Right now, the only way is to set your difficulty to easy.
Stupidity on the rise with a 40% chance of shitstorms.
I think I forgot to mention on the log that Flame Wraiths now spawn on normal
please make sure that you have installed audiomod and the new .ogg files are in the proper folder
heres a scenario:
"haha, just two ogres! i can pwn these guys!"
"**** 2 SKELLES"
"**** IM DEAD"
they may be spawning just behind your back.... getting ready to demolish your house
install audio mod and thats just dragging folder to minecraft jar....plsss help me zhark ill send u my jar if i have too
gorgeous jungle biome!
saw a bunch of ogres on the beach- went to investigate!
then I met my first fire ogre- and fire wraith - at the same time!
quarter of my map is burning!
nice to know the other mobs are flammable!
am exploring map now- and I havent needed a torch aboveground yet!
oh the carnage......
love this mod- my only request is a way to see most of these mobs on peaceful
so I wish all varieties spawned on peaceful, but were either non-aggressive or would try and avoid you
so if you didnt mess with them, they would leave you alone- but if you got too close maybe they warn you by noise, then attack if you persist?
that way they would be natural hazards, but would let you build if you leave them alone
just ideas- keep up the good work!
we need Spawn Control Mod!
please click link-
I'll do horses next and perhaps unicorns (gasp!). Not that I'm to keen on them, but some people seem to dig them. After that, I'll try to do the morphing werewolves

<!-- l -->List of all my other mods,creations,maps,etc..:
<!-- l -->I seem to be getting the same issue, no mobs anywhere, i found a couple ogres but then nothing, ran around in caves and new areas of my world and can't find even a chicken or cow :sad.gif: Could this be due to conflicts with any other mods or would that just crash the game if there was any??
what other mods are you using?
Quite a few actually, im thinking maybe its the battle towers mod tho,
(Battle Towers,Controller Blocks,Graves,Minecart Mania,More Mobs,Recall,303's Arrows,Grappling Hook,Mining TNT,Equivalent Exchange,Tree Drops,Breathing Apparatus,Redstone Burnout Fix,Redstone unleashed,Meteorites,Audio Mod,Death Chest,Mod Loader,More Stackables,ShrinkingPowder,Quick Grow Saplings,Quick Tools,Ultimate Fist)
I am a Dragon, writing the tale of the world that has been, will be, and is. Due to the forum having a URL restriction, if you wish to see my full list of work, please refer to my signature in the now-dead TGO forums Here: http://thegoldenorder.forumotion.com/t261-server-downtime
the video was mostly for demonstration. The ogres now do way less block destruction and they only start destroying blocks if they smell a player 24 blocks away.
Do you have mod loader installed?