Ok, I have looked at the results other people get, and I am quite concerned. From a distance, it looks nice. I walk up and view the block from the side, and no bump mapping is present. I see results that parts of the block actually stick out. Mine just has pixels a tad further away from the block. (Kinda like the hat layer in a skin)
How I installed it:
I deleted final.vsh (or fsh, whatever it was called) for no depth of field
I edited base.vsh and base.fsh to allow Specular mapping, fog, and Parallax occlusion.
I put the terrain_s.png and terrain_nh.png in the minecraft.jar
I ran the patcher and clicked "Install Mods"
Am I doing something wrong?
Ok, I have looked at the results other people get, and I am quite concerned. From a distance, it looks nice. I walk up and view the block from the side, and no bump mapping is present. I see results that parts of the block actually stick out. Mine just has pixels a tad further away from the block. (Kinda like the hat layer in a skin)
to me that looks like you haven't commented out the proper line in the "base.fsh"
this file is located in the /mods/shaders/contents/files/shaders/ directory of the installer.
in that file there are lines for each resolution of texture looks like dax never added settings for 64x textures
I would say to try
and then comment out the other resolution you have selected using //
this is what it would look like to comment out the default resolution textures this one below is what the shader has by default and could very well be your issue
//const vec3 intervalMult = vec3(0.0039, 0.0039, 4.5); // Fine for 16x16 tile size
just add that line I put above and then comment out the 16x16 and all the others like I have shown and then repatch a fresh jar and that should help your problem.
Hope this helps, sorry it's a bit hard to explain I hope this made a least a bit of sense
I have 2 5850's on 11.1 with catalyst a.i. disabled and I still get this:
What do I do?
hey, so It looks like dax updated the shader to work with the 11.2 driver from what I have heard. everyone has been reporting that the latest version of the shader works fine with the 11.2 driver and catalyst a.i. enabled
So I would suggest go ahead and updating your driver this will most likely fix your issues.
If not I can't help but notice that is in the leaf transparency texture that looks like the kind of error you would get from "transparency anti-aliasing" you could also make sure you're not forcing this in the driver this also may help.
It also could be a crossfire issue, so worst case if those above options don't work try disabling crossfire, with the cards rendering every other frame, or partial frames I'm not sure how ATI is doing it these days, typically it can cause issues with the framebuffer and transparencys.
Hope this helps, let us know if it does so that people will know how to fix it.
Received this error while running the installation. I'm running windows 7 64bit, not sure why it can't find the minecraft jar, it certainly does exist... Appreciate any help!
Starting installation
Unpacking JAR
Fatal error!
C:\Users\Charlie_Kilo\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar does not exist
Hey guys!
So I have a problem with installing these shaders. I nearly tried everything - but maybe I was just too dumb to see my mistake.
So first: I use the Minecraft Enhanced Texture Pack 128x; should work with this; my windows is win.7 32bit and my graphics card is the ATI Radeon HD7950; I updated the catalyst about three weeks ago... I mean.. should be okay.
So.. I installed the standard-shader and everything worked well... I have the DoF effect and AA and VSync as menu points.
What I wanted to install now was the bump mapping shader, because I use it before the update that made the shaders not working for a while and I found it pretty awesome to look.
If I understood the textfile right, is all I have to do for that to extract the files from alternative shaders/bump mapping into contents/files/shaders and run my installation again.
I did this.. and nothing changed. Okay - I decided not to give up yet. So I went on reading the textfile and (if I got that right) saw "Ah okay - the other opportunity I have is to put these files directly into my minecraft.jar". I did this - nothing at all happened to my graphics again.
I tried this with the world curvature shader again... I mean - this should be a visible effect, but nothing happened.
Am I just too dumb to install alternative shaders?! I'm sorry, but I really don't know how to do this.
You also need to tell the bumpmap fragment shader what resolution the texture pack is.
//const vec3 intervalMult = vec3(0.00048828125, 0.00048828125, 0.2); // Fine for 128x128 tile size
there is a line in the base.fsh file that looks like this remove the "//" and put them in front of the
const vec3 intervalMult = vec3(0.0039......... <--- that is for 16x this is what the defualt bumpmap base.fsh has in it, just comment this line out instead, and remove the comments from the other one as I have stated above and it will work.
Or even easier just download the 128 shader pack from my texture pack thread, and delete the final.fsh that is in the shader folder this is the one I have included that is bloom. replace it with the dof final.fsh and then run the installer this would work and would probably be easier for you.
the installer uses the shaders that are in the /mods/shaders/content/files/shaders/ directory, of the installer.
this is where you would replace that final.fsh file.
Lastly always make sure you're using a fresh minecraft.jar
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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well i would love to use this but just installing this on a fresh bin folder and i only get 6fps with it only on small window
btw my card is a ati x1650 if that helps...
READ THIS IF YOU ARE GETTING THE "javassist.NotFoundException: b(..) is not found in ll" ERROR IN INSTALL LOG.
I'm quoting this post because I've seen the error come up several times since, but I found asolution.
EDITed for length
Quote from dufric88 »
Hi, I'm having a similar problem as several others from before
Here's the log
==== Installing Shaders ====
Error installing Shaders!
javassist.NotFoundException: b(..) is not found in ll
at javassist.CtClassType.getDeclaredMethod(CtClassType.java:1215)
at Hooks.install(Hooks.java:34)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.installMods(InstallThread.java:125)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.run(InstallThread.java:44)
==== Shaders Failed Installation ====
Repacking JAR
Installation complete
-using a Nvidia GTX470
-also tried fresh MC install
-my windows is actually x64. I had java x64 version on before, but disabled it to try to get this to work but no go. Figured I'd try since some java programs prefer one architecture over the other (like the Mumble overlay), but my MC usually crashes without the 64bit java install.
-I fully read the wiki, downloaded the n2 file update for 1.3 and imported. See this now:
-Also cannot right click in the installer, if that matters
-MSAA seems to work, but crashes the the client when changing the value
That's all I can think to include for now, SO...with all that said, any ideas of how to get the shaders to install without error?
Since these forums are full of more questions than answers, I figured I'd do my part to list the solution I found a few days ago.
This error does indeed have to do with the version of the GLSL shader mod you are using. So the problem in this case was downloading and importing the newest version from Dax's repository linked in the OP didn't completely update the mod. After using the Nitro interface to "import" the .n2 file, I went into my appdata/roaming folder (where .minecraft is located) and copied the contents of the .Nitrous\mods\com.daxnitro.shaders folder (excluding /backups) into the mods/shaders folder extracted from Dax's rar, and replaced all the old files. Then the install worked.
!!!!If you have personal settings saved into any of the .vsh/.fsh files such as bumpmap settings for a higher rez tp then don't bother replacing the /alternateshaders or /content/files/shaders folders, i'm pretty sure they don't change.
This was more than likely unnecessary to some degree. I'm not sure if the "import" function works the way it's supposed to but I was unable to right click anywhere within the interface to remove the previous version due to another glitch.
Well, I appreciate the response, cferrill, but it didn't work. Still flat. Partial bump-mapping while looking at it from a distance. Using an nVidia graphics card, 64-bit java.
By chance, could someone send me their "bin" folder with misa's textures bump mapping installed?
Can anyone edit the Bump Mapping Base.fsh to ignore full transparent spots on terrain_s.png? It's because it turns mod textures all white when receiving light :/
How can I fix those lines? I think it have to do with the toon shader, but i'm not sure.
I've seen a solution a few pages back but i could not understand how to fix it, if someone can explain it better.
I'm really bad at messing with those stuff :C
Thanks in advance!! :]
go to the final.fsh file in mods/shaders/contents/files/shaders, and open it with notepad or something, u will see something in the begining called EDGE_THRESHOLD or something along those lines and change it to 0.75, that will clear up the lines
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Any tree can drop an apple, I'll drop the freaken moon
-Sho Minamimoto
go to the final.fsh file in mods/shaders/contents/files/shaders, and open it with notepad or something, u will see something in the begining called EDGE_THRESHOLD or something along those lines and change it to 0.75, that will clear up the lines
Thank you! It worked!! :biggrin.gif:
But I think it made the effect a little weaker...
GRRRRR I have literally tried everything. I've tried other texture packs, different resolution texture packs, I've installed it different ways and I get the same result every time! It is still flat, with pixels an inch away from the block. Exactly like the hat layer for a skin. The pixels just float there, aren't connected to anything, and when I view the block from the side, it's completely flat.
PLEASE HELP! I really want this mod to work, because I want my minecraft to be bootiful!
I am using an nVidia GeForce 9800 GT, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ (2 CPUs), ~2.8 GHz
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600)
I just love how everyone but the creator is answering the problems in the past few pages. I also like the fact that no matter what I do, PARALLAX OCCLUSION/BUMPMAPPING WILL NEVER WORK RIGHT! GAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_24, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode, sharing), Sun Microsystems Inc.
Catalogging local mods
Scanning L:\Users\Deandre\AppData\Roaming\.Nitrous\mods
Scanning L:\Users\Deandre\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods
Found mod Shaders
Starting installation
Creating backup
Unpacking JAR
==== Installing Shaders ====
Error installing Shaders!
javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] no such field: g
at javassist.CtBehavior.insertBefore(CtBehavior.java:725)
at javassist.CtBehavior.insertBefore(CtBehavior.java:685)
at Hooks.install(Hooks.java:171)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.installMods(InstallThread.java:125)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.run(InstallThread.java:44)
Caused by: compile error: no such field: g
at javassist.compiler.TypeChecker.fieldAccess(TypeChecker.java:812)
at javassist.compiler.TypeChecker.atFieldRead(TypeChecker.java:770)
at javassist.compiler.TypeChecker.atMember(TypeChecker.java:952)
at javassist.compiler.JvstTypeChecker.atMember(JvstTypeChecker.java:65)
at javassist.compiler.ast.Member.accept(Member.java:38)
at javassist.compiler.TypeChecker.atArrayRead(TypeChecker.java:902)
at javassist.compiler.TypeChecker.atArrayAssign(TypeChecker.java:257)
at javassist.compiler.TypeChecker.atAssignExpr(TypeChecker.java:224)
at javassist.compiler.ast.AssignExpr.accept(AssignExpr.java:38)
at javassist.compiler.CodeGen.doTypeCheck(CodeGen.java:241)
at javassist.compiler.CodeGen.atStmnt(CodeGen.java:329)
at javassist.compiler.ast.Stmnt.accept(Stmnt.java:49)
at javassist.compiler.CodeGen.atStmnt(CodeGen.java:350)
at javassist.compiler.ast.Stmnt.accept(Stmnt.java:49)
at javassist.compiler.CodeGen.atIfStmnt(CodeGen.java:390)
at javassist.compiler.CodeGen.atStmnt(CodeGen.java:354)
at javassist.compiler.ast.Stmnt.accept(Stmnt.java:49)
at javassist.compiler.Javac.compileStmnt(Javac.java:568)
at javassist.CtBehavior.insertBefore(CtBehavior.java:705)
... 4 more
==== Shaders Failed Installation ====
Repacking JAR
Installation complete
Hi U i Got an error?
Graphics Card: GeForce 6150se nForce 430
OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_24, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode, sharing), Sun Microsystems Inc.
Catalogging local mods
Scanning C:\Users\FuzzyTeddy4\AppData\Roaming\.Nitrous\mods
Scanning C:\zghzxh\mods
Found mod Shaders
Starting installation
Creating backup
Unpacking JAR
==== Installing Shaders ====
Error installing Shaders!
javassist.NotFoundException: renderBottomFace(..) is not found in bw
at javassist.CtClassType.getDeclaredMethod(CtClassType.java:1215)
at Hooks.install(Hooks.java:194)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.installMods(InstallThread.java:125)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.run(InstallThread.java:44)
==== Shaders Failed Installation ====
Repacking JAR
Installation complete
Blargh. New bug for me! Tried to re-patch on a fresh install and I get this:
==== Installing Shaders ====
Error installing Shaders!
java.lang.RuntimeException: mh class is frozen
at javassist.CtClassType.checkModify(CtClassType.java:286)
at javassist.CtBehavior.instrument(CtBehavior.java:661)
at Hooks.install(Hooks.java:38)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.installMods(InstallThread.java:125)
at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.run(InstallThread.java:44)
==== Shaders Failed Installation ====
Repacking JAR
Installation complete
I also tried importing a new Shaders.n2 and now I have two things that try to install when I patch it.
I am also coming to the conclusion that this mod really isn't worth my time, even though I want it to work.
I appreciate the help from other people, but an answer from the creator of the mod would be even better.
The bumpmap only uses max height and min height so it's like the blocks are made of voxels. That and I was lazy.
the ugly lines are gone ,but the effect is so much less too... any help?
How I installed it:
I deleted final.vsh (or fsh, whatever it was called) for no depth of field
I edited base.vsh and base.fsh to allow Specular mapping, fog, and Parallax occlusion.
I put the terrain_s.png and terrain_nh.png in the minecraft.jar
I ran the patcher and clicked "Install Mods"
Am I doing something wrong?
to me that looks like you haven't commented out the proper line in the "base.fsh"
this file is located in the /mods/shaders/contents/files/shaders/ directory of the installer.
in that file there are lines for each resolution of texture looks like dax never added settings for 64x textures
I would say to try
const vec3 intervalMult = vec3(0.000975,0.000975, 0.3);
and then comment out the other resolution you have selected using //
this is what it would look like to comment out the default resolution textures this one below is what the shader has by default and could very well be your issue
//const vec3 intervalMult = vec3(0.0039, 0.0039, 4.5); // Fine for 16x16 tile size
just add that line I put above and then comment out the 16x16 and all the others like I have shown and then repatch a fresh jar and that should help your problem.
Hope this helps, sorry it's a bit hard to explain I hope this made a least a bit of sense
hey, so It looks like dax updated the shader to work with the 11.2 driver from what I have heard. everyone has been reporting that the latest version of the shader works fine with the 11.2 driver and catalyst a.i. enabled
So I would suggest go ahead and updating your driver this will most likely fix your issues.
If not I can't help but notice that is in the leaf transparency texture that looks like the kind of error you would get from "transparency anti-aliasing" you could also make sure you're not forcing this in the driver this also may help.
It also could be a crossfire issue, so worst case if those above options don't work try disabling crossfire, with the cards rendering every other frame, or partial frames I'm not sure how ATI is doing it these days, typically it can cause issues with the framebuffer and transparencys.
Hope this helps, let us know if it does so that people will know how to fix it.
Starting installation
Unpacking JAR
Fatal error!
C:\Users\Charlie_Kilo\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar does not exist
You also need to tell the bumpmap fragment shader what resolution the texture pack is.
//const vec3 intervalMult = vec3(0.00048828125, 0.00048828125, 0.2); // Fine for 128x128 tile size
there is a line in the base.fsh file that looks like this remove the "//" and put them in front of the
const vec3 intervalMult = vec3(0.0039......... <--- that is for 16x this is what the defualt bumpmap base.fsh has in it, just comment this line out instead, and remove the comments from the other one as I have stated above and it will work.
Or even easier just download the 128 shader pack from my texture pack thread, and delete the final.fsh that is in the shader folder this is the one I have included that is bloom. replace it with the dof final.fsh and then run the installer this would work and would probably be easier for you.
the installer uses the shaders that are in the /mods/shaders/content/files/shaders/ directory, of the installer.
this is where you would replace that final.fsh file.
Lastly always make sure you're using a fresh minecraft.jar
Hope this helps
btw my card is a ati x1650 if that helps...
I'm quoting this post because I've seen the error come up several times since, but I found a solution.
EDITed for length
Since these forums are full of more questions than answers, I figured I'd do my part to list the solution I found a few days ago.
This error does indeed have to do with the version of the GLSL shader mod you are using. So the problem in this case was downloading and importing the newest version from Dax's repository linked in the OP didn't completely update the mod. After using the Nitro interface to "import" the .n2 file, I went into my appdata/roaming folder (where .minecraft is located) and copied the contents of the .Nitrous\mods\com.daxnitro.shaders folder (excluding /backups) into the mods/shaders folder extracted from Dax's rar, and replaced all the old files. Then the install worked.
!!!!If you have personal settings saved into any of the .vsh/.fsh files such as bumpmap settings for a higher rez tp then don't bother replacing the /alternateshaders or /content/files/shaders folders, i'm pretty sure they don't change.
This was more than likely unnecessary to some degree. I'm not sure if the "import" function works the way it's supposed to but I was unable to right click anywhere within the interface to remove the previous version due to another glitch.
TILEZforums here
By chance, could someone send me their "bin" folder with misa's textures bump mapping installed?
Can anyone edit the Bump Mapping Base.fsh to ignore full transparent spots on terrain_s.png? It's because it turns mod textures all white when receiving light :/
I've seen a solution a few pages back but i could not understand how to fix it, if someone can explain it better.
I'm really bad at messing with those stuff :C
Thanks in advance!! :]
-Sho Minamimoto
Thank you! It worked!! :biggrin.gif:
But I think it made the effect a little weaker...
Really great mod btw!!
PLEASE HELP! I really want this mod to work, because I want my minecraft to be bootiful!
I am using an nVidia GeForce 9800 GT, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ (2 CPUs), ~2.8 GHz
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600)
I just love how everyone but the creator is answering the problems in the past few pages. I also like the fact that no matter what I do, PARALLAX OCCLUSION/BUMPMAPPING WILL NEVER WORK RIGHT! GAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Any Help
Graphics Card: GeForce 6150se nForce 430
I also tried importing a new Shaders.n2 and now I have two things that try to install when I patch it.
I am also coming to the conclusion that this mod really isn't worth my time, even though I want it to work.
I appreciate the help from other people, but an answer from the creator of the mod would be even better.