This is very useful information, thanks for taking the time to share.
Does this meen that using proper modifications, you could make mobs follow flowers instead of yourself? That could be used as domestication (as I said earlier), and since there is a way to make it interact on right click, you could make an elephant with a chest on it's back that follows flowers so you can guide it?
you desurve a notchead:
I deactivated them, so I will encounter my new creatures easily. On the release of the mod, the original creatures will be there. But I see your concern, that I'm not adding new creatures but modifying old ones, no worries, it is real.
I'm waiting forward for this mod.By the way could you maybe make the wolf bear and lion to attack other animals such as sheep cow and pig? Because they are predators afterall :tongue.gif:
Edit:btw what will these new animals drop when killed?
That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out now, how to make them attack other animals!
I haven't figured out the items they drop
That bear is just perfect looking. The wolf is a bit weird looking so high res in the face.
Mod of the year, all years, can't wait for the download.
OK, now that I'm done with all caps...
Nice work! This is gonna be awesome! w00t!
can you say?
how animals behave when they attack
EDIT http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=87500&p=1342206&hilit=battle+music#p1342206
You listenin' Pig?
I can't help but wonder what would happen if you simply used an existing model as a place holder for the aquatic mobs.... I realize an underwater pig/sheep/cow would look ludicrous, but couldn't that be a starting point, simply to see what happens? If, theoretically, all that's missing is a "base model", why wouldn't you be able to use an already existing model from elsewhere, just to test it out?
Since I have no familiarity with the code in any way, shape, or form, there could be limitations that I'm unaware of here. As such, is there anything (other than ugliness) to stop you from testing the aquatic mob code using models from something else, just to see the effect?
Please understand that I don't want to be pushy about this (one of the reasons I waited to respond here), but if at all possible, I'm really looking forward to aquatic lifeforms. Obviously, keep up what you're doing. I can wait. Just, please keep it in mind, and give it a look when you can. Thanks in advance.... Mouser X over and out.
I'm currently working on this. I some animals to attack you back, some animals aggressive and finally animals attacking other animals....
The code is so obscure that figuring out anything takes a long time
the Code for the fish is perhaps 4 times longer than the other entities. And besides, there is no model to figure out which functions do what. The code was de-obfuscated but still is not descriptive. For example if someone were to code a property, it would be named in a way that you will know what it means i.e.
Mob.Height = XAmount;
the way the code looks now, is more like (just an example, I'm not copying actual code here)
field_3221a.fiel729_e = field_211_b;
So, without anything to use as a template , it takes an inordinate amount of time to figure the fish model. See my point?
Yes I do. Well crud. Thanks for explaining it at least. I can now see how the lack of a model would make such a difference. It is possible to build one from scratch, but as you said, it would be guess work at best, and it would take a really long time to do (since it would be through process of elimination as to what does what).
Like I said, keep doing what you're doing. It's awesome, and definitely "opens doors" for other things. Hopefully though, someone will be able to run through the "fish code" eventually, and throw something together. As I said, I can wait. Though, it sounds like Notch might implement actual aquatic mobs before anyone else, due to the guess-and-check-and-crash necessity of the current code base. Either way, thanks for what you've done so far. I'm definitely looking forward to your new animals. Mouser X over and out.