Did you basically just take code from my Tiered Flint mod and change it a bit to work with Hoe's, then added the speed modifier? I looked at it and it's VERY similar. One of the methods is even named almost the same in my mod_TieredFlint and your mod_UsefulHoe.
EDIT: Also, you're 1.5_01 download for said mod isn't working. I had to download the 1.4_01 version to check.
Thanks for pointing that out, I apparently just uploaded an empty zip file and forgot to add the contents.
As far as "stealing" code is concerned, I just downloaded yours and see that both use ModLoader to retrieve the players held item cause it's just flat out easier than doing it manually. (which is why I assume you used it aswell) Then they both have the BlockGravel additions to raise the chances based on which tool you are using. As far as the formatting of my ModLoader file is concerned, that's how everyone pretty much writes them. Before realizing could use PropertyReader for an easier method, I was using ModLoader for the Custom Game Over Screen and the filename was mod_CustomGameOver.
I don't go around checking for similarities between existing mods because there's too many off the bat and I write everything from scratch with the exception of some crap I drag off google that has more to do with specific java functions than minecraft specific code. (i.e. I referenced a HttpConnection try method for checking URL headers in my SMP HD Character Texture mod) For that reason I don't find it necessary to go around making sure cause of the low chance I write something exactly the same way someone else did.
Between these 2 mods, the ModLoader method is easy and effective for retrieving the held item and other mods with the same requirement use the same method in ModLoader. As for the BlockGravel, the method was already present in minecraft before any of us touched it so it would be hard for anyone to claim ownership off manipulating code already present in the game.
As you said, my mod also adds the speed increase when using a specific hoe to a gravel block which I learned from Woot after requesting he update the special DuraPick version that he makes for me for my dislikes of the original. After updating it, he recommended I decompile his code to learn how he did what and saw it was very simple to add, then just added the requirement of breaking a certain block along with a certain tool to achieve the speed increase. I also had to add gravel as an effectiveagainst block in the Hoe to have it take damage from breaking gravel and not just have infinite uses.
After having them both side-by-side they do share similarities but you being a coder know that our similar methods are used by other people to achieve the same results required for retrieving an item being used to throw it by an interaction with a block to handle the event accordingly. Neither of us are the first to use these methods and certainly won't be the last.
The concepts of the mods themselves share only the similarity of a better chance of receiving flint from breaking Gravel. Your mod uses Spades already effective against gravel to provide a better chance for receiving flint when destroying the block. My mod makes Hoes effective against gravel to receive damage, provides a speed increase per material to supplement it's lack of against any other block, provides a better chance of receiving flint when destroying the block, and lastly gives user a practical use to make any other Hoe besides stone or wood. I'd apologize for the similarities but since I didn't do any of it intentionally, don't see a reason to.
I actually already saw that mod, and that picture you directly linked to was the same picture (saw in a different thread) I got the idea for the phrases I chose and the idea to allow users to easily change their own without extracting a class, editing fields with a class editor or worse yet decompiling and recompiling, saving and repacking the class each time they wished to change the fields.
With this mod you can actually change while in game as easy as other authors make it to change itemIDs and such using PropertyReader. That mod however is geared more towards readding a point system, which I considered but didn't pursue due to that user are coming up with an effective method that more than likely would have been the same way I would have gone about it with the exception of the Game Over Screen.
Nice job with the half doors. Love seeing new mods from you.
Thanks again bro. Forgot all about the HD SMP mod though and already got permission from KodaichiZero to use her Model and Render classes for her Charlotte mod so I can incorporate SSP/SMP Female character support.
Think I might do more of these before doing that cause I'd have to update the fields, find the point where I'd be driving a wedge into the code to go one way for females and another way for standard males in the Biped Classes, then make 2 more classes or jam them in the biped classes to render females correctly.
Sounds like a pain in the ass atm so might just stick to these ones until the weekend or something.
Im a small time pixel artist who does textures for different mods and also helps with texture packs. I see that you say you are planning on working on more mods and i can understand that modding and textures can be a big workload if you are working by yourself. If you want to see some of my work you can look in my signature and click on the only banner there. What im saying is if you would like some help doing some textures for your mods then i would love to help you. Please PM me if you want help i cant always check back on threads but i am bookmarking yours because i love your mods. If you need any help at anytime just let me know!
Im a small time pixel artist who does textures for different mods and also helps with texture packs. I see that you say you are planning on working on more mods and i can understand that modding and textures can be a big workload if you are working by yourself. If you want to see some of my work you can look in my signature and click on the only banner there. What im saying is if you would like some help doing some textures for your mods then i would love to help you. Please PM me if you want help i cant always check back on threads but i am bookmarking yours because i love your mods. If you need any help at anytime just let me know!
Thanks! I actually suck myself and would definitely appreciate any contributions you wished to offer in creating sprites and textures. Expect a PM when I finish another mod and just require textures to complete it.
Just wondering, can you also do models? If not, I understand and can probably just mash some existing models together to get what I'm trying to achieve.
Quote from IDixn »
Really good! IDEA!: how about a simple mod so that redstone currents can go on for longer, hence then there will be less need for repeaters?
Eventually I'm going to have each mod in a certain section that classifies them most likely based on game balance. The mods I've done so far I believe don't tip the game balance that much in your favor and I try to keep in that direction. Your idea can be done easily, there is already a mod out that carries a current indefinitely but I'd want to keep a certain balance.
I'm trying to thinking of how far to extend the current without screwing with the purpose of repeaters. I assume you're referring to the Repeater blocks and not regular repeaters that just require a solid block and a redstone torch.
The current range is 15 blocks, I myself wouldn't go over 30 and am thinking between 20-25, what do you think?
Quote from DaftPVF »
Quote from MDR »
Custom Game Over Screen v1 -snip-
Yes I've seen that thread and another user brought this up on the first page.
I didn't think there was any problems since we use entirely different methods, while your mod is geared more towards you readding the point system while mine just adds customization to the Game Over Screen. I even removed the already present point system variable from the 'Score' line to further divide the similarities between the mods since my interest was just customizing the Game Over Screen and nothing to do with the point system at all.
Yes I've seen that thread and another user brought this up on the first page.
I didn't think there was any problems since we use entirely different methods, while your mod is geared more towards you readding the point system while mine just adds customization to the Game Over Screen. I even removed the already present point system variable from the 'Score' line to further divide the similarities between the mods since my interest was just customizing the Game Over Screen and nothing to do with the point system at all.
Hmm, but if you scrolled down you should have noticed that I have a mod that adds only that, the game over customization. But It's ok, I don't mind (as long as you cite me for the idea).
Regarding your More Effort = Bedder drops mod (or something to that)...
I completely disagree with the concept of the mod. Hard difficulty is made to be harder, by making spders drop 6 string on Hard, makes string rather easy to obtain.
Uh... I tried the custom game over screen, and just put the .class file in the .jar, as always. What mods folder are you talking about, I see no file of the sort.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
BOTTLES: First you must stand like this...
KAZOOIE: What, wearing ridiculous glasses and a silly grin?
Uh... I tried the custom game over screen, and just put the .class file in the .jar, as always. What mods folder are you talking about, I see no file of the sort.
It's in your minecraft directory which for Windows would be in your application data in a folder called /.minecraft
So the directory to the custom.properties file would be /.minecraft/mods/MDR/custom.properties
Where ever your minecraft.jar within your /bin folder containing other minecraft resources is located is where the /mods folder will be.
Quote from Nominate10 »
Regarding your More Effort = Bedder drops mod (or something to that)...
I completely disagree with the concept of the mod. Hard difficulty is made to be harder, by making spders drop 6 string on Hard, makes string rather easy to obtain.
Just my viewpoint.
My intention for this mod was to provide better rewards for playing on higher difficulties. You don't actually get 6 string for each spider you kill, you just have a chance to get 6 string. I went in game and killed 3 spiders on hard and got 7 string total, it's all about chance.
In the previous version it was actually
Easy: 0-3
Normal: 0-6
Hard: 0-9
but had to tone that down for obvious reasons. On easy you still receive the same amount on drops, normal x2, and hard x3. I play on Normal and most of the time don't get anything over the normal drop rate, but again it's just a chance to get more drops.
Uh... I tried the custom game over screen, and just put the .class file in the .jar, as always. What mods folder are you talking about, I see no file of the sort.
It's in your minecraft directory which for Windows would be in your application data in a folder called /.minecraft
So the directory to the custom.properties file would be /.minecraft/mods/MDR/custom.properties
I get what you're saying, I've installed mods A LOT. I just put the ca.class file where it should in the .jar, and it replaces it. After installing this, it didn't work. A crash report was given, but when ever it gives a report, it goes away in a nano second. I'm on mac, it only does that on Macs. >.<
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
BOTTLES: First you must stand like this...
KAZOOIE: What, wearing ridiculous glasses and a silly grin?
Uh... I tried the custom game over screen, and just put the .class file in the .jar, as always. What mods folder are you talking about, I see no file of the sort.
It's in your minecraft directory which for Windows would be in your application data in a folder called /.minecraft
So the directory to the custom.properties file would be /.minecraft/mods/MDR/custom.properties
I get what you're saying, I've installed mods A LOT. I just put the ca.class file where it should in the .jar, and it replaces it. After installing this, it didn't work. A crash report was given, but when ever it gives a report, it goes away in a nano second. I'm on mac, it only does that on Macs. >.<
Hmm, sounds like it might be a Mac problem with PropertyReader. Unfortunately I don't know that much about java's behavior on macs or any issues with PropertyReader on Macs. What I would recommend doing is creating this file yourself.
Did some searching on google and it would appear that mac user files are located in "User>Library>Application Support>Minecraft". If going to this path displays a directory with at least a "bin" folder, "resources" folder, and "saves" folder than you're in the right place. In this same directory with these other folders, create a new folder called "mods", a subfolder within it called "MDR" and a file within that called "custom.properties". (properties being the file extension) Lot of other mods use this same folder so it may already be present, and if so, you are in the right place. I know 303, RoundAround, DJoslin, and Woot use these folders so if you have any of their mods it should be present.
Open this file and put in these keys and values, then save the file.
Respawn_Button_Text = Respawn
TitleMenu_Button_Text = Title menu
GameOver_Text = Game Over!
Score_Text = Score: &e
Now load up your game and see if it works. If it does, then change the values to whichever you prefer and let me know so if it does work, I can work out Mac compatibility for this mod. I don't have any apple products so I can't test it myself, but if this does work, please let me know so I can work out a permanent solution for other Mac users experiencing the same problems.
New Changes:
-Added some new mods
-Categorized the mods in sections based on their effects to Minecraft
-Added the "Old Updated Mod" section that will contain outdated mods from other authors that haven't been updated in a reasonable amount of time. More info can be found in the Section itself.
updated a couple of mods and added newest mod, the Multi-Tool
Hey, MDR... cool mods. I'll check them out.
Hey bro, haven't seen you in a while!
I'm cranking these out 1-by-1, some are dead easy, others take sometime. I got a huge list of them though so this is definitely gonna get filled, and I just saw some resources that I can use to create a mod for a weapon from another game that would be neat to have in minecraft.
Also pretty close to the female support on the HD textures mod so got a big list of big things to tackle 1 at a time, but it's all good. What you been up to?
Quote from 205 »
make some alternate painterly and quandry texture for the multitools and ill turn u into a ghast
(mainly the Quandry)
I don't know what you're talking about, Lol. If you show me what you're referring to, I'm sure I'd be able to come up with something.
Obviously you're talking about textures so I'm assuming you want compatible textures for what I'm assuming is 2 texture packs. If that's the case, I can try but I'm not a great artist at all. Those textures there I made by just overlaying and combining the tool textures so if those texture packs are high res, I might not be able to pull that off.
A user posted here lending his services in creating textures if I needed any, and I msged him asking for textures for this mod to replace the ones I made real quick to give these item textures. If that is the case, I'll ask him if he could make some for popular texture packs if he's interested but if not I'm not sure if I could pull it off or not.
I'll let you know how it goes, but if neither of us can do it, I would recommend msging the creator of those texture packs and hopefully they'll be interested in making some for the multi-tools.
Tested out both the multitool mod and the combo tool mod and both are working fine for me. I can craft and use both and when tested against normal tools they do mine at the same speed for different minerals good job! Also in case you were wondering i was able to get the clay mod to work where i put it in water and it turns into a clay block.
Thanks for pointing that out, I apparently just uploaded an empty zip file and forgot to add the contents.
As far as "stealing" code is concerned, I just downloaded yours and see that both use ModLoader to retrieve the players held item cause it's just flat out easier than doing it manually. (which is why I assume you used it aswell) Then they both have the BlockGravel additions to raise the chances based on which tool you are using. As far as the formatting of my ModLoader file is concerned, that's how everyone pretty much writes them. Before realizing could use PropertyReader for an easier method, I was using ModLoader for the Custom Game Over Screen and the filename was mod_CustomGameOver.
I don't go around checking for similarities between existing mods because there's too many off the bat and I write everything from scratch with the exception of some crap I drag off google that has more to do with specific java functions than minecraft specific code. (i.e. I referenced a HttpConnection try method for checking URL headers in my SMP HD Character Texture mod) For that reason I don't find it necessary to go around making sure cause of the low chance I write something exactly the same way someone else did.
Between these 2 mods, the ModLoader method is easy and effective for retrieving the held item and other mods with the same requirement use the same method in ModLoader. As for the BlockGravel, the method was already present in minecraft before any of us touched it so it would be hard for anyone to claim ownership off manipulating code already present in the game.
As you said, my mod also adds the speed increase when using a specific hoe to a gravel block which I learned from Woot after requesting he update the special DuraPick version that he makes for me for my dislikes of the original. After updating it, he recommended I decompile his code to learn how he did what and saw it was very simple to add, then just added the requirement of breaking a certain block along with a certain tool to achieve the speed increase. I also had to add gravel as an effectiveagainst block in the Hoe to have it take damage from breaking gravel and not just have infinite uses.
After having them both side-by-side they do share similarities but you being a coder know that our similar methods are used by other people to achieve the same results required for retrieving an item being used to throw it by an interaction with a block to handle the event accordingly. Neither of us are the first to use these methods and certainly won't be the last.
The concepts of the mods themselves share only the similarity of a better chance of receiving flint from breaking Gravel. Your mod uses Spades already effective against gravel to provide a better chance for receiving flint when destroying the block. My mod makes Hoes effective against gravel to receive damage, provides a speed increase per material to supplement it's lack of against any other block, provides a better chance of receiving flint when destroying the block, and lastly gives user a practical use to make any other Hoe besides stone or wood. I'd apologize for the similarities but since I didn't do any of it intentionally, don't see a reason to.
I actually already saw that mod, and that picture you directly linked to was the same picture (saw in a different thread) I got the idea for the phrases I chose and the idea to allow users to easily change their own without extracting a class, editing fields with a class editor or worse yet decompiling and recompiling, saving and repacking the class each time they wished to change the fields.
With this mod you can actually change while in game as easy as other authors make it to change itemIDs and such using PropertyReader. That mod however is geared more towards readding a point system, which I considered but didn't pursue due to that user are coming up with an effective method that more than likely would have been the same way I would have gone about it with the exception of the Game Over Screen.
Mod Archive
Thanks! Just got another one up, Half doors without any special mods or tools!
Thanks again bro. Forgot all about the HD SMP mod though and already got permission from KodaichiZero to use her Model and Render classes for her Charlotte mod so I can incorporate SSP/SMP Female character support.
Think I might do more of these before doing that cause I'd have to update the fields, find the point where I'd be driving a wedge into the code to go one way for females and another way for standard males in the Biped Classes, then make 2 more classes or jam them in the biped classes to render females correctly.
Sounds like a pain in the ass atm so might just stick to these ones until the weekend or something.
Thanks! I actually suck myself and would definitely appreciate any contributions you wished to offer in creating sprites and textures. Expect a PM when I finish another mod and just require textures to complete it.
Just wondering, can you also do models? If not, I understand and can probably just mash some existing models together to get what I'm trying to achieve.
Eventually I'm going to have each mod in a certain section that classifies them most likely based on game balance. The mods I've done so far I believe don't tip the game balance that much in your favor and I try to keep in that direction. Your idea can be done easily, there is already a mod out that carries a current indefinitely but I'd want to keep a certain balance.
I'm trying to thinking of how far to extend the current without screwing with the purpose of repeaters. I assume you're referring to the Repeater blocks and not regular repeaters that just require a solid block and a redstone torch.
The current range is 15 blocks, I myself wouldn't go over 30 and am thinking between 20-25, what do you think?
Yes I've seen that thread and another user brought this up on the first page.
I didn't think there was any problems since we use entirely different methods, while your mod is geared more towards you readding the point system while mine just adds customization to the Game Over Screen. I even removed the already present point system variable from the 'Score' line to further divide the similarities between the mods since my interest was just customizing the Game Over Screen and nothing to do with the point system at all.
Hmm, but if you scrolled down you should have noticed that I have a mod that adds only that, the game over customization. But It's ok, I don't mind (as long as you cite me for the idea).
I completely disagree with the concept of the mod. Hard difficulty is made to be harder, by making spders drop 6 string on Hard, makes string rather easy to obtain.
Just my viewpoint.
It's in your minecraft directory which for Windows would be in your application data in a folder called /.minecraft
So the directory to the custom.properties file would be /.minecraft/mods/MDR/custom.properties
Where ever your minecraft.jar within your /bin folder containing other minecraft resources is located is where the /mods folder will be.
My intention for this mod was to provide better rewards for playing on higher difficulties. You don't actually get 6 string for each spider you kill, you just have a chance to get 6 string. I went in game and killed 3 spiders on hard and got 7 string total, it's all about chance.
In the previous version it was actually
Easy: 0-3
Normal: 0-6
Hard: 0-9
but had to tone that down for obvious reasons. On easy you still receive the same amount on drops, normal x2, and hard x3. I play on Normal and most of the time don't get anything over the normal drop rate, but again it's just a chance to get more drops.
I get what you're saying, I've installed mods A LOT. I just put the ca.class file where it should in the .jar, and it replaces it. After installing this, it didn't work. A crash report was given, but when ever it gives a report, it goes away in a nano second. I'm on mac, it only does that on Macs. >.<
Hmm, sounds like it might be a Mac problem with PropertyReader. Unfortunately I don't know that much about java's behavior on macs or any issues with PropertyReader on Macs. What I would recommend doing is creating this file yourself.
Did some searching on google and it would appear that mac user files are located in "User>Library>Application Support>Minecraft". If going to this path displays a directory with at least a "bin" folder, "resources" folder, and "saves" folder than you're in the right place. In this same directory with these other folders, create a new folder called "mods", a subfolder within it called "MDR" and a file within that called "custom.properties". (properties being the file extension) Lot of other mods use this same folder so it may already be present, and if so, you are in the right place. I know 303, RoundAround, DJoslin, and Woot use these folders so if you have any of their mods it should be present.
Open this file and put in these keys and values, then save the file.
Now load up your game and see if it works. If it does, then change the values to whichever you prefer and let me know so if it does work, I can work out Mac compatibility for this mod. I don't have any apple products so I can't test it myself, but if this does work, please let me know so I can work out a permanent solution for other Mac users experiencing the same problems.
-Added some new mods
-Categorized the mods in sections based on their effects to Minecraft
-Added the "Old Updated Mod" section that will contain outdated mods from other authors that haven't been updated in a reasonable amount of time. More info can be found in the Section itself.
(mainly the Quandry)
Hey, MDR... cool mods. I'll check them out.
"I'm dead, shut up."
Hey bro, haven't seen you in a while!
I'm cranking these out 1-by-1, some are dead easy, others take sometime. I got a huge list of them though so this is definitely gonna get filled, and I just saw some resources that I can use to create a mod for a weapon from another game that would be neat to have in minecraft.
Also pretty close to the female support on the HD textures mod so got a big list of big things to tackle 1 at a time, but it's all good. What you been up to?
I don't know what you're talking about, Lol. If you show me what you're referring to, I'm sure I'd be able to come up with something.
Obviously you're talking about textures so I'm assuming you want compatible textures for what I'm assuming is 2 texture packs. If that's the case, I can try but I'm not a great artist at all. Those textures there I made by just overlaying and combining the tool textures so if those texture packs are high res, I might not be able to pull that off.
A user posted here lending his services in creating textures if I needed any, and I msged him asking for textures for this mod to replace the ones I made real quick to give these item textures. If that is the case, I'll ask him if he could make some for popular texture packs if he's interested but if not I'm not sure if I could pull it off or not.
I'll let you know how it goes, but if neither of us can do it, I would recommend msging the creator of those texture packs and hopefully they'll be interested in making some for the multi-tools.
Please report any bugs as usual but more so with Combo Tools cause I didn't have time to go through and test every added tool. Thanks