is there a way to uninstall this? because i want aether mod but it dosn't work with spc thanks!
Force update and start anew.
I rathole a complete copy of all newly created updates (1.8.1.minecraft.NoMods), just in case I ever want to return to an earlier condition. It isn't difficult until MC updates then it becomes very difficult.
I've tried installing this with the automated service and manually, however it just doesn't want to load in game. I have the Technic Pack, Timber and Too Many Items already installed, I don't know if there are any incompatibilities. Thanks!
please update to 1.9 prerelease?
I read your message about not updating for prereleases, but it will take till 11/11/11 to have 1.9
So please? :sad.gif:
I give you and and
Sorry, it takes too long to update the mod without MCP (10+ hours), and MCP wont come out for pre releases - so I can't really provide an update, sorry.
Would you update to pre 1.3 if I would donate 50 EUR to you? :biggrin.gif:
Hehe, thanks for the offer but surely it wouldn't be worth your money? Another pre-release could come out a day after I finish updating it and your money would be wasted. I honestly don't have time unless I call in sick for work one day and sit down and do it - I can't really afford that though. So sorry, not even for 50EUR would I do it :wink.gif:
When I open the SPC file, I can't find the Then when I copy the class files and transfer the worldedit.jar, and load minecraft, I blackscreen...any suggestions?
I wonder if I am missing something obvious. I installed using the installer. SPC works, but no WorldEdit commands work. If I type //wand, it says Command not found. What could be wrong?
It seems you forgot the /tree command in your list!
If you say "/tree", it will cause whatever item you are holding (Unless it's a block) to grow a tree upon right clicking. There is no way to revert it, though, other than leaving the game.
1: I cannot ride things. Period. It says "NPC not recognized" or "No NPC identified" or something along those lines. Same with skinning. (and yes, I have my crosshairs DIRECTLY over the NPC)
2: freecam doesn't allow me to see through blocks. Instead, this is what I get:
I've restarted my computer, even re-installed the mod. Why is this happening?
EDIT: I've gotten it to work, I have no clue how, it just started working. Still, I can't use the Teleport or Goto...
I think simo should add a command that makes it rain a certain item, so I could say like /itemrain wooden planks or /itemrain diamond ore or any other item and it would fall from the sky above your head for 1 full stack of the item
1: I cannot ride things. Period. It says "NPC not recognized" or "No NPC identified" or something along those lines. Same with skinning. (and yes, I have my crosshairs DIRECTLY over the NPC)
2: Noclip doesn't allow me to see through blocks. Instead, this is what I get:
I've restarted my computer, even re-installed the mod. Why is this happening?
When I open the SPC file, I can't find the Then when I copy the class files and transfer the worldedit.jar, and load minecraft, I blackscreen...any suggestions?
The class files go to minecraft.jar and the worldedit thing (not the class file) goes in the bin folder in .minecraft
Force update and start anew.
I rathole a complete copy of all newly created updates (1.8.1.minecraft.NoMods), just in case I ever want to return to an earlier condition. It isn't difficult until MC updates then it becomes very difficult.
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
Most likley, No it will not
MC Forge breaks it I believe - nothing I can do about that.
That breaks my heart!
What about future updates?
Superpick (// - you already have it, a part of world edit) is a fair alternative, you must carry a pick and it breaks bedrock.
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
will it ever be fixed? i guess i could use creative mode...
I can't really do much, it is up to the author of MC forge to resolve the issue, or I have to rewrite that section of code...
Check WorldEdit
Sorry, it takes too long to update the mod without MCP (10+ hours), and MCP wont come out for pre releases - so I can't really provide an update, sorry.
Hehe, thanks for the offer but surely it wouldn't be worth your money? Another pre-release could come out a day after I finish updating it and your money would be wasted. I honestly don't have time unless I call in sick for work one day and sit down and do it - I can't really afford that though. So sorry, not even for 50EUR would I do it :wink.gif:
I wonder if I am missing something obvious. I installed using the installer. SPC works, but no WorldEdit commands work. If I type //wand, it says Command not found. What could be wrong?
If you say "/tree", it will cause whatever item you are holding (Unless it's a block) to grow a tree upon right clicking. There is no way to revert it, though, other than leaving the game.
There's yet more to come!
1: I cannot ride things. Period. It says "NPC not recognized" or "No NPC identified" or something along those lines. Same with skinning. (and yes, I have my crosshairs DIRECTLY over the NPC)
2: freecam doesn't allow me to see through blocks. Instead, this is what I get:
I've restarted my computer, even re-installed the mod. Why is this happening?
EDIT: I've gotten it to work, I have no clue how, it just started working. Still, I can't use the Teleport or Goto...
What do you think??? :huh.gif:
That is what is supposed to happen I believe
The class files go to minecraft.jar and the worldedit thing (not the class file) goes in the bin folder in .minecraft
Help please!
for future releases, maybe add a .txt file that keeps track of the waypoints.
Unless it's already implemented, in which case it doesn't seem to work.
Ex: revealmap
Thanks for the suggestion, I will take it into consideration for the next version =)