He needs to fix skeletons holding machinegun bows. it makes me not wanna keep it at night anymore or go in caves.
I mean they shoot 100 arrows per 10 seconds i think.
FIX THE MEGA SKELETONS, also it goes for the arrow shooterso n humans+, i had to turn off those guys even thoug hthey actualy make a challenge!
fix it please. when you do, these guys will thank you,
Lol. Sorry.[/quote]
Does that mena your gonna fix it? :biggrin.gif:, i would love to not keep changing it to day every now and then.
WorldEditGui is already included in this mod?
Or I have to download it from lahwran and install it
If so it says is installed but I don't have lahwran´s one installed
And in the welcome screen it still says 2.5
And I can't see the selection box of world edit
WorldEditGui is already included in this mod?
Or I have to download it from lahwran and install it
If so it says is installed but I don't have lahwran´s one installed
And in the welcome screen it still says 2.5
And I can't see the selection box of world edit
Once again, I love this mod to death. Here's some macros I made if anyone wants them
plane: creates a square plane to build on (radius, grass/dirt depth, stone depth)
//expand 1 down
//contract 1 down
//expand $_1 west
//expand $_1 east
//expand $_1 north
//expand $_1 south
//expand $_2 down
//set 2
//expand $_3 down
//contract $_2 down
//set 1
If you want it to clear everything above your location too, add
//expand $_1 west
//expand $_1 east
//expand $_1 north
//expand $_1 south
//expand 128 up
//set 0
Wool: Deletes inventory and gives all colors of wool (and glass)
destroy all
give 35
give 35 64 1
give 35 64 2
give 35 64 3
give 35 64 4
give 35 64 5
give 35 64 6
give 35 64 7
give 35 64 8
give 35 64 9
give 35 64 10
give 35 64 11
give 35 64 12
give 35 64 13
give 35 64 14
give 35 64 15
give 20
If you don't want it to delete your inventory just remove "destroy all"
reset: Removes inventory and gives standard building materials
destroy all
give 1
give 4
give 5
give 20
give 17
give 49
give 89
give 50
nether: Changes inventory to standard materials pertaining to the nether
destroy all
give 87
give 88
give 89
give 49
give 10
give 1
I'd like a macro that either clicks the mouse really fast or that clears stuff where the mouse is. Instantmine is good, but I'm still not able to place or destroy blocks as quickly as I'd like.
Well I have this mod and I think it is awesome. But I also have Mo Monsters... When I type "/Spawn List" it does not show any of the names from the monsters of Mo Creatures(monsters whatever...).... Is their something I need to do to be able to spawn these monsters? Or do I need a different singleplayer command mod to do that?
I am getting an error. My game Black-screens when it launches. Followed All the Installation Instructions, but still doesn't work.
I am on a MAC 10.4 running Minecraft version 1.3_01.
Console reports error:
URL: file:/Users/shawn/Library/Application%20Support/minecraft/bin/lwjgl.jar
URL: file:/Users/shawn/Library/Application%20Support/minecraft/bin/jinput.jar
URL: file:/Users/shawn/Library/Application%20Support/minecraft/bin/lwjgl_util.jar
URL: file:/Users/shawn/Library/Application%20Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
URL: file:/Users/shawn/Library/Application%20Support/minecraft/bin/macosx_natives.jar
Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: cc
at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftApplet.init(SourceFile:34)
at net.minecraft.Launcher.replace(Launcher.java:153)
at net.minecraft.Launcher$1.run(Launcher.java:94)
I don't know if anyone has mentioned anything like this before (I'm not reading 145 pages of posts to find out :3 ) but heres a simple macro I used for fun!
It replaces netherrack with grass blocks, lava with water and anything on fire with sapplings...then turns any sapplings with enough light into trees. The first number (50) is how many nearby blocks to replace, you can increase that to whatever.
Is there a command that lets you have infinite blocks or makes it so the number of blocks doesn't go down? Automatically, so you don't have to use /refill constantly, though.
If not, may I suggest an /infinite or /blockloss {block ID} [on/off/quantity p/block] with quantity p/block meaning how many blocks you lose when you place a block (ie /blockloss stone 2 means that you'll lose 2 blocks of stone for every block of stone you place). It would be pretty useful for building, or just spamming TNT everywhere... XD.
Lol. Sorry.[/quote]
Does that mena your gonna fix it? :biggrin.gif:, i would love to not keep changing it to day every now and then.
Or I have to download it from lahwran and install it
If so it says is installed but I don't have lahwran´s one installed
And in the welcome screen it still says 2.5
And I can't see the selection box of world edit
Having the same prob :sad.gif:
plane: creates a square plane to build on (radius, grass/dirt depth, stone depth)
If you want it to clear everything above your location too, add
Wool: Deletes inventory and gives all colors of wool (and glass)
If you don't want it to delete your inventory just remove "destroy all"
reset: Removes inventory and gives standard building materials
nether: Changes inventory to standard materials pertaining to the nether
I am on a MAC 10.4 running Minecraft version 1.3_01.
Console reports error:
Any Help?
<It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures>
Terra-forming Hell
I don't know if anyone has mentioned anything like this before (I'm not reading 145 pages of posts to find out :3 ) but heres a simple macro I used for fun!
/replacenear 50 10 8
/replacenear 50 11 8
/replacenear 50 87 2
/replacenear 50 51 6
It replaces netherrack with grass blocks, lava with water and anything on fire with sapplings...then turns any sapplings with enough light into trees. The first number (50) is how many nearby blocks to replace, you can increase that to whatever.
If not, may I suggest an /infinite or /blockloss {block ID} [on/off/quantity p/block] with quantity p/block meaning how many blocks you lose when you place a block (ie /blockloss stone 2 means that you'll lose 2 blocks of stone for every block of stone you place). It would be pretty useful for building, or just spamming TNT everywhere... XD.
And good mod, btw.
but is there a way to kill hostiles only?
for the people who have pets/Stabled animals.
Why is thing happening? Make it stop... :Skeleton:s are shooting around 20 arrows a second.
SPC: 2.5_1
Other mods: To many items
OS: Win7
Thank you :smile.gif: