FPS boost (examples) - doubling the FPS is common - decreases lag spikes and smooths gameplay
Support for HD Textures (info) - HD textures and HD fonts (MCPatcher not needed) - custom terrain and item textures - animated terrain and item textures - custom HD Font character widths - custom colors - custom block color palettes - custom lighting - unlimited texture size
Support for Shaders (info) - based on the Shaders Mod by Karyonix
Dynamic Lights - allows handheld and dropped light emitting items to illuminate the objects around them. It is similar, but not related to the Dynamic Lights mod
Variable Render Distance (example) - from Tiny to Extreme (2 x Far) in 16m steps - sun, moon and stars are visible in Tiny and Short distance
Configurable Smooth Lighting (examples) - from 1% - smooth lighting without shadows - to 100% - smooth lighting with full shadows
Performance: VSync Synchronizes framerate with monitor refresh rate to remove split frames and smooth gameplay
Smart Advanced OpenGL - more efficient, less artifacts - Fast - faster, some artifacts still visible - Fancy - slower, avoids visual artifacts
Fog control - Fog: Fancy, Fast, OFF - Fog start: Near, Far
Mipmaps (examples) - Visual effect which makes distant objects look better by smoothing the texture details - Mipmap level - OFF, 1, 2, 3, Max - Mipmap type - Nearest, Linear
Anisotropic Filtering (examples) - Restores details in mipmapped textures - AF level - OFF, 2, 4, 8, 16 (depends on hardware support)
Antialiasing (examples) - Smooths jagged lines and sharp color transitions - AA level - OFF, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 (depends on hardware support)
Better Grass Fixes grass blocks side texture to match surrounding grass terrain
Better Snow (examples, credit) Fixes transparent blocks textures to match surrounding snow terrain
Clear Water (examples) Clear, transparent water with good visibility underwater
Custom Sky (info) Use custom textures for the day and night skies. Multiple layers, blending options, time configuration.
Random Mobs Use random mob textures if available in the texture pack
Connected Textures (examples) Connects textures for glass, glass panes, sandstone and bookshelf blocks which are next to each other.
Natural Textures (examples, idea) Removes the gridlike pattern created by repeating blocks of the same type. Uses rotated and flipped variants of the base block texture.
Faster Math Uses smaller lookup table which fits better in the L1 CPU cache
FPS control - Smooth FPS - stabilizes FPS by flushing the graphics driver buffers (examples) - Smooth Input - fixes stuck keys, slow input and sound lag by setting correct thread priorities
Chunk Loading Control - Load Far - loads the world chunks at distance Far, allows fast render distance switching - Preloaded Chunks - defines an area in which no new chunks will be loaded - Chunk Updates per Frame - allows for faster world loading - Dynamic Updates - loads more chunks per frame when the player is standing still
Configurable Details - Clouds - Default, Fast, Fancy - Cloud Height - from 0% to 100% - Trees - Default, Fast, Fancy - Grass - Default, Fast, Fancy - Water - Default, Fast, Fancy - Rain and Snow - Default, Fast, Fancy - Sky - ON, OFF - Stars - ON, OFF - Sun & Moon - ON, OFF - Depth Fog - ON, OFF - Weather - ON, OFF - Swamp Colors - ON, OFF - Smooth Biomes - ON, OFF - Custom Fonts - ON, OFF - Custom Colors - ON, OFF - Show Capes - ON, OFF (supports HD capes)
Configurable animations - Water Animated - OFF, Dynamic, ON - Lava Animated - OFF, Dynamic, ON - Fire Animated - OFF, ON - Portal Animated - OFF, ON - Redstone Animated - OFF, ON - Explosion Animated - OFF, ON - Flame Animated - OFF, ON - Smoke Animated - OFF, ON - Void Particles - OFF, ON - Water Particles - OFF, ON - Rain Splash - OFF, ON - Portal Particles - OFF, ON - Dripping Water/Lava - OFF, ON - Terrain Animated - OFF, ON - Items Animated - OFF, ON
Fast Texturepack Switching Switch the current Texturepack without leaving the world
Debug - Fast Debug Info - removes lagometer from debug screen - Debug Profiler - removes profiler from debug screen
Time Control Default, Day Only or Night Only - works in only in Creative mode
Autosave - Configurable Autosave interval - A fix for the famous Lag Spike of Death
Even Older Versions
Even older versions of OptiFine are available in the OptiFine history.
If you have previously used MCPatcher for HD Textures, HD Fonts or Better Grass (important)
Follow these steps to prevent a possible "Black Screen" problem when installing OptiFine:
1. Temporarily revert back to the Default Texture Pack.
2. Uninstall the HD Textures, HD Fonts, and Better Grass mods from the MCPatcher. These functions are included in OptiFine.
3. Set Graphics to Fancy
4. Install OptiFine and test with the Default Texture Pack to make sure everything is working.
5. Select your previous texture pack and graphics settings
6. Run Minecraft and enjoy
Compatibility with other mods
When installing OptiFine together with other mods always make sure to install OptiFine last. The only exception are mods which are designed to be installed after OptiFine and say so in their install instructions.
If you need ModLoader: Install OptiFine AFTER ModLoader.
If you need Forge: Install OptiFine AFTER Forge.
MCPatcher is NOT needed for HD textures, HD fonts and BetterGrass, they are included in OptiFine. Install OptiFine without MCPatcher's HD features for best performance.
If you need DynamicLights (ModLoader edition): Install OptiFine AFTER DynamicLights.
- Use the official launcher to download and start once Minecraft 1.6.2.
- Go to the minecraft base folder (the official launchers shows it when you click "Edit Profile" as "Game Directory")
- Go in subfolder "Versions"
- Rename the folder "1.6.2" to "1.6.2_OptiFine"
- Go in the subfolder "1.6.2_OptiFine"
- Rename "1.6.2.jar" to "1.6.2_OptiFine.jar"
- Rename "1.6.2.json" to "1.6.2_OptiFine.json"
- Open the file "1.6.2_OptiFine.json" with a text editor and replace "id":"1.6.2" with "id":"1.6.2_OptiFine" and save the file
- Copy the files from the OptiFine ZIP file in "1.6.2_OptiFine.jar" as usual (you can use the 1.5.2 instructions for this) and remove the META-INF folder from "1.6.2_OptiFine.jar".
- Go to the minecraft base folder (the official launchers shows it when you click "Edit Profile" as "Game Directory")
- Go in subfolder "Versions"
- Go in subfolder "Forge9.10.X.Y"
- Copy the files from the OptiFine ZIP file to "Forge9.10.X.Y.jar" as usual (you can use the 1.5.2 instructions for this) and remove the META-INF folder from "Forge9.10.X.Y.jar".
- Start the official launcher
- Select profile "Forge"
- Click "Edit Profile"
- Select the checkbox "JVM Arguments" and in the field next to it add "-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true"
- Click "Save Profile"
- Click "Play" or "Login" to start the game. If only "Play Offline" is available, then log out and log in again to fix it.
For Minecraft up to 1.5.2
If possible start with a clean minecraft.jar and check the mod compatibility section above.
This sure will be a must have mod....maybe merge the 2 mods together, as in become one mod to avoid conflict? That would be nice...if you and scaevolus dont mind that is..
I'll try this since Optimine doesn't like me.
EDIT: I'm not seeing that much of a difference.
Did i do it right? I only saw one class file that i had to install. Optimine has 7.
And does this work with the Pistons mod? Because i might want to try that.
There is only 1 file to update.
It probably works with the Pistons as only the rendering module is updated.
To see more FPS try running in FAST mode.
OptiFog works by optimizing the rendering distance and fog type being used.
The difference in FAST mode is +80% for my PC.
There is smaller FPS gain in FANCY mode, but more terrain is clearly visible so even short rendering distances should look better and be playble.
Optimine optimizes the chunk processing and drawing + other fixes, but on my PC the difference is minimal (1-2 FPS). It seems to be more usable for older computers which struggle with Tiny and Short distances.
when i tried to put it in my .jar, the game crashed on me. Is there any reason why?
OptiFog only works with the original minecraft.jar.
If you have other mods installed, especially Optimine, then it may not work. And do not forget to delete the Meta-Inf folder
For me the 1.4_01 Optimine makes almost no difference (+1-2 FPS).
The older 1.3 Optimine was working OK for me (+5-10 FPS).
Other people have reported significant FPS gain with Optimine.
OptiFog in FAST gives me +80% in FPS and more terrain is clearly visible so even shorter rendering distances are playable.
I love this it will help I have always not liked the way the fog worked and this will help to make it look better and make my computer have more fps you more then deserve 10 out of 10
Nice performance boost, however I prefer the original look, more natural.
Just a question, why does Opitfog use an additional 25%/20MB of Memory?
The original fog IMHO looks good on FAR, acceptable on NORMAL and not so good on SHORT and TINY.
OptiFog is optimization mod for people who can not play on FAR.
It makes NORMAL, SHORT and TINY look better and run faster.
OptifFog should not use more memory, it only modifies the rendering parameters.
I took the screenshots at different times, my OptiFog version was running longer and has used some more memory.
In the last screenshot OptiFog on Short and Fast has the smallest used memory of all (73 MB)
Hello everybody,
This mod adds support for HD textures and a lot of options for better looks and performance.
Doubling the FPS is common.
You can follow the OptiFine development here: reddit.com/r/OptiFine, sp614x@twitter or http://optifog.blogspot.com.
Resources: translations, documentation, issue tracker.
Get the Magic Launcher for easy mod installation, compatibility checking and more.
Donate to OptiFine and receive the OptiFine cape as a sign of your awesomeness.
The cape is visible to everyone using OptiFine. Thank you for being awsome.
Download OptiFine
Get all OptiFine versions here: optifine.net
Even Older Versions
If you have previously used MCPatcher for HD Textures, HD Fonts or Better Grass (important)
1. Temporarily revert back to the Default Texture Pack.
2. Uninstall the HD Textures, HD Fonts, and Better Grass mods from the MCPatcher. These functions are included in OptiFine.
3. Set Graphics to Fancy
4. Install OptiFine and test with the Default Texture Pack to make sure everything is working.
5. Select your previous texture pack and graphics settings
6. Run Minecraft and enjoy
Compatibility with other mods
If you need ModLoader: Install OptiFine AFTER ModLoader.
If you need Forge: Install OptiFine AFTER Forge.
MCPatcher is NOT needed for HD textures, HD fonts and BetterGrass, they are included in OptiFine. Install OptiFine without MCPatcher's HD features for best performance.
If you need DynamicLights (ModLoader edition): Install OptiFine AFTER DynamicLights.
Compatible with: ModLoader, Forge, SinglePlayerCommands, TooManyItems, PlasticCraft, CJB's Modpack, Zan's Minimap, Rei's Minimap, DynamicLights, GLSL Shaders 2, LittleBlocks and many other.
Not compatible with: CCTV, The Aether.
For Minecraft 1.6.2 and newer
- Double-click the downloaded JAR file and the OptiFine installer should start
- Click "Install" and OptiFine will be installed in the official Minecraft launcher with its own profile "OptiFine"
- Start the official launcher and play
B. Easy
- Use the official launcher to download and start once Minecraft 1.6.2.
- Double-click the downloaded JAR file and the OptiFine installer should start
- Click "Extract" and save the OptiFine MOD file
- Start Magic Launcher
- Click "Setup"
- Select Environment "1.6.2"
- Click "Add" -> select the OptiFine MOD file
- Click "OK"
- Login and play
C. Complex
- Use the official launcher to download and start once Minecraft 1.6.2.
- Go to the minecraft base folder (the official launchers shows it when you click "Edit Profile" as "Game Directory")
- Go in subfolder "Versions"
- Rename the folder "1.6.2" to "1.6.2_OptiFine"
- Go in the subfolder "1.6.2_OptiFine"
- Rename "1.6.2.jar" to "1.6.2_OptiFine.jar"
- Rename "1.6.2.json" to "1.6.2_OptiFine.json"
- Open the file "1.6.2_OptiFine.json" with a text editor and replace "id":"1.6.2" with "id":"1.6.2_OptiFine" and save the file
- Copy the files from the OptiFine ZIP file in "1.6.2_OptiFine.jar" as usual (you can use the 1.5.2 instructions for this) and remove the META-INF folder from "1.6.2_OptiFine.jar".
- Start the official launcher
- Click "Edit Profile" - Select "Use version:" -> "release 1.6.2_OptiFine"
- Click "Save Profile"
- Click "Play" or "Login" to start the game. If only "Play Offline" is available, then log out and log in again to fix it.
Installation for Minecraft 1.6.2 with Forge
A. Easy
- Use the official launcher to download and start once Minecraft 1.6.2.
- Use the Forge installer to install Forge
- Use the official launcher to start once Minecraft with the Forge profile.
- Start Magic Launcher
- Click "Setup"
- Select Environment "Forge9.10.X.Y"
- Click "Add" -> select the OptiFine ZIP file
- Click "Advanced"
- In the field "Parameters" add "-Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true"
- Click "OK"
- Login and play
B. Simple (for OptiFine 1.6.2_C4 and newer)
- Put the OptiFine JAR file in the Forge "mods" folder
- Start Minecraft and Forge should automatically load OptiFine
B. Complex (not working for Forge #780 and #781)
- Use the official launcher to download and start once Minecraft 1.6.2.
- Use the Forge installer to install Forge
- Go to the minecraft base folder (the official launchers shows it when you click "Edit Profile" as "Game Directory")
- Go in subfolder "Versions"
- Go in subfolder "Forge9.10.X.Y"
- Copy the files from the OptiFine ZIP file to "Forge9.10.X.Y.jar" as usual (you can use the 1.5.2 instructions for this) and remove the META-INF folder from "Forge9.10.X.Y.jar".
- Start the official launcher
- Select profile "Forge"
- Click "Edit Profile"
- Select the checkbox "JVM Arguments" and in the field next to it add "-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true"
- Click "Save Profile"
- Click "Play" or "Login" to start the game. If only "Play Offline" is available, then log out and log in again to fix it.
For Minecraft up to 1.5.2
A. Easy Installation
1. Download and start the Magic Launcher
2. Click Setup, click Add, select the downloaded zip file
3. Click OK, login and play Minecraft
B. Manual Installation
Windows/Linux Instructions:
1. Locate your minecraft.jar file. On Windows, it's in %APPDATA%/.minecraft/bin
2. Create a backup of minecraft.jar
3. Open minecraft.jar in an archive editor (WinRar/7-Zip/etc)
4. Delete the META-INF folder.
5. Copy (drag and drop) the .class files from the downloaded zip file into the jar file, replacing previous files.
6. Run Minecraft and test!
Mac Instructions:
1. Locate your minecraft.jar file. On Mac, it's in /Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin
2. Create a backup of minecraft.jar
3. Rename minecraft.jar to minecraft.zip and double-click it to extract the contents
4. Rename the resulting folder to minecraft.jar and open it
5. Copy the .class files from the downloaded zip into the minecraft.jar folder, replacing previous files
6. Run Minecraft and test!
Please test and report back, include CPU, GPU and FPS before/after. Feedback is always welcome.
diamond's to you my friend
fantastic job though.
Thanks for adding to the community and improving game performance.
He said that it isn't yet compatible with Optimine, as they share the mw.class.
Optimine, or Optifog?
Did you delete your META.INF file?
I'll try this since Optimine doesn't like me.
EDIT: I'm not seeing that much of a difference.
Did i do it right? I only saw one class file that i had to install. Optimine has 7.
And does this work with the Pistons mod? Because i might want to try that.
There is only 1 file to update.
It probably works with the Pistons as only the rendering module is updated.
To see more FPS try running in FAST mode.
OptiFog works by optimizing the rendering distance and fog type being used.
The difference in FAST mode is +80% for my PC.
There is smaller FPS gain in FANCY mode, but more terrain is clearly visible so even short rendering distances should look better and be playble.
Optimine optimizes the chunk processing and drawing + other fixes, but on my PC the difference is minimal (1-2 FPS). It seems to be more usable for older computers which struggle with Tiny and Short distances.
OptiFog only works with the original minecraft.jar.
If you have other mods installed, especially Optimine, then it may not work.
And do not forget to delete the Meta-Inf folder
For me the 1.4_01 Optimine makes almost no difference (+1-2 FPS).
The older 1.3 Optimine was working OK for me (+5-10 FPS).
Other people have reported significant FPS gain with Optimine.
OptiFog in FAST gives me +80% in FPS and more terrain is clearly visible so even shorter rendering distances are playable.
The original fog IMHO looks good on FAR, acceptable on NORMAL and not so good on SHORT and TINY.
OptiFog is optimization mod for people who can not play on FAR.
It makes NORMAL, SHORT and TINY look better and run faster.
OptifFog should not use more memory, it only modifies the rendering parameters.
I took the screenshots at different times, my OptiFog version was running longer and has used some more memory.
In the last screenshot OptiFog on Short and Fast has the smallest used memory of all (73 MB)
I wonder if I can switch from Far -> Normal, use this, then be able to use better texture packs. :tongue.gif: