Timber! - Last updated for Minecraft 1.6.2 (July 2013), download here: https://archive.org/details/timber-1.6.2 PlasticCraft - Last updated for Minecraft 1.1 (Jan 2012), download here (incl multiplayer!): https://archive.org/details/plasticcraftv3.0.2 HiddenDoors - Last updated by bspkrs for Minecraft 1.5.1 (Mar 2013): bspkr's HiddenDoors thread Squirrels - RIP, I lost my backup for this, please message me if you have it and I will link it here!
Other mods I made: Mimic Chests (part of "Evil Minecraft"), Terraria-inspired Corruption, MoreFlowers. Helper mods: PortableWorkbench, TorchesAnywhere, CompressedRedstone, GemblockFix.
Anybody is free to update any of my mods or use any assets or code from them. I no longer have the sources for all of them though so you will need to use a decompiler. Good luck!
I still haven't decided how good exactly it'll be yet, I keep modifying the code to see what feels right. And I have no other uses for plastic yet, because I don't have many ideas >.>
EDIT: My main idea for the plastic shovel, is it to be weak, but give a bonus when shoveling snow..
what if you used plastic with already crafted objects to create replicas that could be placed down as displays or decorations. ... like a iron sword surrounded by plastic blocks = Iron sword replica, which you could hang on a wall or shelf or something
I like this idea a lot, mainly because for some reason I find the plastic shovel very visually appealing. Go ahead and make plastic version of all the tools. The shovel and the hoe could be decent to bad, the axe, sword, and pickaxe can't do ****... But have more uses than diamond/ are indestructible. Actually that's fairly balanced. Plastic tools are really really shitty, maybe even shittier than wood, but they never break. What do you think? And no, it doesn't make much sense that diamonds would be more brittle than plastic, but this mod is powered by imagination.
Oh it does, the picture just used more then one coal because the coal and stuff disappears once the item is made and I wanted the items to show up in the screenshot still >.>
And good ideas. Plastic Blocks shall be invincible to explosives! :tongue.gif:
One more thing, I couldn't think of a good texture for plastic blocks, so I just used the default Diamond block texture and recolored it. Anybody wanna try and make a better one? xD
I was going to post a suggestion of anti-crafting benches but it seems you beat me :/
Good ideas but isn't Minecraft built on some sort of realism? Surely plastic would be weak against explosions.
Also a suggestion, replace sand with plastic in the TNT recipe and you get, wait for it... PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES! Dun dun chhh!
I was going to post a suggestion of anti-crafting benches but it seems you beat me :/
Good ideas but isn't Minecraft built on some sort of realism? Surely plastic would be weak against explosions.
Also a suggestion, replace sand with plastic in the TNT recipe and you get, wait for it... PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES! Dun dun chhh!
I was going to post a suggestion of anti-crafting benches but it seems you beat me :/
Good ideas but isn't Minecraft built on some sort of realism? Surely plastic would be weak against explosions.
Also a suggestion, replace sand with plastic in the TNT recipe and you get, wait for it... PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES! Dun dun chhh!
Do you have any proof that doesn't work in real life? Also SOME sort of realism, obviously creepers and zombies aren't real (Slimes are, I met one once)
May I ask... why do you need an egg for making the plastic ball?
Eggs used to be ingredients in plastic, and still can be used (but not as much anymore). They were replaced by gelatin (an item I plan on adding to replace eggs).
TehKrush no longer maintains these mods.
Timber! - Last updated for Minecraft 1.6.2 (July 2013), download here: https://archive.org/details/timber-1.6.2
PlasticCraft - Last updated for Minecraft 1.1 (Jan 2012), download here (incl multiplayer!): https://archive.org/details/plasticcraftv3.0.2
HiddenDoors - Last updated by bspkrs for Minecraft 1.5.1 (Mar 2013): bspkr's HiddenDoors thread
Squirrels - RIP, I lost my backup for this, please message me if you have it and I will link it here!
Other mods I made: Mimic Chests (part of "Evil Minecraft"), Terraria-inspired Corruption, MoreFlowers. Helper mods: PortableWorkbench, TorchesAnywhere, CompressedRedstone, GemblockFix.
There is a much more up to date Timber mod by pizzaatime found here (2020): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pizzaatimes-timber-mod
Anybody is free to update any of my mods or use any assets or code from them. I no longer have the sources for all of them though so you will need to use a decompiler. Good luck!
Mod Archive
And what about other uses for plastic?
EDIT: My main idea for the plastic shovel, is it to be weak, but give a bonus when shoveling snow..
Mod Archive
Increases Defense by somesuch points!
Increases Wedgies by 8 points(towardsyou)!
Increases Self Esteem by -28 points!
what if you used plastic with already crafted objects to create replicas that could be placed down as displays or decorations. ... like a iron sword surrounded by plastic blocks = Iron sword replica, which you could hang on a wall or shelf or something
EDIT: Once Notch adds dye make it with blue plastic blocks :biggrin.gif:
Go talk to the creator of the Capitalism Mod and see what he thinks. He is working in the same general area of development.
EDIT: By this I mean that he is adding endgame-type items and objectives and may help you may or may not be able to collaborate.
Oh it does, the picture just used more then one coal because the coal and stuff disappears once the item is made and I wanted the items to show up in the screenshot still >.>
And good ideas. Plastic Blocks shall be invincible to explosives! :tongue.gif:
One more thing, I couldn't think of a good texture for plastic blocks, so I just used the default Diamond block texture and recolored it. Anybody wanna try and make a better one? xD
Mod Archive
Good ideas but isn't Minecraft built on some sort of realism? Surely plastic would be weak against explosions.
Also a suggestion, replace sand with plastic in the TNT recipe and you get, wait for it... PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES! Dun dun chhh!
Do you have any proof that doesn't work in real life? Also SOME sort of realism, obviously creepers and zombies aren't real (Slimes are, I met one once)
C4 has double the radius of TNT, and also a longer fuse so you can get away from it.
Mod Archive
damn it, i was just about to give you the plastic explosives idea!! D: now i don't have any ideas for plastic. :sleep.gif:
Eggs used to be ingredients in plastic, and still can be used (but not as much anymore). They were replaced by gelatin (an item I plan on adding to replace eggs).
Mod Archive