Okay so I have a great problem, my minecraft runs teribly slow when i install this, like 7 fps, and 50 at vanilla, why is this? I am running a Macbook pro 13' 2.3GHz I5 4gb ram
can someone make shader for bump-mapping, specular highlights, waving water,soulsand,netherrack,leaves,grass,wheat etc and cartoon outine for pureBDcraft??.
work fine with 512x pureBDcraft tp just resize the terrain_nh\s files to 8192x8192. however i noticed my sword is semi-transperant.
can someone make shader for bump-mapping, specular highlights, waving water,soulsand,netherrack,leaves,grass,wheat etc and cartoon outine for pureBDcraft??.
work fine with 512x pureBDcraft tp just resize the terrain_nh\s files to 8192x8192. however i noticed my sword is semi-transperant.
Where do I put the nh/s terrain files? I have the 128x version.
"Error installing Shaders!
javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] setClearColor(long,float,float) not found in Shaders
at javassist.expr.MethodCall.replace(MethodCall.java:240)
at Hooks$2.edit(Hooks.java:61)
at javassist.expr.ExprEditor.loopBody(ExprEditor.java:223)
at javassist.expr.ExprEditor.doit(ExprEditor.java:90)
at javassist.CtBehavior.instrument(CtBehavior.java:663)
at Hooks.install(Hooks.java:57)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.installMods(InstallThread.java:125)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.run(InstallThread.java:44)
Caused by: compile error: setClearColor(long,float,float) not found in Shaders
at javassist.compiler.TypeChecker.atMethodCallCore(TypeChecker.java:716)
at javassist.compiler.TypeChecker.atCallExpr(TypeChecker.java:681)
at javassist.compiler.JvstTypeChecker.atCallExpr(JvstTypeChecker.java:156)
at javassist.compiler.ast.CallExpr.accept(CallExpr.java:45)
at javassist.compiler.CodeGen.doTypeCheck(CodeGen.java:241)
at javassist.compiler.CodeGen.atStmnt(CodeGen.java:329)
at javassist.compiler.ast.Stmnt.accept(Stmnt.java:49)
at javassist.compiler.CodeGen.atStmnt(CodeGen.java:350)
at javassist.compiler.ast.Stmnt.accept(Stmnt.java:49)
at javassist.compiler.Javac.compileStmnt(Javac.java:568)
at javassist.expr.MethodCall.replace(MethodCall.java:234)
... 7 more"
You have Optifine or some other mod installed that conflicts with the shader mod. I had the same exact error when I tried overlaying the shader mod onto a MC jar that had Optifine installed.
Can you please tell me, how to change settings for shader, plz it lags on 512MB video card :sad.gif:
Shaders are written in GLSL... So you'd have to learn how to write code in GLSL.
Also, it lags for everyone... I don't think changing the shaders will fix that. Dax will have to optimize his code or something.
Actually, with fullscreen i have 5-10fps, but in small[deffault] screen size, it's about 30-60fps :smile.gif:
Are you sure there is not aa or tf...?
TF? I don't even know what that stands for... lol... but no AA.
I didn't go through all the shaders, but all I noticed was DOF in the ones I looked at.
There's also Waving wheat in the vertex shaders somewhere... I only looked at most of the fragment shaders.
I'll try to test out 'blanking out' all of the shaders later and see how much of an FPS boost that gives me...
But I'm pretty sure the 'lagginess' is on Dax's side of the code, not in the shaders.
And, btw when i loaded up your "fix" or how do you call it, it just disabled DOF!
Disabled? What happened if you get up close and look directly at something? Does the background get blurry?
If yes, it's not disabled... just changed.
There's a bug where DOF isn't displaying at long-distances, though... I know what the problem is but haven't had time to fix it yet.
If DOF doesn't work when you look directly at something up close... Well, then I dunno what's causing that....
Edit: As for the lag... I didn't optimize anything. I only added a few extra calculations. You should still be getting the same FPS as the default shader.
Well, I have an ATI mobility 5650 and I'm not having any problems. I'm running 11.11 catalyst drivers and Windows 7 by the way. Maybe it didn't work in 11.8, or maybe it really is incompatible with Ubuntu for now. More people with Ubuntu and an ATI card should speak up so we can get to the bottom of this :smile.gif:
The official Catalyst version for Ubuntu right now is listed as being 11.7. But that is the one being maintained in closed-source by AMD. I'm trying out some more debian/Kubuntu/Ubuntu broad scope drivers, as the Ubuntu ones haven't seen update in a bit too long. It may be a while before I can test it all, though.
Some of you guys are asking some seriously retarded questions. Learn to read through the post first. Most the **** that gets asked has already been answered a dozen times.
Now, I don't know if this is just my PC (mind you I have one laptop.), but After every thing installed from the installer, and when I loaded up my map, everything was INVISIBLE, no textures and only sounds. I think I have to upgrade the card on there. Anyways, im gunna DL this mod on my laptop and see how everything works out. Im too lazy now seeing as im playing Uncharted 1, Drakes Fortune :tongue.gif: ANYWAYS yup
Looks like a lot of people were wanting Shaders to be compatible with Optifine so today I went through Optifine's code and made it work!
Tomorrow I plan to post a new version with the screen-glow-color bug fixed, the weather divided out into another shader (so you can customize the effect things like rain has on DoF, and Optifine compatibility.
Looks like a lot of people were wanting Shaders to be compatible with Optifine so today I went through Optifine's code and made it work!
Tomorrow I plan to post a new version with the screen-glow-color bug fixed, the weather divided out into another shader (so you can customize the effect things like rain has on DoF, and Optifine compatibility.
OK, so can someone tell me my problem?
multiple pictures... also if things need to be changed to get everything fixed, can you PM me or something to help?
If you have the answer to this PLEASE tell me... anyways...
I can't wait to see the update to work with OptiFine, considering I use it ALOT.
Does the default shader install for this mod support bumpmapping and specular mapping? I installed the shader.n2 mod and I am using the balea v3 texture pack which includes a normal and a specular map. Neither are working?
work fine with 512x pureBDcraft tp just resize the terrain_nh\s files to 8192x8192. however i noticed my sword is semi-transperant.
Where do I put the nh/s terrain files? I have the 128x version.
R.I.P. Mine Town Oct 2011 - Feb 2012
just in tp alongside terrain.png ... however i dont think bumpmapping works yet without a shader file
You have Optifine or some other mod installed that conflicts with the shader mod. I had the same exact error when I tried overlaying the shader mod onto a MC jar that had Optifine installed.
thanks will try now..
edit: works thanx
Shaders are written in GLSL... So you'd have to learn how to write code in GLSL.
Also, it lags for everyone... I don't think changing the shaders will fix that. Dax will have to optimize his code or something.
TF? I don't even know what that stands for... lol... but no AA.
I didn't go through all the shaders, but all I noticed was DOF in the ones I looked at.
There's also Waving wheat in the vertex shaders somewhere... I only looked at most of the fragment shaders.
I'll try to test out 'blanking out' all of the shaders later and see how much of an FPS boost that gives me...
But I'm pretty sure the 'lagginess' is on Dax's side of the code, not in the shaders.
I see. I've never seen it called TF before... But no. Dax didn't put AA or filtering in.
Disabled? What happened if you get up close and look directly at something? Does the background get blurry?
If yes, it's not disabled... just changed.
There's a bug where DOF isn't displaying at long-distances, though... I know what the problem is but haven't had time to fix it yet.
If DOF doesn't work when you look directly at something up close... Well, then I dunno what's causing that....
Edit: As for the lag... I didn't optimize anything. I only added a few extra calculations. You should still be getting the same FPS as the default shader.
The official Catalyst version for Ubuntu right now is listed as being 11.7. But that is the one being maintained in closed-source by AMD. I'm trying out some more debian/Kubuntu/Ubuntu broad scope drivers, as the Ubuntu ones haven't seen update in a bit too long. It may be a while before I can test it all, though.
Tomorrow I plan to post a new version with the screen-glow-color bug fixed, the weather divided out into another shader (so you can customize the effect things like rain has on DoF, and Optifine compatibility.
Best news I ever read in a while.
multiple pictures... also if things need to be changed to get everything fixed, can you PM me or something to help?
If you have the answer to this PLEASE tell me... anyways...
I can't wait to see the update to work with OptiFine, considering I use it ALOT.
But thers bugs
When my Cursor goes near the chest the top of it goes invisible
And the items shadow :l