Can you teach me how to use Lagless Explosions? Thanks. :biggrin.gif:
It's more making mods or modifing class files to your liking.
Install class file and when you would normally use createExplosion to initial an explosion, you call it like so,
newExplosion(null, X, Y, Z, Float, true);
null = just keep it null for Pete's sake unless you know what you're doing
X = X Coordinate of blast zone center
Y = Y Coordinate of blast zone center
Z = Z Coordinate of blast zone center
Float = Float value of Explosive Force
True = Sets the boolean to trigger the "lagless" process; False would produce a normal explosion
Example of the Float value being used in mods & minecraft:
Creeper: 3F or 6F if it gets hit by lightning
SDK Nuke: Says "5x TNT" so 20F
Pav's Nuke: 96F
100 TNTs I guess: 400F
you get the picture
It's more making mods or modifing class files to your liking.
Install class file and when you would normally use createExplosion to initial an explosion, you call it like so,
newExplosion(null, X, Y, Z, Float, true);
null = just keep it null for Pete's sake unless you know what you're doing
X = X Coordinate of blast zone center
Y = Y Coordinate of blast zone center
Z = Z Coordinate of blast zone center
Float = Float value of Explosive Force
True = Sets the boolean to trigger the "lagless" process; False would produce a normal explosion
Example of the Float value being used in mods & minecraft:
Creeper: 3F or 6F if it gets hit by lightning
SDK Nuke: Says "5x TNT" so 20F
Pav's Nuke: 96F
100 TNTs I guess: 400F
you get the picture
Then how did Roundaround's Lagless Explosions work without this coordinate/force thing?
The Bow-Sword! It's a bow, and a sword... The Bow-Sword?
Anyway, here's the recipes, gonna add some new features later on that give better "bowish" properties for better swords. (i.e. diamond bow-swords fire arrows farther and with more accuracy)
Wooden Bow-Sword
Stone Bow-Sword
Iron Bow-Sword
Gold Bow-Sword
Diamond Bow-Sword
Right now there is no way to define ItemIDs but incase anyone needed them to check for conflicts, here they are.
Then how did Roundaround's Lagless Explosions work without this coordinate/force thing?
That mod would just perform the same process except on every explosion. It doesn't play the smoke or explode animation and also drops no items instead of just some. Skipping the animations kills lag right off the bat from big explosions that trigger tons of instances of these animations all in the same second. Then if your Minecraft Client survives the animations, huge explosions that drop a lot of items creates a ton of lag from all the loose item sprites just waiting to be picked up. You can REALLY see the difference in the Pav's Nuke Mod doing 1 without the lagless explosions class, then one with.
Every explosion wouldn't drop a single item and if I remember correctly you also would lose the items you had on you if you died by an explosion.
Mine is more for people to use as needed for big explosions when they're putting together a a mod with a new explosion.
I could make another version that works for every explosion, I just never cared for it since it kills the animations and items for any explosion. I didn't care for it since I couldn't fix the creeper explosions from dropped items (since it doesn't drop any) then use tnt for mining and similar small explosions.
That mod would just perform the same process except on every explosion. It doesn't play the smoke or explode animation and also drops no items instead of just some. Skipping the animations kills lag right off the bat from big explosions that trigger tons of instances of these animations all in the same second. Then if your Minecraft Client survives the animations, huge explosions that drop a lot of items creates a ton of lag from all the loose item sprites just waiting to be picked up. You can REALLY see the difference in the Pav's Nuke Mod doing 1 without the lagless explosions class, then one with.
Every explosion wouldn't drop a single item and if I remember correctly you also would lose the items you had on you if you died by an explosion.
Mine is more for people to use as needed for big explosions when they're putting together a a mod with a new explosion.
I could make another version that works for every explosion, I just never cared for it since it kills the animations and items for any explosion. I didn't care for it since I couldn't fix the creeper explosions from dropped items (since it doesn't drop any) then use tnt for mining and similar small explosions.
Hmm. So is it possible to take out the animations, but leave the items?
That'd be cool if it would be possible to sorta have settings for this. Like. One setting, no drop/no animation, another would be drop/no animation, another animation/no drop, animation/drop. But that's just asking too much. LOL.
That'd be cool if it would be possible to sorta have settings for this. Like. One setting, no drop/no animation, another would be drop/no animation, another animation/no drop, animation/drop. But that's just asking too much. LOL.
Nah, I've actually been working on implementing Gui API into a lot of my mods to get over me not wanting to release new versions because I consider some features to impose on users but with Gui API, users can configure each setting to their own liking.
The Lagless Explosions mod that I made right there is pretty much a "utility" of sorts for people wanting to use it in their mods for their own explosions, or modify existing explosions like if 100+ tnt went off to trigger this instead.
Your suggestion though sounds very reasonable and could be a new mod by itself that I could combine with Gameplay+ Mod to basically create a mod that is aimed towards reducing lag or increasing quality by going to these fields that cause lag or enhance gameplay and allow users to define their own values.
I haven't had a lot of time lately, but I'm really trying to get some of these out soon, might do this one first.
Nah, I've actually been working on implementing Gui API into a lot of my mods to get over me not wanting to release new versions because I consider some features to impose on users but with Gui API, users can configure each setting to their own liking.
The Lagless Explosions mod that I made right there is pretty much a "utility" of sorts for people wanting to use it in their mods for their own explosions, or modify existing explosions like if 100+ tnt went off to trigger this instead.
Your suggestion though sounds very reasonable and could be a new mod by itself that I could combine with Gameplay+ Mod to basically create a mod that is aimed towards reducing lag or increasing quality by going to these fields that cause lag or enhance gameplay and allow users to define their own values.
I haven't had a lot of time lately, but I'm really trying to get some of these out soon, might do this one first.
Bowswords? hmm... Intriguing *tries them out* Freakin' Sweet! Ultimate weapons are possible! Woot, thank you for saving me from creepers!
Just one suggestion: Risugami, and several others have added different Arrow types in some of their mods, like Risugami's Elemental arrow, when I tried your bowswords with those arrows, and no normal arrow the bowsword seems to think there are no arrows to fire. I'm not sure what part of the script is responsible for this but is it possible to fix? If not, I'll just be sure to carry arrows at all times, the Bowsword is worth it!
Multitool: Also a wonderful addition, though given it's usefulness I think the 'price' of the tool is a mite low, but just an inkling nevermind the previous sentence, the durability of the tool seems to make up for the price. well done on balancing usefulness with practicality, a very difficult feat indeed!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
[!]Please visit my WIP page!I am working on updating my Floating Islands mod and developing a new one! Operor non relinquo sapientia , quod is mos servo youlove ; suus quod is mos (Prov. 4:6)
Better Mining mod causes me to crash on log in. Not sure why.
Here's the Modloader log I get after attempting to log in.
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader init
FINE: ModLoader Beta 1.5_01v4 Initializing...
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\Public\Minecraft Matrix\.minecraft\mods\betterminingv1
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Directory found.
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Failed to load mod from "mod_BetterMining.class"
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader addMod
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: SMASHER
at mod_BetterMining.<clinit>(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at ModLoader.addMod(
at ModLoader.readFromModFolder(
at ModLoader.init(
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(
at sd.<init>(
at sd.<clinit>(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:282)
at Source)
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\Public\Minecraft Matrix\.minecraft\mods\SpecialSpadev1
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Directory found.
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Mod Loaded: "mod_SpecialSpade Special Spade v1(1.5_01)" from mod_SpecialSpade.class
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\Public\Minecraft Matrix\.minecraft\mods\TooManyItems2011_05_10
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Directory found.
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Mod Loaded: "mod_TooManyItems 1.5_01" from mod_TooManyItems.class
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader
Better Mining mod causes me to crash on log in. Not sure why.
Here's the Modloader log I get after attempting to log in.
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader init
FINE: ModLoader Beta 1.5_01v4 Initializing...
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\Public\Minecraft Matrix\.minecraft\mods\betterminingv1
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Directory found.
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Failed to load mod from "mod_BetterMining.class"
May 24, 2011 11:27:56 PM ModLoader addMod
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: SMASHER
at mod_BetterMining.<clinit>(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at ModLoader.addMod(
at ModLoader.readFromModFolder(
at ModLoader.init(
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(
at sd.<init>(
at sd.<clinit>(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:282)
at Source)
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\Public\Minecraft Matrix\.minecraft\mods\SpecialSpadev1
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Directory found.
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Mod Loaded: "mod_SpecialSpade Special Spade v1(1.5_01)" from mod_SpecialSpade.class
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\Public\Minecraft Matrix\.minecraft\mods\TooManyItems2011_05_10
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Directory found.
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Mod Loaded: "mod_TooManyItems 1.5_01" from mod_TooManyItems.class
May 24, 2011 11:28:06 PM ModLoader
That'd be a conflicting mod that uses the bn.class "EnumToolMaterial"
So anything that uses that class is conflicting with my mod because my mod was installed first, then the conflicting bn.class was installed and caused the "SMASHER" tool material to be overwritten which is why it says "java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: SMASHER"
Get me a list of the mods you use and I could make a compatible bn.class for you.
Well I actually spent the last 2 days working on an updated version of a mod I already made that I'm combining with another mod I haven't released. With the 1.6 release, it will delay the release of that particular mod, but I can still continue to work on it so it can be ready when I start updating each mod.
I'm starting to get the hang of everything back (must have been the Rx I was taking for the last few weeks) so coding has been much easier and faster than normal.
I can update most of these mods without MCP but I hate the obfuscation and how I'd have 2 source files, 1 deobfuscated and 1 not, so I'm going to limit immediate updates to the simplest mods. (Probably all of the Basic Mods) That way when MCP updates, I could easily decompile them and retrieve the deobfuscated code without wasting a lot of work doing it all unobfuscated.
I'm also going to rearrange my thread layout a bit and see if I can find some working Anchors again..
When it's all done, everything should be much cleaner, more compatible, and easier to index.
Oh and the Spawn Torch is going to change to a Spawn-Chamber (like a Vita-Chamber from Bioshock) cause I found this nifty little tool that helps make Models for minecraft.
The Bow-sword is going to get a lot of updates. Here's the excerpt from the MMC page comments
I'm experimenting with using Gui API for some of my mods so users can configure each mod to their liking. A lot of what I've been holding back on my mods were features that I particularly liked, but knew some users might not care for it and I just do not like to impose on users.
With Gui API users can configure the mods in game to their liking.
This mod in particular, I personally threw together the sprites so it's only natural that they're horrible.
The next update is going to add in a lot of features (just like my spawn torches) I'll try to list off some here and which are configurable
Better material yields better weapon stats [enable/disable]
^ Basically, a diamond bow-sword would for instance shoot arrows the farthest and the most accurate (straight with no drop off) Having this setting enabled would change the recipe to require 1 more base material (wood/stone/iron/gold/diamond) to balance it out
Bow-Sword takes damage for arrows launched [enable/disable]
Better material yields greater arrow strength [enable/disable]
^ This would use the other recipe again to balance it out and would just make better material swords fire stronger arrows.
Hold Right-Click for stronger arrows [enable/disable]
^ Enabling this would automatically enable bow-swords taking damage for firing arrows to balance it out but would just allow you to hold Right-Click for a certain amount of time to fire a stronger and more accurate arrow.
Bow-Sword Specials [enable/disable]
^ It's a secret =D
That's all for those 2 but I'm going to implement my own Gu[i]nterface because Gui API not only conflicts with some mods, but is a pain in the ass to work with without using Oracle or something like that and contains more than what I'd actually be using. I'm going to make sure my Custom Gui doesn't conflict with other Custom Guis (like how that 1 time changing mod conflicts with Gui API) so people don't have to choose between 1 or the other.
I'm also going to add some things in to the following Mods:
-Better Mining
-Boat Fixes (update, add more features)
-Combo Tools (update, add features and also add Sword combinations)
-Custom Game Over Screen (update, add a few features and consider adding it to that other mod I was working on during the update)
-Dungeon Mods (update, Probably be on the back-burner because adding those features takes a bit of time that I could update other mods instead)
-Emeralds (update, Fix those damn bugs and release a fully functional version)
-Gameplay+ (update, consider adding it to that other mod I was working on)
-Half-Door Mod (update, verify it's functionality and consider some new features for new things added in the latest minecraft)
-HD SMP Character Textures Mod (Update it)
-InGame Clock (update, has already been added to that other mod I mentioned a lot)
-Lagless Explosions (update, add another version that lets users configure it's activation and settings)
-Mob Repellers (update, change some ****, add some things)
-Mobs ONLY Spawn at Night (update, add some customization and features to go along with it)
-More Effort=Better Drops (update, check it, consider adding features)
-More Sheep Colors (update, and consider adding settings)
-Multi-Tool (update, and consider adding features)
-Pav's Nuke (Update it)
-Proxy-Free Note Block (update, add features and settings)
-Special Spade (update, consider adding some things)
-Super Jump (change to crouching jump and update it)
-Trees Drop Apples & CocoBeans (update it, add a function so cocobeans can be dropped when breaking leaves and not just when leaves decay naturally which is how you currently obtain cocobeans; apples drop either way, cocobeans are just damaged Inc Saks so it's a different method to drop damaged items)
-Useful Hoe (update it, consider some things)
All of that plus the unannounced mods which I'll count how many there are right now...
Furnace + Workbench to Inventory - Minecraft just released what I believe was this exact function. Was just going to add a small mod to allow users to send crafted/smelted items straight to the inventory and fix some crafting bugs like making cakes leaving empty buckets in the workbench and put those in your inventory instead.
Emerald Fixes - Mentioned Above
Note Block - Mentioned Above
That mod I was working on when it updated - like 70% done excluding updating it to 1.6.4
5 unannounced mods that are less than 25% done excluding updating it to 1.6.4
10 unannounced mods that have virtually no work done to them and are just concepts with SOME proof of concepts done to verify that certain functions can be performed in Minecraft.
So like 16..
Between updating both threads, updating all mods, updating the site a bit, adding more features, and releasing new mods I'll be kind of busy. I'm hoping when MCP updates to be able to update 4-8 mods or so a day (maybe more) till they are all updated.
I'm going to step out for a bit now, then come back and update some Basic Mods that are real easy to update without MCP to begin the process.
Special Shovels (previously Spades) & Half Doors have been updated
Gonna take a break, been sitting awkwardly so need to stretch out my back. Once I get these all updated to 1.6.4, I'll start throwing in the new features.
Nice mod!!! I plan to update when minecraft has less bugs. One suggestion, if you make flint and emerald and a compass out of emerald, you should also make an emerald bucket.Great Job!!!!!!
Nice mod!!! I plan to update when minecraft has less bugs. One suggestion, if you make flint and emerald and a compass out of emerald, you should also make an emerald bucket.Great Job!!!!!!
Yeah I already have plans for them listed on that post, they are going to be "deeper" to allow liquids to stack in the buckets.
I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer for my favorite ones. Then again, I've gotten so many cocoa beans and apples from trees now, it's not even funny. I had to do some demolition to open up the area around my base, so that's where I got so many cocoa beans and apples (Well, more like 13 or so apples.). I had to cut down some trees to isolate the huge fraken-trees (which were reserved for the good 'ol Flint n Steel), so I found my cocoa go up past 64, thanks to that mod. I'm also waiting for for the Multi-Tool, Better Effort = Better Drops, Useful Hoe, and possibly the Spawn Torch. I'm not sure if I'm going to update to 1.6 after these mods, Vornika's, Optimine, or a combination of the three.
The modloader and MCP was updated quickly, so a good chunk of the mods I use are now either done or will be done soon, but these simple mods are some of my favorites and I have a multi-tool. I'd say Better Effort/ Drops one and Useful Hoe are my favorites for this set of mods. The Cocoa beans and apples one's pretty cool at times, though it's been getting annoying as of late. I've since had to reserve a large chest for nothing but cookies, since you can't stack more than 8.
Edit: Speaking of which, I wonder if 1.6 with screw up my Sky Fortress now.
"I don't plan to add a new dimension at the moment. It's just to performance heavy on servers, and the current dimensions need more attention before we start adding new ones." < Yeah, like biomes or actual varied terrain in the nether. Nether ruins didn't do the trick at all.
It's more making mods or modifing class files to your liking.
Install class file and when you would normally use createExplosion to initial an explosion, you call it like so,
newExplosion(null, X, Y, Z, Float, true);
null = just keep it null for Pete's sake unless you know what you're doing
X = X Coordinate of blast zone center
Y = Y Coordinate of blast zone center
Z = Z Coordinate of blast zone center
Float = Float value of Explosive Force
True = Sets the boolean to trigger the "lagless" process; False would produce a normal explosion
Example of the Float value being used in mods & minecraft:
Creeper: 3F or 6F if it gets hit by lightning
SDK Nuke: Says "5x TNT" so 20F
Pav's Nuke: 96F
100 TNTs I guess: 400F
you get the picture
Then how did Roundaround's Lagless Explosions work without this coordinate/force thing?
Needs better textures. Maybe bladed bows?
That mod would just perform the same process except on every explosion. It doesn't play the smoke or explode animation and also drops no items instead of just some. Skipping the animations kills lag right off the bat from big explosions that trigger tons of instances of these animations all in the same second. Then if your Minecraft Client survives the animations, huge explosions that drop a lot of items creates a ton of lag from all the loose item sprites just waiting to be picked up. You can REALLY see the difference in the Pav's Nuke Mod doing 1 without the lagless explosions class, then one with.
Every explosion wouldn't drop a single item and if I remember correctly you also would lose the items you had on you if you died by an explosion.
Mine is more for people to use as needed for big explosions when they're putting together a a mod with a new explosion.
I could make another version that works for every explosion, I just never cared for it since it kills the animations and items for any explosion. I didn't care for it since I couldn't fix the creeper explosions from dropped items (since it doesn't drop any) then use tnt for mining and similar small explosions.
Hmm. So is it possible to take out the animations, but leave the items?
Yeah but it still causes a hell of a lot of lag depending on the explosion size.
At least it's less laggy than with the animations. :biggrin.gif:
Nah, I've actually been working on implementing Gui API into a lot of my mods to get over me not wanting to release new versions because I consider some features to impose on users but with Gui API, users can configure each setting to their own liking.
The Lagless Explosions mod that I made right there is pretty much a "utility" of sorts for people wanting to use it in their mods for their own explosions, or modify existing explosions like if 100+ tnt went off to trigger this instead.
Your suggestion though sounds very reasonable and could be a new mod by itself that I could combine with Gameplay+ Mod to basically create a mod that is aimed towards reducing lag or increasing quality by going to these fields that cause lag or enhance gameplay and allow users to define their own values.
I haven't had a lot of time lately, but I'm really trying to get some of these out soon, might do this one first.
Cool. :biggrin.gif: You're awesome! Thanks a lot.
Just one suggestion: Risugami, and several others have added different Arrow types in some of their mods, like Risugami's Elemental arrow, when I tried your bowswords with those arrows, and no normal arrow the bowsword seems to think there are no arrows to fire. I'm not sure what part of the script is responsible for this but is it possible to fix? If not, I'll just be sure to carry arrows at all times, the Bowsword is worth it!
Multitool: Also a wonderful addition, though given it's usefulness I think the 'price'
of the tool is a mite low, but just an inklingnevermind the previous sentence, the durability of the tool seems to make up for the price. well done on balancing usefulness with practicality, a very difficult feat indeed!Operor non relinquo sapientia , quod is mos servo youlove ; suus quod is mos (Prov. 4:6)
Here's the Modloader log I get after attempting to log in.
That'd be a conflicting mod that uses the bn.class "EnumToolMaterial"
So anything that uses that class is conflicting with my mod because my mod was installed first, then the conflicting bn.class was installed and caused the "SMASHER" tool material to be overwritten which is why it says "java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: SMASHER"
Get me a list of the mods you use and I could make a compatible bn.class for you.
I'm starting to get the hang of everything back (must have been the Rx I was taking for the last few weeks) so coding has been much easier and faster than normal.
I can update most of these mods without MCP but I hate the obfuscation and how I'd have 2 source files, 1 deobfuscated and 1 not, so I'm going to limit immediate updates to the simplest mods. (Probably all of the Basic Mods) That way when MCP updates, I could easily decompile them and retrieve the deobfuscated code without wasting a lot of work doing it all unobfuscated.
I'm also going to rearrange my thread layout a bit and see if I can find some working Anchors again..
When it's all done, everything should be much cleaner, more compatible, and easier to index.
Oh and the Spawn Torch is going to change to a Spawn-Chamber (like a Vita-Chamber from Bioshock) cause I found this nifty little tool that helps make Models for minecraft.
The Bow-sword is going to get a lot of updates. Here's the excerpt from the MMC page comments
That's all for those 2 but I'm going to implement my own Gu[i]nterface because Gui API not only conflicts with some mods, but is a pain in the ass to work with without using Oracle or something like that and contains more than what I'd actually be using. I'm going to make sure my Custom Gui doesn't conflict with other Custom Guis (like how that 1 time changing mod conflicts with Gui API) so people don't have to choose between 1 or the other.
I'm also going to add some things in to the following Mods:
-Better Mining
-Boat Fixes (update, add more features)
-Combo Tools (update, add features and also add Sword combinations)
-Custom Game Over Screen (update, add a few features and consider adding it to that other mod I was working on during the update)
-Dungeon Mods (update, Probably be on the back-burner because adding those features takes a bit of time that I could update other mods instead)
-Emeralds (update, Fix those damn bugs and release a fully functional version)
-Gameplay+ (update, consider adding it to that other mod I was working on)
-Half-Door Mod (update, verify it's functionality and consider some new features for new things added in the latest minecraft)
-HD SMP Character Textures Mod (Update it)
-InGame Clock (update, has already been added to that other mod I mentioned a lot)
-Lagless Explosions (update, add another version that lets users configure it's activation and settings)
-Mob Repellers (update, change some ****, add some things)
-Mobs ONLY Spawn at Night (update, add some customization and features to go along with it)
-More Effort=Better Drops (update, check it, consider adding features)
-More Sheep Colors (update, and consider adding settings)
-Multi-Tool (update, and consider adding features)
-Pav's Nuke (Update it)
-Proxy-Free Note Block (update, add features and settings)
-Special Spade (update, consider adding some things)
-Super Jump (change to crouching jump and update it)
-Trees Drop Apples & CocoBeans (update it, add a function so cocobeans can be dropped when breaking leaves and not just when leaves decay naturally which is how you currently obtain cocobeans; apples drop either way, cocobeans are just damaged Inc Saks so it's a different method to drop damaged items)
-Useful Hoe (update it, consider some things)
All of that plus the unannounced mods which I'll count how many there are right now...
Furnace + Workbench to Inventory- Minecraft just released what I believe was this exact function. Was just going to add a small mod to allow users to send crafted/smelted items straight to the inventory and fix some crafting bugs like making cakes leaving empty buckets in the workbench and put those in your inventory instead.Emerald Fixes - Mentioned Above
Note Block - Mentioned Above
That mod I was working on when it updated - like 70% done excluding updating it to 1.6.4
5 unannounced mods that are less than 25% done excluding updating it to 1.6.4
10 unannounced mods that have virtually no work done to them and are just concepts with SOME proof of concepts done to verify that certain functions can be performed in Minecraft.
So like 16..
Between updating both threads, updating all mods, updating the site a bit, adding more features, and releasing new mods I'll be kind of busy. I'm hoping when MCP updates to be able to update 4-8 mods or so a day (maybe more) till they are all updated.
I'm going to step out for a bit now, then come back and update some Basic Mods that are real easy to update without MCP to begin the process.
Boat Fixes
More Sheep Colors
and HD character texture mod on my other thread
Gonna take a break, been sitting awkwardly so need to stretch out my back. Once I get these all updated to 1.6.4, I'll start throwing in the new features.
Yeah I already have plans for them listed on that post, they are going to be "deeper" to allow liquids to stack in the buckets.
The modloader and MCP was updated quickly, so a good chunk of the mods I use are now either done or will be done soon, but these simple mods are some of my favorites and I have a multi-tool. I'd say Better Effort/ Drops one and Useful Hoe are my favorites for this set of mods. The Cocoa beans and apples one's pretty cool at times, though it's been getting annoying as of late. I've since had to reserve a large chest for nothing but cookies, since you can't stack more than 8.
Edit: Speaking of which, I wonder if 1.6 with screw up my Sky Fortress now.