Lol well you know what I meant. I'm trying to make this mod compatible with another of my favorite mods Minecraft Comes Alive. They don't work together so I'm guessing that a quick fix would be to delete the class file that affects the villagers in this mod. What would this file happen to be and do you think deleting it would solve my problem?
Sorry man, but I don't support compatibility with other mods.
Friends, many others need your help before, during the 1.7.3 to the main page of this mod was a very cool video showing the work of fashion, now when I want to find it, I did not work, help me find it, that's All that I remember, the video is not very good quality, plays great music, first on the video player goes down on the platform, then shows a functional home with the music, the title of the video present is "better than wolves", I'll be very thankful if you help many others find it amazing video.
Friends, many others need your help before, during the 1.7.3 to the main page of this mod was a very cool video showing the work of fashion, now when I want to find it, I did not work, help me find it, that's all that about pomnb it, the video is not very good quality, Bigraet great music, first on the video player goes down on the platform, then shows a functional home with the music, the title of the video prisutvovalo is "better than wolves", I'll be very thankful if you help many others find it amazing video.
I /think/ he is looking for the video introducing tanned leather armor and it's, *ahem* unique appearance. FlowerChild made that video himself, but many of his videos are now no longer available.
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She who Bring the Doom and Cuteness. I livestream!
This kitten is traumatized by stupid. Please stop abusing the kitten.
I have made a beginners guide for this mod on the BTW Wiki, if you are trying this mod out for the first time please give it a read and let me know if it helps!!
I have made a beginners guide for this mod on the BTW Wiki, if you are trying this mod out for the first time please give it a read and let me know if it helps!!
My god I just had a beautiful vision: imagine this mod being compatible with Thaumcraft. Ultimate Steampunk workshops, and amazing functionality.
I know he doesn't do compatibility fixes. I'm not expecting anything, just enjoying the thought.
As to the title, it doesn't bother me that much but I'm not sure wolves really deserve that much hate. Sure they are a bit useless (though I've had some fun times with them in the past) but there don't ruin the game or anything. And the entire thing with the companion cube and all that, I personally don't find funny at all, it just makes me worried about your mental health.
But hey to each his own. They are only in a game, and the mod is amazing.
My god I just had a beautiful vision: imagine this mod being compatible with Thaumcraft. Ultimate Steampunk workshops, and amazing functionality.
I know he doesn't do compatibility fixes. I'm not expecting anything, just enjoying the thought.
As to the title, it doesn't bother me that much but I'm not sure wolves really deserve that much hate. Sure they are a bit useless (though I've had some fun times with them in the past) but there don't ruin the game or anything. And the entire thing with the companion cube and all that, I personally don't find funny at all, it just makes me worried about your mental health.
But hey to each his own. They are only in a game, and the mod is amazing.
that vision has already been had, and it's been crashed to the ground.
secondly: the wolves aren't hated. They're disliked. All the stuff you mistook for hate was purely to watch all the wolfaboos' blood boil. (and the resulting hilarious reactions)
for every wolfaboo crying about the mod title, a wolf was drowned in cement, or otherwise killed euthanized.
Friends, many others need your help before, during the 1.7.3 to the main page of this mod was a very cool video showing the work of fashion, now when I want to find it, I did not work, help me find it, that's All that I remember, the video is not very good quality, plays great music, first on the video player goes down on the platform, then shows a functional home with the music, the title of the video present is "better than wolves", I'll be very thankful if you help many others find it amazing video.
that vision has already been had, and it's been crashed to the ground.
secondly: the wolves aren't hated. They're disliked. All the stuff you mistook for hate was purely to watch all the wolfaboos' blood boil. (and the resulting hilarious reactions)
for every wolfaboo crying about the mod title, a wolf was drowned in cement, or otherwise killed euthanized.
Why was it "crashed to the ground" not even sure what that means in this context.
That is quite a way of showing dislike, I would not like to ever see hate lol. Well people over reacting to stuff like this is hilarious I wont deny it.
90% of mods need forge though, and some are just as detailed as this (industry craft for example, thaumcraft is another) if they can be forge compatable then they must be able to get this one compatable too?
This mod isn't designed to be compatible with anything.
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Let’s play good guys against bad guys… Yes. Let’s play that. Are you ready? You’re the bad guy. And when you’re bad, you just run. That’s fine right? Well… Shall we play?
90% of mods need forge though, and some are just as detailed as this (industry craft for example, thaumcraft is another) if they can be forge compatable then they must be able to get this one compatable too?
Dude...please check any other page in this thread after the first 1000 or so, or check the video in the OP for your answer.
Better than wolves USED to be compatible with Forge, in fact it required it. Since then it ran into some issues with forge limiting what it could do (and aparentely a bit of spitfest with Eloraam the creator of Forge) so BTW dropped Forge. However, since it used to require Forge, it still has some dependencies hence the Forge folder. It will probably soon vanish though once all dependencies are removed.
Sounds all good? I've picked this up here and there so some of my info might be abit off.
Better than wolves USED to be compatible with Forge, in fact it required it. Since then it ran into some issues with forge limiting what it could do (and aparentely a bit of spitfest with Eloraam the creator of Forge) so BTW dropped Forge. However, since it used to require Forge, it still has some dependencies hence the Forge folder. It will probably soon vanish though once all dependencies are removed.
Sounds all good? I've picked this up here and there so some of my info might be abit off.
Why not make it compatible with Forge? I understand Flowerchild Doesn't like forge, I watched the video. I'm not suggesting he makes it use forge, just be able to coincide with other forge using mods. There's so many mods that use Forge, I respect him for being independent and not using Forge but who downloads just one mod? I can name 5 good mods that fit right in with the theme of BTW but they use Forge. People ask for BTW to use forge again. All I'm asking is that it is compatible with forge. Just a suggestion. Because BTW doesn't have to be "The Mod That is Incompatible With Everything!!!".
If you got that from the first page of comments, that is no longer true. You do need Modloader for BTW to work.
Profile pic by Cheshirette c:
Sorry man, but I don't support compatibility with other mods.
Google translate is not good is it?
This kitten is traumatized by stupid. Please stop abusing the kitten.
Hah, saw that on the BTW forum.
Thanks again for your contribution to the community.
I know he doesn't do compatibility fixes. I'm not expecting anything, just enjoying the thought.
As to the title, it doesn't bother me that much but I'm not sure wolves really deserve that much hate. Sure they are a bit useless (though I've had some fun times with them in the past) but there don't ruin the game or anything. And the entire thing with the companion cube and all that, I personally don't find funny at all, it just makes me worried about your mental health.
But hey to each his own. They are only in a game, and the mod is amazing.
that vision has already been had, and it's been crashed to the ground.
secondly: the wolves aren't hated. They're disliked. All the stuff you mistook for hate was purely to watch all the wolfaboos' blood boil. (and the resulting hilarious reactions)
for every wolfaboo crying about the mod title, a wolf was drowned in cement, or otherwise
killedeuthanized.Umm... Useless off-topic post is a troll/virus/infected troll?
Please help me :(.
Why was it "crashed to the ground" not even sure what that means in this context.
That is quite a way of showing dislike, I would not like to ever see hate lol. Well people over reacting to stuff like this is hilarious I wont deny it.
They are in the land of, "It's not going to happen".
This kitten is traumatized by stupid. Please stop abusing the kitten.
This mod isn't designed to be compatible with anything.
Dude...please check any other page in this thread after the first 1000 or so, or check the video in the OP for your answer.
Better than wolves USED to be compatible with Forge, in fact it required it. Since then it ran into some issues with forge limiting what it could do (and aparentely a bit of spitfest with Eloraam the creator of Forge) so BTW dropped Forge. However, since it used to require Forge, it still has some dependencies hence the Forge folder. It will probably soon vanish though once all dependencies are removed.
Sounds all good? I've picked this up here and there so some of my info might be abit off.
Why not make it compatible with Forge? I understand Flowerchild Doesn't like forge, I watched the video. I'm not suggesting he makes it use forge, just be able to coincide with other forge using mods. There's so many mods that use Forge, I respect him for being independent and not using Forge but who downloads just one mod? I can name 5 good mods that fit right in with the theme of BTW but they use Forge. People ask for BTW to use forge again. All I'm asking is that it is compatible with forge. Just a suggestion. Because BTW doesn't have to be "The Mod That is Incompatible With Everything!!!".
BTW will never be Forge compatible, and that's the end of the story. Harping on this point accomplishes nothing and only serves to derail the thread.