I have a problem with this. I installed the mod and everything went fine. The commands are working, but when I try to use world edit, it just doesnt work. For example I can spawn a //wand and it gives me axe & i can do /brush sphere grass 5 and it says it was put to diamond pick in my hand etc. but when I try to select ground with the wand or start using the brush it just doesn't work. nothing happens when I right/left click the ground with wand. what is wrong? O.o
& Loram, what about the brush? that's what I really need
READ my post at the top of the previous page!
You should do that without being prompted!!!
<gazes into crystal ball>
<sees answers to questions - yes, no, yes>
<shakes head>
Im sure this has been brought up, just cant find it. But using schematics with single player commands doesnt work. I try to load a schematic with the //schematic load command and it tells me that it doesnt exist. Are the commands not updated yet or is it the schematic itself? I have re-downloaded some a few times and it still says they dont exisit.
RE: problem with sound not working - had same issue when TMI and SPC installed. Merging the com folder rather than replacing it fixed the problem. Same thing worked on two machines, so does look like that was the issue. The instructions say to replace. Merging certainly seems not to cause any conflict.
Used automatic install
there is a worldedit.jar inside my bin folder
it worked for me 1 time, now its broken again
u just try to own ppl but dont have anything useful to say, stop spamming and leave this thread
Try a manual install then, I don't usually have problems with that. And I'd recommend you leave the thread if you're just going to attack someone who's been here for a long time and encourages people to think instead of spamming "omg it no work". Try searching your problem next time and see if there's someone who's fixed it already.
Im sure this has been brought up, just cant find it. But using schematics with single player commands doesnt work. I try to load a schematic with the //schematic load command and it tells me that it doesnt exist. Are the commands not updated yet or is it the schematic itself? I have re-downloaded some a few times and it still says they dont exisit.
If youre using pre-existing schematics (one that you didnt save using spc) then you need to move it into the spc schematic file location, you can find it here: .minecraft>mods>spc>schematics
(im not sure if it will work if it was a schematic that was saved using mcedit, so if it still doesnt work you may have to place the schematic in a world using mcedit then save the schematic using spc)
The reason im not sure is because when you save a schem in spc it saves what position you saved it in but im not sure if mcedit saves your position data.
Used automatic install
there is a worldedit.jar inside my bin folder
it worked for me 1 time, now its broken again
u just try to own ppl but dont have anything useful to say, stop spamming and leave this thread
Once in a while mine doesn't start. Ghillamon mentions an editor, some pages back, that may help.
I sometimes need to restart for SPC/WE to function properly. It seems to work better if done with a primitive world. This too has been discussed many times, in earlier posts!
@ OrionTempest;
Children are so accustomed to Mom/Dad giving the answer with no thought or action (like reading page 1) on the child's part that they often get angry/frustrated when someone won't just give them the answer.
Thanks for your support.
A suggestion for future updates (if it isnt already there, i havent seen it but doesnt mean i havent missed it) would be to add a way to repeat commands easily. I dont mean just repeat the last command entered either.
Ok say for example i want to change a huge area into one type of block, like stone for example. Well if you try and select too big an area the game tends to crash, so you would usually split it up into smaller parts to change that way. Ok now if i wanted to make a 200x1000x10 area into stone and could only change 100x100x10 at a time, then i would have to repeat the commands 20 times each. Like clicking a block, typing in Expand 99 East, Expand 99 South, Expand 9 down. Then Set 1. Then Shift 100 East. And repeating it again. What i am suggesting (and again if it's already there please let me know) is that you can type something like //Program Start (Program Name) then the commands you want to run, the number of times you want it done, and followed by //Program End. So then when you want to run it you type //Run (Program Name) and it runs through the commands you typed in as many times as you had set. That way if you wanted to repeat the same process in another area you could just click the start block and type //Run (Program Name) again and it would do the same thing there.
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Exception in server tick loop
This error has been saved to C:\Documents and Settings\Martha\Datos de programa\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2012-10-20_16.39.59-server.txt for your convenience. Please include a copy of this file if you report this crash to anyone.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT ceb9e560 --------
Generated 20/10/12 04:40 PM
- Is Modded: Very likely
- Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
- Player Count: 0 / 8; []
- World lololol Entities: 0 total; []
- World lololol Players: 0 total; []
- World lololol Chunk Stats: ServerChunkCache: 0 Drop: 0
- Type: Integrated Server
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sijobe/spc/core/HookManager
at gu.<clinit>(EntityPlayerMP.java:79)
at et.a(SourceFile:215)
at axy.b(SourceFile:66)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(SourceFile:452)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.p(SourceFile:383)
at axv.p(IntegratedServer.java:122)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:316)
at ep.run(SourceFile:539)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sijobe.spc.core.HookManager
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 8 more
--- END ERROR REPORT e61249e1 ----------
A suggestion for future updates (if it isnt already there, i havent seen it but doesnt mean i havent missed it) would be to add a way to repeat commands easily. I dont mean just repeat the last command entered either.
Ok say for example i want to change a huge area into one type of block, like stone for example. Well if you try and select too big an area the game tends to crash, so you would usually split it up into smaller parts to change that way. Ok now if i wanted to make a 200x1000x10 area into stone and could only change 100x100x10 at a time, then i would have to repeat the commands 20 times each. Like clicking a block, typing in Expand 99 East, Expand 99 South, Expand 9 down. Then Set 1. Then Shift 100 East. And repeating it again. What i am suggesting (and again if it's already there please let me know) is that you can type something like //Program Start (Program Name) then the commands you want to run, the number of times you want it done, and followed by //Program End. So then when you want to run it you type //Run (Program Name) and it runs through the commands you typed in as many times as you had set. That way if you wanted to repeat the same process in another area you could just click the start block and type //Run (Program Name) again and it would do the same thing there.
Look at the WE //stack command.
You want a macro with a pause or time delay between legs/segments. It would be helpful with tools/weapons.
A macro
/give 278 1
/enchant add 32 5
/enchant add 35 3
/enchant add 34 3
doesn't work because the pickaxe isn't yet in your hand.
A macro
/give 278 1
/pause 30 sec
/enchant add 32 5
/enchant add 35 3
/enchant add 34 3
probably would
Create a macro (name it segment)
macro segment
//expand 99 99 n
//expand 99 99 e
//expand 9 d
Then all you need do is create a starting point,
Once pos1 pos2 established,
macro segment; does what you want
the command //shift 198 n, can be followed with
macro segment again without moving or reestablishing pos1 & 2.
Remember there is a 90° shift in direction commands. a command of s occurs in an e direction.
Use my signature, search for "hpos".
Read the OP, page 1, post 1!
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
MoreCommands: http://www.mediafire.com/view/qjc9c6klcnp660e/CmdLstMoreCommands.pdf
WorldEdit: http://www.mediafire.com/view/bi7r00xd9rgxrrt/WE_Commands.pdf
READ my post at the top of the previous page!
You should do that without being prompted!!!
<gazes into crystal ball>
<sees answers to questions - yes, no, yes>
<shakes head>
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
MoreCommands: http://www.mediafire.com/view/qjc9c6klcnp660e/CmdLstMoreCommands.pdf
WorldEdit: http://www.mediafire.com/view/bi7r00xd9rgxrrt/WE_Commands.pdf
Since the first post seems to not exist anymore, because people can't seem to read it:
1.3 broke it so much that Simo had to pretty much rebuild SPC from scratch. Most of the commands haven't been rewritten yet.
Try a manual install then, I don't usually have problems with that. And I'd recommend you leave the thread if you're just going to attack someone who's been here for a long time and encourages people to think instead of spamming "omg it no work". Try searching your problem next time and see if there's someone who's fixed it already.
If youre using pre-existing schematics (one that you didnt save using spc) then you need to move it into the spc schematic file location, you can find it here: .minecraft>mods>spc>schematics
(im not sure if it will work if it was a schematic that was saved using mcedit, so if it still doesnt work you may have to place the schematic in a world using mcedit then save the schematic using spc)
The reason im not sure is because when you save a schem in spc it saves what position you saved it in but im not sure if mcedit saves your position data.
Once in a while mine doesn't start.
Ghillamon mentions an editor, some pages back, that may help.
I sometimes need to restart for SPC/WE to function properly. It seems to work better if done with a primitive world. This too has been discussed many times, in earlier posts!
@ OrionTempest;
Children are so accustomed to Mom/Dad giving the answer with no thought or action (like reading page 1) on the child's part that they often get angry/frustrated when someone won't just give them the answer.
Thanks for your support.
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
MoreCommands: http://www.mediafire.com/view/qjc9c6klcnp660e/CmdLstMoreCommands.pdf
WorldEdit: http://www.mediafire.com/view/bi7r00xd9rgxrrt/WE_Commands.pdf
Ah, but it does, for the the version it was written for.
Visit page 1, post 1, for current commands.
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
MoreCommands: http://www.mediafire.com/view/qjc9c6klcnp660e/CmdLstMoreCommands.pdf
WorldEdit: http://www.mediafire.com/view/bi7r00xd9rgxrrt/WE_Commands.pdf
Ok say for example i want to change a huge area into one type of block, like stone for example. Well if you try and select too big an area the game tends to crash, so you would usually split it up into smaller parts to change that way. Ok now if i wanted to make a 200x1000x10 area into stone and could only change 100x100x10 at a time, then i would have to repeat the commands 20 times each. Like clicking a block, typing in Expand 99 East, Expand 99 South, Expand 9 down. Then Set 1. Then Shift 100 East. And repeating it again. What i am suggesting (and again if it's already there please let me know) is that you can type something like //Program Start (Program Name) then the commands you want to run, the number of times you want it done, and followed by //Program End. So then when you want to run it you type //Run (Program Name) and it runs through the commands you typed in as many times as you had set. That way if you wanted to repeat the same process in another area you could just click the start block and type //Run (Program Name) again and it would do the same thing there.
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Exception in server tick loop
This error has been saved to C:\Documents and Settings\Martha\Datos de programa\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2012-10-20_16.39.59-server.txt for your convenience. Please include a copy of this file if you report this crash to anyone.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT ceb9e560 --------
Generated 20/10/12 04:40 PM
- Minecraft Version: 1.3.2
- Operating System: Windows XP (x86) version 5.1
- Java Version: 1.7.0_07, Oracle Corporation
- Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode, sharing), Oracle Corporation
- Memory: 91489272 bytes (87 MB) / 222699520 bytes (212 MB) up to 259522560 bytes (247 MB)
- JVM Flags: 0 total;
- ModLoader: Mods loaded: 7
ModLoader 1.3.2
mod_TooManyItems 1.3.2 2012-09-13
mod_Floodgate 1.3.2
mod_SpawnerGUI 1.3.2
mod_Shelf 1.3.2
mod_RecipeBook 1.3.2
mod_Armor 1.3.2
- Is Modded: Very likely
- Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
- Player Count: 0 / 8; []
- World lololol Entities: 0 total; []
- World lololol Players: 0 total; []
- World lololol Chunk Stats: ServerChunkCache: 0 Drop: 0
- Type: Integrated Server
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sijobe/spc/core/HookManager
at gu.<clinit>(EntityPlayerMP.java:79)
at et.a(SourceFile:215)
at axy.b(SourceFile:66)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(SourceFile:452)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.p(SourceFile:383)
at axv.p(IntegratedServer.java:122)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:316)
at ep.run(SourceFile:539)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sijobe.spc.core.HookManager
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 8 more
--- END ERROR REPORT e61249e1 ----------
Look at the WE //stack command.
You want a macro with a pause or time delay between legs/segments. It would be helpful with tools/weapons.
A macro
/give 278 1
/enchant add 32 5
/enchant add 35 3
/enchant add 34 3
doesn't work because the pickaxe isn't yet in your hand.
A macro
/give 278 1
/pause 30 sec
/enchant add 32 5
/enchant add 35 3
/enchant add 34 3
probably would
Create a macro (name it segment)
macro segment
Once pos1 pos2 established,
macro segment; does what you want
the command //shift 198 n, can be followed with
macro segment again without moving or reestablishing pos1 & 2.
Remember there is a 90° shift in direction commands. a command of s occurs in an e direction.
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
MoreCommands: http://www.mediafire.com/view/qjc9c6klcnp660e/CmdLstMoreCommands.pdf
WorldEdit: http://www.mediafire.com/view/bi7r00xd9rgxrrt/WE_Commands.pdf
It works for me. What exactly happens when you try to download, say, the preferred 4.1?
There already is one. Use //sphere for a solid sphere and //hsphere for a hollow one (you must have worldedit.jar in your bin folder)