im also using the TFC mod loader thingy, and i cant get creepers and weirdos + Mo creatures to work, help?
or frogs
Mob info:
-Lion, lioness (already ingame but could add random numbers to get the baby's size) and add a baby lion with a albino lion
-baby lions will not drop anything until grown
-baby lions eat cooked pig meat to grow
-baby lions may be tamed with cooked pig meat and saddle's
-baby lions will still have that number with parents to depend on full growth size
-adult lions will have a number from 1 being the smallest (young juvenile) and 4 being a fully grown lion or lioness after being feed --so some lions/lioness wont become full grown-*like a runt*-
-make the small *runts/albino* rare like the pegisus
-anything else people please add on to this!!
They make chain mail.
What Mo'Cats?
Its the next update he's doing. He's adding tameable cats, tigers, panthers, and cheetahs. :biggrin.gif:
I have Mo Creatures and TooManyItems and then will have wild grass so i think will work
Nevermind, in the changelog for one of the older versions it mentions horses go sterile unless on 'easy breeding'.
213 moving water
214 still water
217 ocean water
if anyone can help me with this it would be much appreciated
Tested with normal water doesn't work with that either i am using 2.9.4 which says in the changelog that this bug was fixed might want to take another look at it