at ItemRendererHD.a(
at ava.a(SourceFile:389)
at auw.b(
at auw.a(
at auw.b(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(SourceFile:607)
at Source)
Relevant Details:
- Minecraft Version: 1.3.2
- Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
- Java Version: 1.6.0_30, Sun Microsystems Inc.
- Java VM Version: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
- Memory: 869831824 bytes (829 MB) / 1037762560 bytes (989 MB) up to 1037762560 bytes (989 MB)
- JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
- LWJGL: 2.4.2
- OpenGL: Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family GL version 2.1.0 - Build, Intel
- Is Modded: Very likely
- Type: Client
- Texture Pack: Default
- Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
- World MpServer Entities: 3 total; [atg['THEBEASTWILLDIE'/75, l='MpServer', x=436.16, y=5.62, z=-529.84], mt['Pig'/2, l='MpServer', x=500.78, y=4.00, z=-579.69], mt['Pig'/1, l='MpServer', x=502.88, y=4.00, z=-596.69]]
- World MpServer Players: 1 total; [atg['THEBEASTWILLDIE'/75, l='MpServer', x=436.16, y=5.62, z=-529.84]]
- World MpServer Chunk Stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 441
- Forced Entities: 4 total; [nj['item.item.hatchetWood'/84, l='MpServer', x=436.44, y=4.13, z=-529.47], mt['Pig'/1, l='MpServer', x=502.88, y=4.00, z=-596.69], mt['Pig'/2, l='MpServer', x=500.78, y=4.00, z=-579.69], atg['THEBEASTWILLDIE'/75, l='MpServer', x=436.16, y=5.62, z=-529.84]]
- Retry Entities: 0 total; []
I do //wand, and it will drop, not into my inventory, but to the ground. when I pick it up, this happens.
Did you have any other mods installed when you installed this?
Well I had a little chat with sk89q today. And he Flat out said (Quite rudely actually) that any problems with WorldEdit on Single player are strictly to be directed at SPC's creator "it's up to him to get the stuff between WorldEdit and Minecraft working". I just wanted you to know this. I'll try installing the update and report any bugs I find.
As I suspected. Tree and ForestGen are still not working. I know you guys keep point to the World Edit creator but according to him this is all on Simo. I don't mean to sound rude but Simo, you need to fix this.
please add waypoints, killall, killnpc, heal, feed, and noclip as soon ad possible. these are the the most used on my world. i would also like to suggest a few commands (these should not take priority over completing the existing list)
//mobspawn [mob name] alters which mobs spawn in your current chunk, or any chunks selected with //chunk. ie: make chunks spawn slimes.
/bindstring used to bind commands to multiple keys (ie z + q). this would make 1064 possible binds, not just 28 + numbers
/forcerepair removes the damage value of an item if it has a damage bar. this would make all mod-added tools repairable
/face [direction/direction abreviation] would face the player directly the specified direction, useful for a compass or for telling if you are
looking at a block directly (useful when making large foundations)
/entiryshield [mob or other entity name] makes /killall not destroy the specified entity/mob, such as the animal type your farming or item
/derp brings back /derp to lan world. only visible by players with spc installed, since vanilla no longer supports it.
/blockname tells you the name and id of the block your looking at
/mobname tells you the name and id of the mob your looking at
Thank you so much simo! I'm just starting to get into programming and making mods, I can't imagine how difficult this must have been. We are all (hopefully) grateful for the time and effort you put into making this.
For everyone complaining, this doesn't work, bring this back in - SHUT UP. Bold red letters telling you to check the update notes. The commands aren't in the mod yet, be patient with him. Idiots ought to be banned from the internet.
I know you guys keep point to the World Edit creator but according to him this is all on Simo. I don't mean to sound rude but Simo, you need to fix this.
sk89q is correct, if WorldEdit works fine on MP then it theoretically should work fine on SP. It doesn't, so simo will have to make adjustments.
It may seem cruel, but there is literally nothing sk89q can do without breaking the MP version.
Good job simo. Keep up the good work, and I can't wait until you can re-incorporate /setspeed and /fly again. Those are the 2 commands I used most. I know I can set it to creative with spc or tmi to fly
can i copy something on one world and paste it to another world?
and is there a max area for coyping?
yeah after you copy the object do: //schematic save mcedit <name of your object> then go to the world you want to paste it on and do: //schematic load <name of your object> then just //paste it.
if you want to change the name or delete the schematic you can find the schematic folder in your .mincraft folder.
I got this mod a second ago and played for a while and OMG this is one of the best mods EVER!
and here is the list of the mods im useing right now
2.Two Many Items
3.Single Player Commands
and this mod is now my prime mod to use THANK YOU! but please try to put in /fly again I miss that (i've seen this mod before)
OH **** YEA IT IS UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SIMO! YO DA BOSS!!!!....i am a bit sad for there not being an /killall command though =\ but i can deal with out it
I got this mod a second ago and played for a while and OMG this is one of the best mods EVER!
and here is the list of the mods im useing right now
2.Two Many Items
3.Single Player Commands
and this mod is now my prime mod to use THANK YOU! but please try to put in /fly again I miss that (i've seen this mod before)
sorry to be a grammar nazi but "Too" is the correct version of too you were trying to use plus it is the actual name.....sorry but couldnt help myself
OH **** YEA IT IS UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SIMO! YO DA BOSS!!!!....i am a bit sad for there not being an /killall command though =\ but i can deal with out it
sorry to be a grammar nazi but "Too" is the correct version of too you were trying to use plus it is the actual name.....sorry but couldnt help myself
It's fine im not great at grammer. and really I I don't care if I suck at grammer No one is perfect except NOTCH! jk but really he is the best as well as the rest of the Mojang crew!
Did you have any other mods installed when you installed this?
and is there a max area for coyping?
Just ask them :]
This isnt the place to put that, you would tell Lex and he would try to fix that
//mobspawn [mob name] alters which mobs spawn in your current chunk, or any chunks selected with //chunk. ie: make chunks spawn slimes.
/bindstring used to bind commands to multiple keys (ie z + q). this would make 1064 possible binds, not just 28 + numbers
/forcerepair removes the damage value of an item if it has a damage bar. this would make all mod-added tools repairable
/face [direction/direction abreviation] would face the player directly the specified direction, useful for a compass or for telling if you are
looking at a block directly (useful when making large foundations)
/entiryshield [mob or other entity name] makes /killall not destroy the specified entity/mob, such as the animal type your farming or item
/derp brings back /derp to lan world. only visible by players with spc installed, since vanilla no longer supports it.
/blockname tells you the name and id of the block your looking at
/mobname tells you the name and id of the mob your looking at
For everyone complaining, this doesn't work, bring this back in - SHUT UP. Bold red letters telling you to check the update notes. The commands aren't in the mod yet, be patient with him. Idiots ought to be banned from the internet.
sk89q is correct, if WorldEdit works fine on MP then it theoretically should work fine on SP. It doesn't, so simo will have to make adjustments.
It may seem cruel, but there is literally nothing sk89q can do without breaking the MP version.
yeah after you copy the object do: //schematic save mcedit <name of your object> then go to the world you want to paste it on and do: //schematic load <name of your object> then just //paste it.
if you want to change the name or delete the schematic you can find the schematic folder in your .mincraft folder.
and here is the list of the mods im useing right now
2.Two Many Items
3.Single Player Commands
and this mod is now my prime mod to use THANK YOU! but please try to put in /fly again I miss that (i've seen this mod before)
sorry to be a grammar nazi but "Too" is the correct version of too you were trying to use plus it is the actual name.....sorry but couldnt help myself
It's fine im not great at grammer. and really I I don't care if I suck at grammer No one is perfect except NOTCH! jk but really he is the best as well as the rest of the Mojang crew!