This makes me extremely happy! I was kinda worried that you weren't going to update :ohmy.gif:
Take your time and don't let pushy people make you feel pressured...
I am so looking forward to having Mo'creatures back --my minecraft world is so empty now :'(
He responded. He's working on it.
Now it's time to let him work at his own pace, when he can!
Thanks for the mod before, and thanks in advance for the update - it makes the game a lot more diverse and interesting! Good work.
Looking forward to the next update of this, whenever the mod creator can complete it. And to beat all the others who will be asking at some future date...
When will this be updated for Minecraft 1.9.22b??? :smile.gif:
This is so epic.
Anyhow, Just started using mods, and this seems fantastic. Cant wait!
For all of you crying that it isn't updated, just grab that, and the mods for 1.5(all 3 have a 1.5 download) and have yourself some fun until it comes out.
Cheers XD.
Ah jeez...you really shouldn't be distributing or linking to the minecraft.jar files.
(Seriously, it will be done when its done. Everyone is asking it. Why do you need to too?)
Also, someone inform me about this server smp mo' creatures, NOW.
Yeah, I figured a Creeper was close, and that is what did the explosion.... and killed it... it looked red in colour too... but only saw it's dying plummet to the earth.... so couldn't tell for sure.
If this helped you, your welcome :biggrin.gif:
Oh and forgot, Drzhark, if you could make foxes tamable with cooked/raw porkchops, that would be awesome. Cooked porkchops have a better chance at taming instead of raw porkchops. You could make a fox command center, like the guinea pig radios, and hot dog command center from Mo' Creeps. And when they're tamed and you have target horse on, they will stop attacking horses (tamed horses) wait, do foxes-- no.. they dont. nvm then but if they do, change it.
It's bad that you're pointlessly asking for an update (it will come, it's obvious that it will come since Dr Zhark has said so...just be patient), but even worse that you're quoting the entire first post.