Well said :smile.gif:
1. That people would read previous posts so that:
A. They would realize that others have already asked if this would be updated.
B. They would realize that asking for it to be updated is clearly frowned upon.
C. They would realize that others are also waiting for it to be updated.
Quote this in your next post if you read it, and agree with me! :biggrin.gif:
You can make chainmail with it.
What do I do?
First of all are you still running 1.5? if not the mod will not work as it has not been updated.
Second (If answer to above is yes) did u install modloader for 1.5 as well as GUI api for 1.5 you need both only audio mod is optional.
Third if the above were installed are you sure you didn't accidentally drag the files into a folder instead of where the class files are located its an easy mistake to make.
I'm currently working on the update but I'm not sure when it will be ready. I plan to release the new cats with it. I have finished the skins for tigers, cheetahs, panthers. Right now I'm working on the kitties but I don't want to rush the release of the mod. Thanks for your patience.
OH HELL YEAH! Thank you so much for the update!
Ahhhhhh thank you for the reply and update zhark. Just take your time on updating and adding the cats. As some people have said earlier 1.6.6 is coming later this week and who knows how stable that version will be :S. Do you also have any plans on making the tigers tameable? :biggrin.gif:, Would be cool if you also made a rare tiger thats white.
Oooh, more of the big cats eh? Looking forward to that.
no not till he updates again, look towards 1.7 for the next update unless he has the time to update it again
ok ty sparta :sad.gif:
I do have a mini let's play using this mod, but here's the one video showing all the horses I have
it took forever to get the black Pegasus :dry.gif: but i got em!