ClassicLight modifies light computation in Minecraft 1.8+ to resemble that of earlier versions, like 1.7.3. As a bonus, it adds support for tinting of blocklight and a few other features.
And since people can't read, and will undoubtly ignore this note anyways:
Ok, so I've effectively replaced the 1.8 coloring model with a new coloring model that allows for you to retain the classic light, but use some fancy features like tinting.
And to demonstrate that it is indeed different than just turning off Smooth Lighting, here's a picture of ClassicLight with Smooth lighting on!
Adjusting the config:
This mod adds a config. You can find it in .minecraft/config/mod_classicLight.cfg. Here's what the keys do:
tintRed: Red factor of tint
tintGreen: green factor of tint
tintBlue: blue factor of tint.
moonTintRed: Red factor of sky tint at night
moonTintGreen: green factor of sky tint at night
moonTintBlue: blue factor of sky tint at night
voidFog: Enables void fog.
properShadows: Reduces intensity of colored blocklight but makes skylight shadows not colored at day.
enableSlider: Turns on third person cam dist slider
thirddist: default distance. Will reset to this at launch.
All of these are 255 by default. Change the values to adjust how the lighting tints. For example, set red and green to "210" for a nice blue tint. Try to keep as much "white" in your colors as possible, or else things will look weird (in particular 0, 0, 255 looks terrible, as well as the other super intense colors)
To toggle the void fog remover, set "voidFog" to false.
old topic: (this new post is boring and uninspired. I'll make a cooler one later)
What is this?:
I had created this mod not that long ago, and posted it in a place here and there, but it was requested that I make a thread about it because people have been looking for such a mod, so I went ahead and did so. This restores the functionality where hiding the hud while in third-person mode would cause the view to swing around so you can see your face. Great for screenshots of you wearing your favorite pumpkin helmet costume, and the like.
Some Test screenshots: (please ignore my horrible skinmaking skills) New to 1.8: The range of the camera is increased while in third person mode! Here's a demo, compare it to the older screenshots!:
Let's keep this rolling! There's even more now!
Dissatisfied with the colored lighting in Minecraft 1.8? Flickering giving you a headache? I added a new mod to my collection! ClassicLighting! This replicates the original 1.7 light (somewhat, the light changes feel different, when night falls. I'll look into this), but with the advantage of still having silky-smooth light transitions when the sun goes down.
help me install this thing into minecraft!:
1: Open your minecraft folder. It's as easy as hitting winkey-r and putting "%appdata%/.minecraft" into the box and pushing enter.
2: Open the bin folder
3: Open minecraft.jar with a zip utility like 7-zip
4: Add the class file into the jar.
6: Close it, and it should work.
In the offchance it doesn't work, verify step 5. If that doesn't work, verify step 5 again. If that doesn't work, just notify me and I'll try to help
it has been brought to my attention that these instructions are a bit windows-biased. I can't really do much about that though, as I only operate windows.
A showcase video some guy made for me!:
Fan sig banners!:
I don't have an official sig banner (I may fix this after tweaking my skins more), but some guys have fixed that void with fan banners! You're on your own to judge their quality and you're of course free to use them in place of anything official that might happen. -- by NorthenerSouth
InsanityBringer wants your help!
I'm not sure how many people like this, or GhastFires, or the recently introduced ClassicLighting. Therefore, if you like any of them, please tell me here in the thread so I can get an idea of how much time to spend working on these! (aside from normal bugfixes and updates)
Please do not redistribute in any form, modified or unmodified, without my permission. This is about it.
Glad to see some wanted this. I updated the thing to r1 to fix up a small issue -- the camera was being blocked wrongly due to an oversight made in the calculations. It should work much nicer now, and you shouldn't be able to peek through blocks to find caves and the like anymore.
Could you make it so that it doesn't lock onto frontal view when you press F1?(make it so that it goes to frontal view only when it's pressed down like it originally was) I can't see a third-person view with removed UI unless it's in frontal view.
Can someone please help me with how i can get the mod to work. I downloaded the zip and it has a class file in it called oy. What do i do with the class file.
Can someone please help me with how i can get the mod to work. I downloaded the zip and it has a class file in it called oy. What do i do with the class file.
Install it the way you install all mods, really. In case you're not aware:
1: Open your minecraft folder. It's as easy as hitting winkey-r and putting "%appdata%/.minecraft" into the box and pushing enter.
2: Open the bin folder
3: Open minecraft.jar with a zip utility like 7-zip
4: Add the class file into the jar.
6: Close it, and it should work.
In the offchance it doesn't work, verify step 5. If that doesn't work, verify step 5 again. If that doesn't work, just notify me and I'll try to help
Thank you so much for bringing this functionality back into Minecraft! I often wondered why Notch took this out after 1.3_01. It is useful in so many ways.
I have a request that might be a little bit of a pain in the butt. I (and i think a lot of other people too) am currently using CrystalClearWaters which also uses the oy.class. Could you create a CrystalClearWaters + 3rd Person View merged oy.class and release it as a 2nd companion download to the mod so we can use both mods at the same time? Thanks very much in advance.
P.S. - in regards to the hold/no-hold F1+F5 issue, personally i like the way it is currently - if you make it not-lock then walking around or playing (even for a brief time) in 3rd Person View is logistically too difficult keyboard-wise.
And since people can't read, and will undoubtly ignore this note anyways:
Ok, so I've effectively replaced the 1.8 coloring model with a new coloring model that allows for you to retain the classic light, but use some fancy features like tinting.
And to demonstrate that it is indeed different than just turning off Smooth Lighting, here's a picture of ClassicLight with Smooth lighting on!
Download: -- updated for 1.5.2, requires modloader 1.5.2 -- updated for 1.5.1, requires ml as always! -- updated for 1.5. Requires modloader 1.5 -- updated for 1.4.6/1.4.7, requires ModLoader -- updated for 1.4.4, requires ModLoader 1.4.4 -- updated for 1.3.2 -- updated for 1.3 -- updated for 1.2.5 -- updated for 1.2.4 updated for 1.2.3 w/ fixed void fog remover. Requires ModLoader for 1.2.3http://www.mediafire...yq6yc95hd2c2p77 -- fixes smooth lightinghttp://www.mediafire...h4syeeza9vjjo4w -- updated 1.1 version, with fancier features.
http://www.mediafire...v5dx6kglxi2sp2z -- updated for 1.1. Requires ModLoader for 1.1.
http://www.mediafire...f51n9pfjf6un8i7-- updated for 1.0.0. Requires ModLoader for 1.0.0http://www.mediafire...hmt6e9c5v4oub39-- updated for 1.9 pre5. Use Risugami's official 1.9 pre5 ModLoader with it!http://www.mediafire...4wipyr63ekdd13v -- updated for 1.9 pre5. You need 303's unofficial Modloader in order for this to work!Adjusting the config:
This mod adds a config. You can find it in .minecraft/config/mod_classicLight.cfg. Here's what the keys do:
tintRed: Red factor of tint
tintGreen: green factor of tint
tintBlue: blue factor of tint.
moonTintRed: Red factor of sky tint at night
moonTintGreen: green factor of sky tint at night
moonTintBlue: blue factor of sky tint at night
voidFog: Enables void fog.
properShadows: Reduces intensity of colored blocklight but makes skylight shadows not colored at day.
enableSlider: Turns on third person cam dist slider
thirddist: default distance. Will reset to this at launch.
All of these are 255 by default. Change the values to adjust how the lighting tints. For example, set red and green to "210" for a nice blue tint. Try to keep as much "white" in your colors as possible, or else things will look weird (in particular 0, 0, 255 looks terrible, as well as the other super intense colors)
To toggle the void fog remover, set "voidFog" to false.
old topic: (this new post is boring and uninspired. I'll make a cooler one later)
I had created this mod not that long ago, and posted it in a place here and there, but it was requested that I make a thread about it because people have been looking for such a mod, so I went ahead and did so. This restores the functionality where hiding the hud while in third-person mode would cause the view to swing around so you can see your face. Great for screenshots of you wearing your favorite pumpkin helmet costume, and the like.
Some Test screenshots:
(please ignore my horrible skinmaking skills)
New to 1.8: The range of the camera is increased while in third person mode! Here's a demo, compare it to the older screenshots!:
Download Links! (for FaceView):
and the all-important download file. Does not require ModLoader. As per all mods remember to delete the meta-inf folder first.
http://www.mediafire...qh1docsig351bv9 -- updated for 1.8!
http://www.mediafire...l2a1kfs2uerw417-- updated for 1.7.3http://www.mediafire...gn56gaqc3rtndjfhttp://www.mediafire...j2w2uh4la2j2dluhttp://www.mediafire...9ji524h1s0k7fdhhttp://www.mediafire...nt6t2y0ownbsmcdhttp://www.mediafire...uohaqxyghnayb4qhttp://www.mediafire...igp9oeubyqc3wvzBut wait, there's more!: (oh god, not more)
And here's a small mod that makes fireballs start fire when they land again
Call in the next fifteen minutes and this AMAZING offer could be yours! /me gets autocrossbowed.
Download Links! (for GhastFires):
http://www.mediafire...vfg9td1ava36aed -- updated for 1.8.1
http://www.mediafire...2o2pcvixi7xfu8x-- updated for 1.7.3http://www.mediafire...6t5xnxel369ugj8http://www.mediafire...iozj19a9rahw4djhttp://www.mediafire...y7r4t2k2ozsjsnphttp://www.mediafire...halvjz6op6mzuvahttp://www.mediafire...72wf8od2ra9wkfaLet's keep this rolling! There's even more now!
Dissatisfied with the colored lighting in Minecraft 1.8? Flickering giving you a headache? I added a new mod to my collection! ClassicLighting! This replicates the original 1.7 light (somewhat, the light changes feel different, when night falls. I'll look into this), but with the advantage of still having silky-smooth light transitions when the sun goes down.
Download for ClassicLight:
help me install this thing into minecraft!:
1: Open your minecraft folder. It's as easy as hitting winkey-r and putting "%appdata%/.minecraft" into the box and pushing enter.
2: Open the bin folder
3: Open minecraft.jar with a zip utility like 7-zip
4: Add the class file into the jar.
6: Close it, and it should work.
In the offchance it doesn't work, verify step 5. If that doesn't work, verify step 5 again. If that doesn't work, just notify me and I'll try to help
it has been brought to my attention that these instructions are a bit windows-biased. I can't really do much about that though, as I only operate windows.
A showcase video some guy made for me!:
Fan sig banners!:
I don't have an official sig banner (I may fix this after tweaking my skins more), but some guys have fixed that void with fan banners! You're on your own to judge their quality and you're of course free to use them in place of anything official that might happen.
InsanityBringer wants your help!
I'm not sure how many people like this, or GhastFires, or the recently introduced ClassicLighting. Therefore, if you like any of them, please tell me here in the thread so I can get an idea of how much time to spend working on these! (aside from normal bugfixes and updates)
Please do not redistribute in any form, modified or unmodified, without my permission. This is about it.
"sometimes, wizards are so awesome, it hurts"
"sometimes, wizards are so awesome, it hurts"
"sometimes, wizards are so awesome, it hurts"
kewl mod yo! KUDOS AND
Modloader compatible sirr
Thanks alot man!
FASEworld | Capitalism, Hoooo! | Allods Yasker's Tower
Just what I was looking for.
In the meantime, why don't you go make your ghast fireballs make stuff catch fire again
"sometimes, wizards are so awesome, it hurts"
Twitter: @iPixeliMC
1: Open your minecraft folder. It's as easy as hitting winkey-r and putting "%appdata%/.minecraft" into the box and pushing enter.
2: Open the bin folder
3: Open minecraft.jar with a zip utility like 7-zip
4: Add the class file into the jar.
6: Close it, and it should work.
In the offchance it doesn't work, verify step 5. If that doesn't work, verify step 5 again. If that doesn't work, just notify me and I'll try to help
"sometimes, wizards are so awesome, it hurts"
i really need em tho :biggrin.gif:
"sometimes, wizards are so awesome, it hurts"
Thank you so much for bringing this functionality back into Minecraft! I often wondered why Notch took this out after 1.3_01. It is useful in so many ways.
I have a request that might be a little bit of a pain in the butt. I (and i think a lot of other people too) am currently using CrystalClearWaters which also uses the oy.class. Could you create a CrystalClearWaters + 3rd Person View merged oy.class and release it as a 2nd companion download to the mod so we can use both mods at the same time? Thanks very much in advance.
P.S. - in regards to the hold/no-hold F1+F5 issue, personally i like the way it is currently - if you make it not-lock then walking around or playing (even for a brief time) in 3rd Person View is logistically too difficult keyboard-wise.
"sometimes, wizards are so awesome, it hurts"