Yeah, Gerudoku has some different animal skins. And there are some Gerudoku Remix's that are compatible..
Tymix HERE: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/306617-32x-tydoku-16-temp-fix/
Gerudoku (outdated) HERE: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/72914-32x-14-gerudoku-31-mar-2011-outdated-see-pg100/page__hl__gerudoku
DokuCraft (might be compatible) HERE: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/207781-32x164-dokucraft-20-beta-200k-downloads/page__hl__gerudoku
Gerudoku (Remix's) HERE: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/72914-32x-14-gerudoku-31-mar-2011-outdated-see-pg100/page__hl__gerudoku__st__2180
Dragons was already suggested. But I honestly think they're too big. It would be silly in Minecraft. The only thing I'm waiting for right now is the update so I can check out the new patch.....and hopefully a fix for the spinning whilst riding horses.
I definitely had spinning horses in the last version, but not all the time.
I love this mod. I pretty much just use this and Millenaire.
Link HEAR : [REQ] [IDEAR] Items On The go
Thank You for Youre Time.
As long as you don't touch the map until you get the mod again, it should be fine.
I went to all of those threads, can't find any moes creatures textures though
it was update to 1.5 for awhile
I wish I knew how to disable automatic updates.
Please consider this!
Jeeze people don't listen. IT ISN'T UPDATED! Probably won't be for a while because Notch is bugfixing like crazy and Zhark is busy being a Dad, he doesn't have time to keep up with the daily/twice daily updates.
I Love Minecraft~