! :sad.gif:
I am very busy with school and holiday stuff! Again I am sorry for lack of updates and content!
About: Rare Ores is a mod that adds 5 new ores, two of which are located in the Nether.
The Ores
About: The three ores that you can find in the regular world are Tophinite, Crystinium, and Pherithium. They are all found deep in the ground. Tophinite is the best if all the rare ores; it comes in atleast a vein of 2 and is only mine-able with a crystinium pickaxe or better. (You will most likely find it in a vein of one.) Crystinium is the next best rare ore it can come in at most a vein of 3 and is only mine-able with a pherithium pickaxe or better. Finally, there is Pherithium, it comes in at most a vein of 4 and is mine-able with a diamond pickaxe or better. Pherithium, when mined, will drop in scraps up to 8. (More information about the pherithium scraps can be found below.)
(When mined it drops 2 to 8 pherithium scraps. It takes 6 scraps to make a lump like so...)
(To make a bar of pherithium, all you have to do is smelt a lump of pherithium.)
The Nether OresAbout: Necronite and Mag'rolith can be found anywhere in the nether. Each one has a chance of dropping a Dark Essence. (A material used in crafting. Shown below in the special craftable items section.) Mag'rolith is better than pherithium and Necronite is better than crystinium.
-Bows and Arrows
-Pherithium Bow and Arrows (Adds more damage with the bow)
Pherithium Bow
Pherithium Arrow Heads
Pherithium Arrows
-Crystinium Bow and Arrows (Faster and adds more damage with the bow)
Crystinium Bow
Crystinium Arrows
-Tophinite Bow and Arrows (Really Fast, arrows go farther, and a one hit kill!)
Tophinite Bow
Tophinite Arrows
-Special Craft-able Items
-Miner's Fury
Miner's Fury is a sword and a pick all in one! It can mine anything and can kill a mob in one hit!
-The Utility
The Utility is a axe and a shovel combined! It digs dirt and cuts trees ridiculously fast!
-v1.9 - SSP - Updated for 1.0.0
-v1.8 - SSP / SMP - Updated for 1.8.1, changed ores textures to look more original, removed Trillint (Sorry guys :sad.gif: , I felt it just wasn't needed), removed bows temporarily, and some other stuff I forgot....
-v1.7.1 - SSP / SMP - Added SMP compatibility for 1.7.3
-v1.7 - Made a new config file, nerfed all tools except trillint tools, added achievements, made ores rarer to find, and probably some other stuff I forgot
-v1.6 - Added Crystinium and Tophinite bows, added crystinium and tophinite arrows, adjusted arrows icon placement, added The Utility, pherithium arrow now give you 10 instead of 4 and some other stuff I probably forgot
-v1.5 - Added Pherithium Bow and arrows
-v1.4 - Added SMP and increased Miner's Fury durability
-v1.3 - Added Trillint Tools which are unbreakable
-v1.2.2- Fixed Bugs and some other stuff
-Rare Ores Signatures
Rare Ores Mod Signature! (For those who want it and/or support our mod!)
Better Tools! v1.5.1--------(1.8.1) About: Better Tools enables you to create reinforced tools such as pickaxes, swords, shovels, etc.... Each reinforced tool has increased speed and durablility (almost double! but not enough to ruin the feel of Minecraft).
-Reinforced Wooden Pickaxe
-Reinforced Stone Pickaxe
-Reinforced Iron Pickaxe (You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Pickaxe (You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Pickaxe (You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
-Reinforced Wooden Shovel
-Reinforced Stone Shovel
-Reinforced Iron Shovel (You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Shovel (You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Shovel (You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
-Reinforced Wooden Sword
-Reinforced Stone Sword
-Reinforced Iron Sword (You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Sword (You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Sword (You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
-Reinforced Wooden Axe
-Reinforced Stone Axe
-Reinforced Iron Axe (You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Axe (You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Axe (You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
-Reinforced Wooden Hoe
-Reinforced Stone Hoe
-Reinforced Iron Hoe (You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Hoe (You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Hoe (You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
The Wrench
About: What the wrench does is allow you to repair any reinforced item one time!
-How to repair a reinforced Item
-Thanks xXUniqueEnigmaXx for the video! (Turn you volume down at the beginning! XD)
Better Tools SSP uses ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, and ScotTools so if you don't have them get them here: ModLoader ModLoaderMp for 1.8.1 ScotTools SSP (Item ID's 105-112 have been changed to 324-331)
-v1.51 SSP - Fixed severe item ID conflict.
-v1.5 SSP - Updated for 1.8.1, rasied item durability, changed Ids 105-112 to 324-331, and some other stuff I cant remember.
-v1.4 SSP/SMP - Updated for 1.7.3, Finally!
-v1.3 SSP/SMP - Added Reinforced Axes and Hoes, changes item names so they will have the correct minecraft terminology, added the Wrench, and added More JohnSmith Textures.
-v1.2 SSP/SMP - Added Reinforced Swords, changed the word gold in reinforced gold to golden, changed Tempered Iron/Gold bars to Tempered Iron/Gold Ingots, and added JohnSmith Textures.
-v1.1 SSP/SMP - Added Reinforced Shovels, reduced speed and durability a bit for all tools and changed Tempered Iron Bar texture.
-v1.0 SSP/SMP - Added Reinforced Pickaxes and started the Better Tools Thread!
(Important!- For Texture packs: Place the contents of the (if the contents are not in a folder, put them in a folder called bettertools) into the texture pack .zip)
Epic Dungeons v1.1--------(1.7.3)
About: Epic Dungeons adds 3 new Dungeons to Minecraft!. Each Dungeon gives EPIC loots, such as diamonds more iron, cakes, glowstone dust, etc....
-Gold Dungeons
About: The Gold Dungeons are the most common of the three new Dungeons, but they are rarer than a regular one. Each spawner in a Gold Dungeon has a equal amount of chances for a skeleton spawner, zombie spawner, and spider spawner. They can only spawn those three mobs. Gold Dungeons have a low chance of containing good items.
-Cobalt Dungeons
About: The Cobalt Dungeons are rarer than the Gold Dungeons. They can contain multiple spawners (Up to 4, I believe), and they have a very small chance of not containing a chest at all. Cobalt dungeons can contain skeletons, zombies, spiders, and slimes, each with a 25% chance for that type of spawner. Cobalt Dungeons have a moderate chance to containing good items. -Blood Dungeons
About: The Blood Dungeons are the rarest of the dungeons. They can spawn only creepers. Blood Dungeons contain multiple creeper spawners. Blood Dungeons have a very high chance of containing good items.
-v1.1 - Added 4 new Tools(Insta-Mining tools), that generate in the dungeon chests, and fixed a bug that made gold dungeons not generate.
-v1.0 - Added Epic Dungeons to the Thread.
MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MOJANG - Mojang AB
OWNER - MasterDeity, Original author(s) of the MODS. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.
2. USE
Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.
This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.
This ore would be a "metal" not a gem so you would have to forge it in a furnace into bars/ingots.
This metal would make extremely powerfull tools, the sword can deal 15 hearts of damage, the pickaxe mines most stone and ore blocks very fast and also has a chance of giving 2 instead of 1. The shovel can obliterate dirt, grass, gravel, and sand in the blink of an eye, it also has a chance of double drops. The axe can chop wood very fast, and also has a chance of double drops. The hoe's only use would be that it has a chance of a triple seed drop(3 seeds from 1 grass block) This ore would be extremely rare, in only 1 block deposits. Can only be mined with tophinite tools.
This ore would be a "metal" not a gem so you would have to forge it in a furnace into bars/ingots.
This metal would make extremely powerfull tools, the sword can deal 15 hearts of damage, the pickaxe mines most stone and ore blocks very fast and also has a chance of giving 2 instead of 1. The shovel can obliterate dirt, grass, gravel, and sand in the blink of an eye, it also has a chance of double drops. The axe can chop wood very fast, and also has a chance of double drops. The hoe's only use would be that it has a chance of a triple seed drop(3 seeds from 1 grass block) This ore would be extremely rare, in only 1 block deposits. Can only be mined with tophinite tools.
We will take that into consideration (no guarantees) :smile.gif:
I just have to state this at once, this mod is EPIC. Because it's SIMPLE and ORIGINAL, keep it this way! I would rather want to download something simple and actually working then for example the other ore mod I found, which was like 15 more ores or something, if you add too much it DOES get confusing! So keep it simple! And original! And diamonds for you my friend
And remember to make Crystinium minable with only a ??? pickaxe. I don't know, diamond? Might be a little too hard to get then... Gold maybe? Gold? I dunno, you figure that one out
I just have to state this at once, this mod is EPIC. Because it's SIMPLE and ORIGINAL, keep it this way! I would rather want to download something simple and actually working then for example the other ore mod I found, which was like 15 more ores or something, if you add too much it DOES get confusing! So keep it simple! And original! And diamonds for you my friend
And remember to make Crystinium minable with only a ??? pickaxe. I don't know, diamond? Might be a little too hard to get then... Gold maybe? Gold? I dunno, you figure that one out
Thank you so much, Really appreciate the positive feedback :biggrin.gif:
Currently, Crystinium is mineable with only a diamond, crystinium, or tophinite pickaxe, and Probably a Pherithium pickaxe when we finish Pherithium. It will probably stay at diamond or better, because chances are you will find diamond before you manage to find Pherithium. This however, like everything else, is subject to change, you never know hahah have to say that incase we change something so I don't get Flamed
the ore textures should be different than the diamond one, it kinda looks like you just changed the colors on the diamond texture.....
but i see where you're going with this!
good work!
Thank you! :smile.gif:
It is similar, I see, even with the Colors, sorry about that. The ore itself does light up, though, and there really aren't many other options for creating a gem on minecraft besides that design.
And Crystinium looks nothing like Diamond, color wise.
do both of the completed ores released atm, have working tools and armors?
if so, what is their durability and speed vs diamond?
Currently, both have working tools, armor, and blocks.
Crystinium has about 1000 more durability than diamond,, tophinite has a bit more than 3 times more durability than diamond. They both dig much faster than diamond does in every way, outshining diamond except for the fact they they are rarer that diamond.
Rare Ores------(1.0.0)Better Tools------(1.8.1)Epic Dungeons------(1.7.3)
Check out my Youtube Channel >>Here<< !
Any contribution will help me get through school and go to college!
List of Donators!
Rare Ores v1.9--------(1.0.0)
Note: This was a rushed update! Please let me know of any bugs immediately! I didn't have much time to test this! Expect bugs!
I also didn't have time to work on the bows as planned....very sorry! :sad.gif:
I am very busy with school and holiday stuff! Again I am sorry for lack of updates and content!
About: Rare Ores is a mod that adds 5 new ores, two of which are located in the Nether.
The Ores
About: The three ores that you can find in the regular world are Tophinite, Crystinium, and Pherithium. They are all found deep in the ground. Tophinite is the best if all the rare ores; it comes in atleast a vein of 2 and is only mine-able with a crystinium pickaxe or better. (You will most likely find it in a vein of one.) Crystinium is the next best rare ore it can come in at most a vein of 3 and is only mine-able with a pherithium pickaxe or better. Finally, there is Pherithium, it comes in at most a vein of 4 and is mine-able with a diamond pickaxe or better. Pherithium, when mined, will drop in scraps up to 8. (More information about the pherithium scraps can be found below.)
(When mined it drops 2 to 8 pherithium scraps. It takes 6 scraps to make a lump like so...)
(To make a bar of pherithium, all you have to do is smelt a lump of pherithium.)
The Nether Ores About: Necronite and Mag'rolith can be found anywhere in the nether. Each one has a chance of dropping a Dark Essence. (A material used in crafting. Shown below in the special craftable items section.) Mag'rolith is better than pherithium and Necronite is better than crystinium.

-Bows and Arrows
Pherithium Arrow Heads
Pherithium Arrows
Crystinium Arrows
Tophinite Arrows
-The Utility
-Thank you TheMineShack for the video!
-Thank you cashmoney516 for the video!
Rare Ores SSP uses ModLoader, Modlad and ScotTools so if you don't have them get them here:
ModLoaderMp for 1.0.0
ScotTools SSP
(Bows and arrows are not included in this version, they will be in the next!) >>>>Current Version SSP v1.9 (1.0.0)<<<< >>>Old Version SSP v1.8 (1.8.1)<<<
Rare Ores SMP for servers uses ModLoaderMP Server and ScotTools SMP if you don't have them get them here:
ModLoaderMp Server for 1.8.1
ScotTools SMP 1.8.1
>>>>Old Version SMP (For Servers) v1.7.1 (1.7.3)<<<<
Version History:
Rare Ores Mod Signature! (For those who want it and/or support our mod!)
(Thank you Arken55555!)
Better Tools! v1.5.1--------(1.8.1)
About: Better Tools enables you to create reinforced tools such as pickaxes, swords, shovels, etc.... Each reinforced tool has increased speed and durablility (almost double! but not enough to ruin the feel of Minecraft).
-Reinforced Stone Pickaxe
-Reinforced Iron Pickaxe
(You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Pickaxe
(You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Pickaxe
(You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
-Reinforced Stone Shovel
-Reinforced Iron Shovel
(You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Shovel
(You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Shovel
(You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
-Reinforced Stone Sword
-Reinforced Iron Sword
(You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Sword
(You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Sword
(You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
-Reinforced Stone Axe
-Reinforced Iron Axe
(You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Axe
(You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Axe
(You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
-Reinforced Stone Hoe
-Reinforced Iron Hoe
(You will need to make Tempered Iron Bars by smelting Iron Bars)
-Reinforced Golden Hoe
(You will need to make Tempered Gold Bars by smelting Gold Bars)
-Reinforced Diamond Hoe
(You will need to make Hardened Diamond by smelting Diamond)
The Wrench
About: What the wrench does is allow you to repair any reinforced item one time!
-How to repair a reinforced Item
-Thanks xXUniqueEnigmaXx for the video!
(Turn you volume down at the beginning! XD)
Better Tools SSP uses ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, and ScotTools so if you don't have them get them here:
ModLoaderMp for 1.8.1
ScotTools SSP (Item ID's 105-112 have been changed to 324-331)
>>>>Current Version SSP v1.5.1 (1.8.1)<<<<
>>>Old Version SSP v1.4 (1.7.3)<<<
SMP (Outdated)
Better Tools SMP for servers uses ModLoaderMP Server and ScotTools SMP if you don't have them get them here:
ModLoaderMp Server for 1.7.3
ScotTools SMP 1.7.3
>>>>Current Version SMP (For Servers) v1.4 (1.7.3)<<<<
Version History:
(Texture credit goes to aSakofDonuts, Thank You!)
(For Painterly Pack) Download
(Texture credit goes to Zdenko, Thank You!)
-JohnSmith Alternate Texture Pack(32x32) By : aSakofDonuts
-Painterly Pack(32x32)
(Important!- For Texture packs: Place the contents of the (if the contents are not in a folder, put them in a folder called bettertools) into the texture pack .zip)
Epic Dungeons v1.1--------(1.7.3)
About: Epic Dungeons adds 3 new Dungeons to Minecraft!. Each Dungeon gives EPIC loots, such as diamonds more iron, cakes, glowstone dust, etc....
-Gold Dungeons
About: The Gold Dungeons are the most common of the three new Dungeons, but they are rarer than a regular one. Each spawner in a Gold Dungeon has a equal amount of chances for a skeleton spawner, zombie spawner, and spider spawner. They can only spawn those three mobs. Gold Dungeons have a low chance of containing good items.
-Cobalt Dungeons
About: The Cobalt Dungeons are rarer than the Gold Dungeons. They can contain multiple spawners (Up to 4, I believe), and they have a very small chance of not containing a chest at all. Cobalt dungeons can contain skeletons, zombies, spiders, and slimes, each with a 25% chance for that type of spawner. Cobalt Dungeons have a moderate chance to containing good items.
-Blood Dungeons
About: The Blood Dungeons are the rarest of the dungeons. They can spawn only creepers. Blood Dungeons contain multiple creeper spawners. Blood Dungeons have a very high chance of containing good items.
Epic Dungeons Requires ModLoader, if you don't have it get it here:
>>>>Current Version v1.1 (1.7.3)<<<<
Version History:
MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MOJANG - Mojang AB
OWNER - MasterDeity, Original author(s) of the MODS. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.
2. USE
Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.
This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.
Thank you :smile.gif:
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.
Glad to hear that! :smile.gif:
Why, thank you :biggrin.gif:
Diamonds for you,
Dragonstone - The metal of dragons!
Its color would be a tan-ish white color.
This ore would be a "metal" not a gem so you would have to forge it in a furnace into bars/ingots.
This metal would make extremely powerfull tools, the sword can deal 15 hearts of damage, the pickaxe mines most stone and ore blocks very fast and also has a chance of giving 2 instead of 1. The shovel can obliterate dirt, grass, gravel, and sand in the blink of an eye, it also has a chance of double drops. The axe can chop wood very fast, and also has a chance of double drops. The hoe's only use would be that it has a chance of a triple seed drop(3 seeds from 1 grass block) This ore would be extremely rare, in only 1 block deposits. Can only be mined with tophinite tools.
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.
We will take that into consideration (no guarantees) :smile.gif:
Tophinite is purposely hard to see (duh its a rare ore) but to make up for it, tophinite glows.
If it becomes a big problem though I will change it :smile.gif:
Diamonds for you,
And remember to make Crystinium minable with only a ??? pickaxe. I don't know, diamond? Might be a little too hard to get then... Gold maybe? Gold? I dunno, you figure that one out
Thank you so much, Really appreciate the positive feedback :biggrin.gif:
Currently, Crystinium is mineable with only a diamond, crystinium, or tophinite pickaxe, and Probably a Pherithium pickaxe when we finish Pherithium. It will probably stay at diamond or better, because chances are you will find diamond before you manage to find Pherithium. This however, like everything else, is subject to change, you never know hahah have to say that incase we change something so I don't get Flamed
but i see where you're going with this!
good work!
It is similar, I see, even with the Colors, sorry about that. The ore itself does light up, though, and there really aren't many other options for creating a gem on minecraft besides that design.
And Crystinium looks nothing like Diamond, color wise.
Diamonds for you,
if so, what is their durability and speed vs diamond?
Currently, both have working tools, armor, and blocks.
Crystinium has about 1000 more durability than diamond,, tophinite has a bit more than 3 times more durability than diamond. They both dig much faster than diamond does in every way, outshining diamond except for the fact they they are rarer that diamond.
Hope this helps!
You're very welcome, glad you like it! :biggrin.gif:
I get this error.
I tried removing the files from the older version, and i got this error.
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.