What is going on in that screenshot? Do you mean a regular Lawyer From Hell somehow spawned inside the Jail? What happened?
I had infinite health (else i,d have died) then i removed the stairs so the Lawyer got into the jail, then i got him into mai room. there he attacked me, and every second or so he jailed me and thereby spawned 4-5 new deathlawyers. =P
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Excuse me! Do signatures no longer have a private sphere and the right to not be stared at at all times?
When I log in it goes black screen, shows an error report for like a second, and then closes
:angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif:
so how do i get it to work if audio mod hasent been updtaed to version 1.6.6 its still on 1.6.5
If you read the ModLoader/AudioMod thread, right at the very top of page 1 it says if the mod has /not/ been updated, then it works with no changes, or something like that.
Everything is working fine except the item textures. All of them are clear, except blorp cola which is a quiver i think. At first I thought this was a texture pack issue, but I reinstalled without patching or using another texture pack and had the same problem. Any suggestions?
I think you need to edit the hippo because there not a creep or a weirdo right now.Why not give then somthing wacko like rockets shoot out their butt when angered or somthing.
P.S is there a specififc reason you chose G instead of 25 other alphabet mobs?
can someone help me please! i have reinstalled the thing 5 times now and still nothing will spawn i did audio mod and modloader right, i put the class files in achievements in the .jar file and i put the morecreepsandweirdos in mods with the more creeps txt file can u please help me and if u have skype and can talk me throught it u can my name is mooper9 on skype
Freak... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MOD!!!!!!!!!!!one1! Just a damn 'nother problem has arosen... For some reason the audio for the creeps AND my normal animals, like the cow moo and sheep baa... I am pretty shure I did audiomod correctly... Just drag and drop into the minecraft.jar, right? Please respond :smile.gif:
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If only I was a mod here... This topic wouldn't even be seen.
I think you need to edit the hippo because there not a creep or a weirdo right now.Why not give then somthing wacko like rockets shoot out their butt when angered or somthing.
P.S is there a specififc reason you chose G instead of 25 other alphabet mobs?
As I posted before, there is a companion creep that will make the Hippo dangerous.
Freak... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MOD!!!!!!!!!!!one1! Just a damn 'nother problem has arosen... For some reason the audio for the creeps AND my normal animals, like the cow moo and sheep baa... I am pretty shure I did audiomod correctly... Just drag and drop into the minecraft.jar, right? Please respond :smile.gif:
Start clean and try again. Make sure you have the latest AudioMod
When you click download, you will see a countdown in the upper right corner which will turn to SKIP THIS AD. Just wait for the SKIP and click it -- you must have javascript and cookies enabled.
NOTE:EVERYTHING is selectable in the MoreCreeps.txt file! You can turn off creeps you don't like, as well as Pyramids and the ability of RayGuns to set fire and/or melt blocks. Simply change the number to 0-12. 0 = no creep and 12 = maximum creep. DO NOT PUT A # in front of names or it will use default settings! Change settings to PEACEFUL and then back to HARD after you have edited the properties file.
Man's Best Friend Craft a frisbee Calling All Pigs Craft a Guinea Pig Radio
Go To Hell Kill a Preacher False Idol Kill a Preacher with money
Cola Chugger Suck down ten cans of delicious Borp Cola
Pig Whisperer Tame a wild Guinea Pig Pig Be Pimpin Raise a Guinea Pig to Level five Baby General Oversee the training of a level ten Guinea Pig POWERHOUSE Command and lead a Guinea Pig to level twenty! Donald Trump Build a Guinea Pig Hotel and relax
Riding Tall Tame a Rocket Giraffe Rocket Jockey Craft some rockets Rocket Rampage Kill fifty creatures with rockets
Pharaoh's Curse Conquer a pyramid and break the curse!
Floob Fatality Vaporize a Floob Floobicide! Kill twenty Floobs FTW!
Goo Guts Kill a Goo Goat Gooey Goat Grinder Kill ten Goo Goats Homer Simpson Kill a whopping twenty five Goo Goats
Mister Freeze Tame a wild SnowDevil Cake Crazy Tame a cake-loving Hunchback Dust to Dust Destroy a Rock Monster
Urine My Dreams Give a urinating Bum a flower A Pot to Pee In Give a urinating Bum an empty bucket The Volcano Give a urinating Bum a lava bucket
Chicken Scratch Scrape together 100 dollars Half G Fill your wallet with 500 dollars Where's Jeeves? Get a big pile of 1000 dollars
Bubble Bobble Drop a BubbleScum from 10 blocks high Pretty in Pink Drop a BubbleScum from 25 blocks high I Am Scum Drop a BubbleScum from 50 blocks high MERCILESS Drop a BubbleScum from 100 blocks high
Bad Snow Day Kill an Evil Snowman Tiny Snowflake Kill a tiny Evil Snowman Big Snowballs Kill a huge Evil Snowman
Man's Best Friend Tame a Hotdog Little Nipper Own a level 5 Hotdog Hot Dog Buns Own a level 10 Hotdog Jaws of Death Own a level 25 Hotdog
AVAILABLE in version 2.0 Lassie Come Home Build the Hot Dog Heaven palace
See below for detailed installation instructions and troubleshooting guide.
ADDED: Hotdogs that can be tamed, trained and will fight for you!
ADDED: Hotdog training gives perks in ATTACK, DEFENSE, SPEED and HEALING
ADDED: Lawyers from Hell who attack and steal your money, turning into Undead Lawyers or Bums when defeated
ADDED: Jail to imprison player if he exceeds his allowable FINE of $2,500. Jail toggle available in MoreCreeps.txt file for chickens.
ADDED: Hippos who love water
ADDED: Letter G that drops 'G' stuff like Grain, Gold bars, Glowstone, Golden apple, etc.
ADDED: Celebration when any achievement is reached. Smash the trophy for extra cash, but you have to act fast!
ADDED: Sound effects for Evil Snowman
FIXED: Robots Ted and Todd reprogrammed. Now their cutting comments and self congratulations are logical.
FIXED: BubbleScum achivements now correctly awarded
TWEAK: Falldamage removed for Evil Scientist experiments
TWEAK: Public Urination defaults to ON. Turn off in MoreCreeps.txt file
TWEAK: Guinea Pig and Hotdog Command Center - SHIFT-RIGHT-CLICK with empty hands
TWEAK: Particles enhanced - partial implementation
TWEAK: Giving Hunchbacks cake is now cumulative. Stuff your Hunchbacks full of cake!
Each achievement that you win is cause for a big celebration. Smash the Trophy to earn extra cash, but act quickly!
These dirty tricksters mind their own buiness until provoked, and then try to litigate you to death. You can beat the cash out of the Lawyers, but doing so will increase your FINE. If you exceed your limit of $2,500, the Lawyers may decide to send you to jail! If you defeat a Lawyer, they may either turn into Dirty Bums, or rise from the grave as Undead Lawyers From Hell!
*** HOTDOGS ***
These delightful pooches can be tamed and trained with bones. They will become your loyal pets, getting stronger and more powerful as they gain experience. If you train them in ATTACK and charge them up with Redstone, they will gain a special fire attack. If you train them in HEALING, they can learn to heal themselves and if they are critically wounded, stop fighting and return to you for healing. SPEED training makes the Hotdogs faster, and ultimately the ability to teleport to your side if they stray too far. DEFENSE training will help protect from attacks. You can add armor for increased vitality and protection. These loyal dogs are more then hot, they are on fire!
*** LETTER G ***
Grumpy Letter G would like to rip out your GUTS, and give you a kick in the GROIN! If you manage to kill a Letter G, there is a chance it will drop something that starts with G, such as grain, gold, golden apples, or other 'G' items.
*** HIPPOS ***
Peaceful animals that love water.
*** ROBOT TED ***
Robot Ted hates Robot Todd! He will do anything to disassemble him. Robot Ted floats around bragging about how cool he is and drops 16K RAM boards when terminated.
*** ROBOT TODD ***
Robot Todd hates Robot Ted! Robot Todd runs around making fun of how uncool and dumb Robot Ted is. He drops Batteries when terminated.
Combine 16K RAM Boards with Batteries and you have created an Atom Packet! Throw these in the air or at the ground and you have entered the atomic age. Throw more Atoms out and they start to fuse together creating an enormous force that affects all surrounding creatures and objects. If you don't want your stuff to be ripped apart by atomic forces, you better tie it down! Please use with CAUTION!
These creeps made of snow are the result of a botched experiment by the Evil Scientist. They shrink and get weaker in warm weather, and grow larger and more powerful in colder climates. Kill them before they get too huge!
These majestic creatures can be tamed with cookies. Once tamed, you can ride them and fire rockets at unsuspecting idiots from high atop your steed.
*** DIG BUG ***
Green bugs that love to dig holes in the hopes that a BubbleScum will fall in and become lunch! A curious side effect of digested BubbleScum meat is an exploding fountain of delicious cookies!
Passive pink creatures that spend their days wandering around and blowing bubbles. Their innocence is only matched by their willingness to take piggy back rides.
*** FLOOBS ***
Dangerous aliens who arrive in their Floob Ships and shoot Ray Guns at you! Destory their ships quickly, or your world will be overrun with RayGun shooting Floobs!
Added Evil Scientist who builds towers, conducts experiments and uleashes his mutations: Evil Creatures, Evil Pigs and Evil Chickens
*** MANDOG ***
A passive creature who growls and can be tamed with cooked meat. He will then fetch frisbees thrown by the player. Frisbees can be crafted with Lapis Lazuli and Clay.
*** PYRAMIDS ***
These Mummy Tombs will appear randomly on your landscape. If you are feeling brave, explore the labryinth to recover the valuable Mummy Treasure!
*** GOO GOAT ***
A rather peaceful animal that munches on grass and fills up with slime. You can see him fill up and grow as he strips the landscape of grass. Killing it will yeild Goo Donuts dependent on his size and slime capacity.
*** BLORP ***
A herbivorous creature that grows as it eats leaves. You may want to kill it before it gets too big! Blorps are hostile toward other Blorps, and drop a refreshing drink called BlorpCola. The bigger the Blorp, the more cola you get. Or, you could just leave it alone to eat in peace. The choice is yours.
*** BABY MUMMY ***
These ripening youths [only hundreds of years old instead of thousands] are a mischevious bunch who love to play with humans. If you step on sand, watch out! These little creeps will try to bury you in their sand traps. They do appear during the day, but will burn up at high noon.
*** PREACHER ***
Sometimes you just need a good sacrifice. It's a good thing that the world of Minecraft has so many sheep and pigs just wandering about, making them the perfect offering to the Gods of Minecraft*. These holy dudes may be loaded with donations, but they will also perform the ritual on you if you try to take it from them. Repent!
This poor fellow is desperate for some delicious, fresh cake. If you can bake a cake for this Hunchback, he will become your loyal servant. This is where the fun begins, because if you throw him a bone, he will raise a skeleton army to wreak havok on the land. They are an uncontrollable and temporary band of hoodlums. Watch them kick some serious butt.
Creeping around in the hot sun, these rowdy reptiles are always looking for a little something to munch on. Are you a little something? They shoot mini fireballs at a distance, and leap on you when close.
These double-headed devils are fearsome beasts which live primarily in the Ice Desert regions. If you kill them, they will drop pure ice, which can be used to build or as a source of portable water. They have a fearsome bite, but can be tamed if you throw snowballs at close range. But beware! They make very dangerous pets! Also, for whatever reason, these Snow Devils do not like the night and burn accordingly.
These delightful creatures just love to explore the world of Minecraft. They will follow you around on your adventures if you feed them enough apples or wheat. Apples are much more effective than wheat. If you tame them, they will fight [and die] for you. Each guinea pig has it's own name and unique personality, and will tell you when it is wounded. Feeding it more apples or wheat will heal your pigs.
SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK on a Guinea Pig with empty hands to bring up the command menu. Here you can get all of the vital stats for your pig, give orders and even change the name!
You can equip Leather, Iron, Gold or Diamond armor, and your pigs will increase their stats. Any part of the armor will work.
Be careful with your pigs and be sure to heal them if they are wounded.
Guinea Pigs can now level up! Adding increased health and attack strength with each level up to twenty!
Guinea Pigs health bar lets you know if your Pig needs some healing! Detailed stats available with paper in hand.
Level 20 Guinea Pigs are able to build a Guinea Pig Hotel! Just hold a diamond in your hand and right-click on a level 20 Guinea Pig. Make sure you have plenty of space, the hotel is 16x16 blocks.
Guinea Pigs can be given commands with flowers. Craft a Guinea Pig Radio to get all fighting pigs on your head at once. Give your pigs sugar cane for a temporary speed boost!
*** THIEVES ***
Keep a watchful eye for these opportunists of Minecraft, for they are out to steal your valuables. But don't worry, you can recover your stolen goods if you kill the pesky fellows or if they meet thier untimely demise in other ways.
*** DIRTY BUMS ***
These unfortunate fellows wander around looking for a kind soul such as yourself to offer them iron, gold or diamonds. If you treat these rotten bums nicely, you will be rewarded! The more generous your gift, the better the reward.
Sometimes dirty, filthy Bums just need to urinate. They must do this in public because, hey, where else are they going to go? A nice side effect is the beautification of your world - after the urine is finished, of course!
*** MUMMY ***
The Mummies are slightly quick but not that powerful. They drop mostly sand and cloth.
*** BLACK SOUL ***
The evil Black Souls are sluggish in movement, but they have a powerful attack and can take a lot of damage.
They drop coal - harvested from the souls of fallen miners.
Also, there is a small chance they will drop the soul of an innocent miner who was never tempted by mineral deposits. This rare drop is a diamond.
This dapper fellow wanders around delighted with the world around him. For many of his journeys, he takes only a delicious red apple and his walking stick.
However, sometimes he brings along a little extra ice cream money and you may find gold bars. If you attack him, he reveals himself in order to seek revenge.
Rock Monster's spawn during the day and are peaceful unless disturbed. Do so at your own peril, as these lapidarian lunks spring to life seeking revenge if provoked.
They are composed mostly of rock and gravel, but some of these beasts possess an iron will and will drop such a covetous prize upon their untimely demise.
Yogscast plays an early version of More Creeps and Weirdos. Too bad they didn't raise a Guinea Pig army!
Check out all of the creeps with this video by Xenoph!
Video by darkmatter2222 aka Ryan. Thank you for this great vid, Ryan!
Short video of BLORPS by Equeon. Thanks!!
A cool video freaturing your ever-loyal, cake-loving hunchback. Thanks to ilikecheeseish.
Nice video of Goo Goats and Goo Donuts by MrMinecraftfox - THANKS! Poor Dirty Bum.
Copy the contents of "RESOURCES" into your RESOURCES folder. Keep the directory structure intact: The creepsounds folder should be here: .minecraft\resources\mod\sound\creepsounds
Copy MoreCreepsAndWeirdos.zip and MoreCreeps.txt into your .minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip the file!
SPAWN RATES ARE SET THIS WAY: Change the number from 0 - 12. 0 = NO SPAWN and 12 = MAX SPAWN
Do not forget to delete the META-INF folder in your minecraft.jar or no mods will ever run.
You must have Risugami's Modloader and AudioMod and Shocka's Achievevement Tabs installed for MoreCreeps to function.
Do not forget to delete the META-INF folder in your minecraft.jar or no mods will ever run.
OH, MAN, I GOTZ PROBLEMZ- In order to solve your problems, you must provide a crash report! Without this vital information, nothing can be done to help you. Read the instructions in this thread for creating and submitting your crash report. REMEMBER: use CODE tags when posting your report!
I INSTALLED THE REQUIRED MODS, BUT CRASH! Be careful when you install Achievement Tabs. You want to put the three class files found in the BIN folder into your MINECRAFT.JAR. Do not put the BIN folder itself in there, just the three files inside of that BIN folder. YOU DID INSTALL ACHIEVEMENT TABS, DIDN'T YOU!?!?
NONE OF THE NEW ITEMS ARE SHOWING UP You are probably using a custom texture pack and need to run MCPATCHER first! Download MCPATCHER
CANT SEE ANYTHING - You have probably taken the textures out of the creeps folder! Just copy all of the content of the MINECRAFT-JAR folder and drag them to your MINECRAFT.JAR. The textures must be in a folder called CREEPS which is INSIDE the MOB folder in your minecraft.jar
CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING - You have either not installed AudioMod correctly, or have removed the sounds from the CREEPSOUNDS directory! All of the hideous and wacky sounds must remain in the CREEPSOUNDS folder, which should be located to your .MINECRAFT/RESOURCES/MOD/SOUND directory. Check to make sure that there is a CREEPSOUNDS folder in that SOUND directory. Double-check that you installed AudioMod correctly. The complete directory structure for More Creeps & Weirdos sounds is: .minecraft\resources\mod\sound\creepsounds
NO CREEPS SPAWN - Reset the spawns by playing on peaceful and then crank the difficulty to hard.
PROPERTIES FILE NOT WORKING The MoreCreeps.txt file must be located in your .minecraft directory. This directory contains other directories called BIN, MODS and RESOURCES. If Minecraft cannot locate this properties file, the mod will use default values and turn every creep on.
I DON'T SEE THE CUSTOM ITEMS Your texture pack is probably the culprit. Change your texture pack to default and see if the items like Delicious Blorp Cola or the RayGun show up. If they do, then you need to use a different texture pack.
FLOOB SHIPS ARE KILLING MY WORLD! You can turn off Floob Ship explosions in the properties file. Just change the config to FloobshipExplode=0. Puny human!
FLOOBS ARE SETTING FIRE TO EVERYTHING! You can turn off Floob Ship explosions in the properties file. Just put a 0 in front of RayGunFire. If you want to prevent the RayGuns from melting blocks, change the config to RayGunMelt=0. Oh, the punarity of humans!
Shout out to my coding creeps who helped me - 303 and his amazing coding veracity, Club559 and Okushama. Also DrZhark for the following code. Thanks, guys! Thanks to Mr. Okushama for the Bums idea. Thanks to OgreSean for the name display code from his Builders mod. Thanks to Nandonalt for making fun of my particles, forcing me to improve them! Thanks to Kodaichi for suggesting the Jail stripsearch.
Also thank you to Risugami for Modloader, 303 for Spawnlist and the MCP team for the tools!
i used to like this mod alot but now....not so much. im sorry but in my opinion you have added really stupid mobs and in my opinion(not trolling so dont take offence but just my opinion) this mod has been going down hill ever since mandogs and evil scientist(srry if spelld wrong). i liked the idea of gunea pigs(again srry bad spelling) and i thought goo goats were cool but i just dont like it anymore. i mean really? the letter g? thats one of the stupidest mobs in my opion( once again not trolling just my opinion) i think you should make seperate packages like where you can only download one mob. therefore people could only download what they want because some of these mobs are just ridiculous.one last time im not trolling,flaming the mod, or trying to do anything to offend you. im just saying that this is a mod i used to love, but now hate. just though i could give some creative critisism(idk if thats the word you would use) about this mod. so please dont take this offensive in any way.
i used to like this mod alot but now....not so much. im sorry but in my opinion you have added really stupid mobs and in my opinion(not trolling so dont take offence but just my opinion) this mod has been going down hill ever since mandogs and evil scientist(srry if spelld wrong). i liked the idea of gunea pigs(again srry bad spelling) and i thought goo goats were cool but i just dont like it anymore. i mean really? the letter g? thats one of the stupidest mobs in my opion( once again not trolling just my opinion) i think you should make seperate packages like where you can only download one mob. therefore people could only download what they want because some of these mobs are just ridiculous.one last time im not trolling,flaming the mod, or trying to do anything to offend you. im just saying that this is a mod i used to love, but now hate. just though i could give some creative critisism(idk if thats the word you would use) about this mod. so please dont take this offensive in any way.
Your mod adds watermelons....Nuff' said.
And is anyone else not able to open the GUI by Shift Right Clicking in 1.6.6? It's not working for me at all.
For the life of me, I cannot get audio to work. I have tried freaking everything. I have installed audiomod, twice, tried sticking it in mod/sound and stuff and didnt work, tried putting directly in resources, tried putting in .jar, and NOTHING... D:
For the life of me, I cannot get audio to work. I have tried freaking everything. I have installed audiomod, twice, tried sticking it in mod/sound and stuff and didnt work, tried putting directly in resources, tried putting in .jar, and NOTHING... D:
I guess I really suck with mods..
Please help ._.
Installing the sounds is never the problem...it's installing AudioMod. You have to install it perfectly or else you're screwed. That includes in the IBXM folder inside your minecraft.jar and the actual ibxm.codec inside that paulsmod/codecs folder.
After an update I always install modloader...start the game then exit. Install Audiomod...start the game then exit. Then install everything else.
Also.... g-g-g-g gonna get you
EDIT: it's working now
I had infinite health (else i,d have died) then i removed the stairs so the Lawyer got into the jail, then i got him into mai room. there he attacked me, and every second or so he jailed me and thereby spawned 4-5 new deathlawyers. =P
:angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif:
If you read the ModLoader/AudioMod thread, right at the very top of page 1 it says if the mod has /not/ been updated, then it works with no changes, or something like that.
add toxic turtles!
P.S is there a specififc reason you chose G instead of 25 other alphabet mobs?
As I posted before, there is a companion creep that will make the Hippo dangerous.
Start clean and try again. Make sure you have the latest AudioMod
Your mod adds watermelons....Nuff' said.
And is anyone else not able to open the GUI by Shift Right Clicking in 1.6.6? It's not working for me at all.
I guess I really suck with mods..
Please help ._.
Support the Aether Mod!
Installing the sounds is never the problem...it's installing AudioMod. You have to install it perfectly or else you're screwed. That includes in the IBXM folder inside your minecraft.jar and the actual ibxm.codec inside that paulsmod/codecs folder.
After an update I always install modloader...start the game then exit. Install Audiomod...start the game then exit. Then install everything else.