Open Source
I encountered some bugs and non-bug things you should fix.
-Reloading a level makes a plane un-ridable and immobile.
-You can't shoot monsters from a biplane with a bow, or the plane will eject you from your seat.
I still like this for you.
Looks like you didn't install turbo model thingy right.
i have humans+ installed as well, but because of the arrows i uninstalled it , but i still cant shoot arrows, i'm not really sure what to do now
It works just fine on my Mac. If you need help installing it, try following these directions:
1. Download MacModder from here: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=129837&p=1882375
2. Download the Mod Loader, Turbo Model Thingy, and this mod.
3. Open the Mod Installer from the MacModder disk image.
4. Drag the contents of the Mod Loader folder and the contents of the JAR folder from the Turbo Model Thingy into the ConMods folder (created by the Mod Installer).
5. Drag the planes folder and all of the .class files from this mod into the ConMods folder.
6. Open the item folder from this mod and drag its contents into the item folder in ConMods.
7. Return to the Mod Installer and click OK to close it. You should be ready to play.
NOTE: You may need to resize the icons for the airplane (the .png files in the planes folder) if you are using a texture pack of resolution higher than 16x16.
The Maze Adventure Map
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.
Looking forward to more planes!
Turns out I didnt have the right version. Thanks for the help!
like the minecarts that have a chest on it, that way, you can travel to a far place to start building a new home with your materials. thanks :biggrin.gif:
I messed up on downloading the PlanesMod, so how do i get rid of what i dragged in the .minecraft folder?
I tried downloading the right stuff into it again, and now minecraft just doesnt WORK!!!!! PLEASE HELP ANYONE WHO KNOWS WHAT TO DO IM GOING CRAZY!!!!!! [>>-i>]
If you are using the new Minecraft launcher, just click on "options" and tell it to force update. This should reinstall the game files, and you should be able to start again with a fresh install.