The glyphs on the cape correspond to game from the Potato Sack on Steam. Guess which one I haven't played and receive a prize (another cape with your name on it)
Welcome to Aperture Science Computer Aided Enrichment Center. Before we begin testing, you are required, by testing protocol to wear this cape as you are being tested.
This Aperture Science Cape is 67.4% guaranteed to enhance your testing experience. Especially those tests involving momentum. Good bye.
Got another one for you... a BEAR GRYLLS CAPE!!!
This one's a template. You can write something above the BETTER DRINK MY OWN **** phrase using
So, grab, and write something above that phrase in yellow, white and red. :biggrin.gif:
I have a problem with it too. In order for it to be compatible with the zombe modpack, you'll have to shove the cape and skin files somewhere other than gq.class.
Okay, I renewed my minecraft bin but it still isn't working.
Am I supposed to put the cape.png in the misc folder? I have no clue what the hell to do.
It would be very kind of someone to post a video or some type of instruction on how to get this mod working.
Current Features are:
-Supports 64x32 / 128x64 / 256x128 / 512x256 Skin & Cape resolutions with transparency using alpha layering
-Supports skin rendering for SMP players not using the mod (this will allow them to show up with their skin instead of the default skin)
-Supports head accessories but I need to draw an accurate template so you know where to put which accessory
-Supports deadmau5 Character Ear Support
-v1.8 compatible with Zombe's Mod Pack thanks to the author tanzanite
Planned Features:
-Female support with customizable skins
-Constant website Updates
-More mod compatibility support
- +More!
Uploading Textures
The upload process is relatively simple. You register an account with the webserver at this address
I clicked the download link but it took me to a page that said this.
404 - Component not found
You may not be able to visit this page because of: out-of-date bookmark/favourite
2.a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
3.a mistyped address have no access to this page
5.The requested resource was not found.
6.An error has occurred while processing your request.
Please try one of the following pages:
•Home Page
If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site.
Great, so it's either, my skin goes missing, or there's a really annoying warning on my screen.
Can you explain it a bit more about the problems you're experiencing? I gotta know where to look. I'm also going to make a smoother Timeout Function in case of server downtime to prevent pause delays when loading SSP/SMP worlds. It's gonna check in the beginning for the average size of both textures and time how long it takes to download if it even connects. If not, it'll disable and prompt for offline mode or to attempt reconnecting repeatedly. There's going to be delays between attempts but when it gets a connection (if the server was down or your connection is down) then prompt you about it's connection and prompt a restart Yes/No to get the textures working. Until I solve this other problem I'm having, I won't be able to have the network functions working flawlessly in the event of any server downtime or connections problems on your end. Sometimes minecraft doesn't connect fully when you login and this could lag you up attempting to download multiple smp textures with a timeout wait on each, but I digress.
Can't u make a "video tut" how to make a cape, ears.. and what do next.. i know i know.. in the front topic say's.. but its more hard to make than to say.. and i dont know how to make my skin have ears.. so i would appreciat if u did a tuturial about this mod, it will help me, and maybe other's.
Yeah I'm going to have to make a video or take pictures of this mod cause a lot of people want to see it in action but I don't have an SMP server setup with people to show it's main use of SMP custom textures.
Oh I get it now!You're supposed to upload the textures and download them in order for it to work.I thought you just had to edit the template and then put it into the misc folder.
Yes, you just make an account and upload your textures (skin, ear skin, cape) and then load the game and they'll download themselves like minecraft gets your skins and render it for you and everyone else using the mod.
Also when you register, there's a "Texture Templates" page that has prefit templates that show you where to put what in your textures.
Would this allow someone without a minecraft account to have a skin in a non-online mode server? :biggrin.gif:
Yeah I realized that too after a bit. The other day I went to check the hit counter on the hosted mods to check for 10k that I'm waiting for and noticed that the site was being referred from a lot of other websites mostly in Europe and not in English about using this just for that.
I wasn't really sure how to go about that, but then had a neat idea to try something. When I bought the webhosting, it came with a free gift card for advertising on google, and with an account to begin making money on it placing ads on the site. I never wanted/ever did put ads on anything I make or host because I personally don't like to impose on people. I don't use (i think it's called) for this but it honestly sucks balls to what I could make from the google ads. So, what I was thinking was have it check for people who paid for minecraft (which is provided by Minecraft public resources) then people's accounts who haven't paid get ads when visiting the website.
I thought it was funny and a good way to get rid of these free offers and not impose on the honest people. I'll eventually put up a donate button, but that's it as far as ads ad concerned. I'll always have MMC uploads and these forum threads, but all my mods are hosted on my website that doesn't have ads and just direct download links.
So it's not compatible with zombe's modpack? Its the gq.class thingy fix. Its either fly, or have a good skin :sad.gif:
I'll pm tanzanite right now about asking if his new version contained anything I should add and get a compatible class file for the 1.6.5 version. Good thing I waited cause now I don't have to ask twice cause of 1.6.5.
I clicked the download link but it took me to a page that said this.
404 - Component not foundYou may not be able to visit this page because out-of-date bookmark/favourite2.a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site3.a mistyped have no access to this page5.The requested resource was not found.6.An error has occurred while processing your request.Please try one of the following pages:•Home PageIf difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site.
Hey MDR, Im havving a little issue:My cape/new ears and skin wont load into my minecraft.It loads fine no errors but my cape/skin/ears arent loaded. Everyone around me and I are left with the original skin .Ive restarted minecraft twice and reuploaded my cape/skin also.Any help?
Hard to tell from this end, what minecraft version are you using? What version of my mod are you using? Have you tried reinstalling it on a fresh minecraft compatible version? PM me your username on the site so I can check the remote end, but it sounds like a local problem.
I'm going to write some debugging logs in a lot of my mods so I can just request THAT file from you when you are having problems so I can check for what the problem was.
The glyphs on the cape correspond to game from the Potato Sack on Steam. Guess which one I haven't played and receive a prize (another cape with your name on it)
"I'm dead, shut up."
"I'm dead, shut up."
Lol thanks, I'd put more time into Minecraft but I've been really busy lately and gaming hasn't been my biggest priority.
That and reskinning Garry's Mod models of course. I'm learning how to use the SDK.
"I'm dead, shut up."
P.S Is this compatible with zombe's mod pack?
"I'm dead, shut up."
It's a reference to Team Four Star's Dragonball Z Abridged. It's not made of mahogany either... just wood. Ordinary wood.
"I'm dead, shut up."
This Aperture Science Cape is 67.4% guaranteed to enhance your testing experience. Especially those tests involving momentum. Good bye.
"I'm dead, shut up."
This one's a template. You can write something above the BETTER DRINK MY OWN **** phrase using
So, grab, and write something above that phrase in yellow, white and red. :biggrin.gif:
"I'm dead, shut up."
"I'm dead, shut up."
Here you go
So as you can see it's remote and not local. I'm going to implement an offline mode soon but at the moment it's not in.
Issac 1.9 isn't cause I wanted to check with tanzinite to make sure there aren't anymore changes to add to make them compatible.
"I'm dead, shut up."
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.
Can you explain it a bit more about the problems you're experiencing? I gotta know where to look. I'm also going to make a smoother Timeout Function in case of server downtime to prevent pause delays when loading SSP/SMP worlds. It's gonna check in the beginning for the average size of both textures and time how long it takes to download if it even connects. If not, it'll disable and prompt for offline mode or to attempt reconnecting repeatedly. There's going to be delays between attempts but when it gets a connection (if the server was down or your connection is down) then prompt you about it's connection and prompt a restart Yes/No to get the textures working. Until I solve this other problem I'm having, I won't be able to have the network functions working flawlessly in the event of any server downtime or connections problems on your end. Sometimes minecraft doesn't connect fully when you login and this could lag you up attempting to download multiple smp textures with a timeout wait on each, but I digress.
Yeah I'm going to have to make a video or take pictures of this mod cause a lot of people want to see it in action but I don't have an SMP server setup with people to show it's main use of SMP custom textures.
Yes, you just make an account and upload your textures (skin, ear skin, cape) and then load the game and they'll download themselves like minecraft gets your skins and render it for you and everyone else using the mod.
Also when you register, there's a "Texture Templates" page that has prefit templates that show you where to put what in your textures.
Yeah I realized that too after a bit. The other day I went to check the hit counter on the hosted mods to check for 10k that I'm waiting for and noticed that the site was being referred from a lot of other websites mostly in Europe and not in English about using this just for that.
I wasn't really sure how to go about that, but then had a neat idea to try something. When I bought the webhosting, it came with a free gift card for advertising on google, and with an account to begin making money on it placing ads on the site. I never wanted/ever did put ads on anything I make or host because I personally don't like to impose on people. I don't use (i think it's called) for this but it honestly sucks balls to what I could make from the google ads. So, what I was thinking was have it check for people who paid for minecraft (which is provided by Minecraft public resources) then people's accounts who haven't paid get ads when visiting the website.
I thought it was funny and a good way to get rid of these free offers and not impose on the honest people. I'll eventually put up a donate button, but that's it as far as ads ad concerned. I'll always have MMC uploads and these forum threads, but all my mods are hosted on my website that doesn't have ads and just direct download links.
I'll pm tanzanite right now about asking if his new version contained anything I should add and get a compatible class file for the 1.6.5 version. Good thing I waited cause now I don't have to ask twice cause of 1.6.5.
Fixed, thanks for pointing this out!
Hard to tell from this end, what minecraft version are you using? What version of my mod are you using? Have you tried reinstalling it on a fresh minecraft compatible version? PM me your username on the site so I can check the remote end, but it sounds like a local problem.
I'm going to write some debugging logs in a lot of my mods so I can just request THAT file from you when you are having problems so I can check for what the problem was.
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.