Just curious. Is there a way for items on the shelves to persistently display even after I log off then on again? Because I'll display some items then log off. When I log back on they don't show until I access the shelf again.
My computer is saying the webpage that you put the download for modloader on contains malware or a virus. And when I try to put the files into minecraft.jar winrar won't let me! Please fix it by putting the downloadsomewere else. I really want mods on my minecraft.
First off, THANKS to Risugami for his mods and all the work he does on them! Let's all make a small donation, especially if you use more than 1 mod. Money's tight but I can still buy Risugami a cup of good coffee.
Been reading all the posts and noted several things people used to correct issues and problems with the various mods. While I had been following his loading instructions, I didn't read all of the FAQ, shame on me. I just turned 50 so I blame it on an early senior moment. Hopefully, I will get everything loaded and up and running correctly today. ROFLMAO!
Thanks to all who replied with helpful suggestions.
And do try not to repost the same question over and over since it swamps the email box and annoys Risugami. Or at least give people enough information after reading the FAQ so people can see what's wrong.
One item I am not clear on as there seem to be differences of opinion - use MCPatcher or not?
I use sk89q's SKMCLauncher and except Forge won't load (don't need it yet anyway) haven't had any problem.
I am playing 1.2.5, 1.3.1, & 1.3.2. Nothing in my mods folder is changed. Nothing in the different MC.jars (.minecraft_SK1.2.5.jar - minecraft_SK1.3.1.jar - minecraft_SK1.3.2.jar) has changed.
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; ModLoader has failed to initialize.
This error has been saved to C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2012-08-22_20.29.43-client.txt for your convenience. Please include a copy of this file if you report this crash to anyone.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 5335234e --------
Generated 22/08/12 20:29
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: yw
at mod_MutantCreeper.load(mod_MutantCreeper.java:12)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:938)
at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:185)
at avy.<init>(RenderManager.java:87)
at avy.<clinit>(RenderManager.java:14)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:260)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:516)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: yw
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 8 more
--- END ERROR REPORT 6795f9eb ----------
um little help here
Update DOES NOT clear your mods folder!!!
About half of the answers to error reports say "EMPTY YOUR MODS FOLDER"
A quick question for those who use the Elemental Arrows mod in 1.3.2. Today i have updated to 1.3.2 and was going through all the mods i have, to make sure they all worked and noticed that the arrows don't fire. I mean i does not draw back the bow to fire. Now it works with normal arrows though. I have tried just putting in this mod and does the same thing. Also tried a new map as well and still does not work, and i when as far as taking everything out and downloaded a clean file and same result. And one more thing i noticed, when you fire a normal arrow it shows that it fired two arrows instead of one, but when you pick put that arrow it only gives you one back. So your down by one arrow.
13blaade saddly i cant help you but in 1.3.2 when i put in mods and modloader it loads up mojang after that its a black screen and i did put them in properlly can any1 help plz thx
13blaade saddly i cant help you but in 1.3.2 when i put in mods and modloader it loads up mojang after that its a black screen and i did put them in properlly can any1 help plz thx
Google crash report. Can't help without it except: Update DOES NOT clear your mods folder!!! About half of the answers to error reports say "EMPTY YOUR MODS FOLDER" or "Rename it Mods2"
Where is the download for ModLoader 1.3.1? I looked in Mediafire but it's not there. Also, no, I am not going to go through the pages and look for my answer, it's easier for someone to answer.
Oh and I did not previously have Modloader, this is the first time .
Spawner GUI is being uncooperative lol, If I try to change it to a different mob it stays as a pig. It started doing this after I installed TMI, reinstalled the mod on a fresh jar (without TMI installed) and now its still doing it. Gr.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you want to get my attention in a topic, please quote me!
Where is the download for ModLoader 1.3.1? I looked in Mediafire but it's not there. Also, no, I am not going to go through the pages and look for my answer, it's easier for someone to answer.
Oh and I did not previously have Modloader, this is the first time .
Please be patient. If you are really nice you can PM Risugami here on the forums (that will likely be ignored) or get onto the IRC links listed in the OP and be really polite, asking this very same question. As a favor, he may be kind and upload the file to MediaFire.
Certainly don't demand it. If that doesn't work, you may want to try out archive.org and see if you can get a copy (unlikely, but it is worth a shot).
Let’s play good guys against bad guys… Yes. Let’s play that. Are you ready? You’re the bad guy. And when you’re bad, you just run. That’s fine right? Well… Shall we play?
Hey guys , I found 1 bug while using the shelf mod..
First , when you place your items in the shelf it will appear on the shelf
Then, Save and quit .
After that, When I entered the world again , it disappear but the items is in the shelf but not showing itself on the shelf
Do you think thats a bug or It was first like that?
If its a bug , could you fix it please?
my computer my wont let me download the biospheres mod because i have the stupid trend-micro worry free business thing
is there any possibility that you could put this on mediafire instead of dropbox
my computer my wont let me download the biospheres mod because i have the stupid trend-micro worry free business thing
is there any possibility that you could put this on mediafire instead of dropbox
Who owns the computer, you or trend-micro???
Turn it OFF, download your Mod, turn it back on!!!
If MY computer and I can't turn it off I'm contacting trend-micro!!!
Save a copy of your ENTIRE .minecraft folder in a different directory (make one).
Then .minecraft "Edit" "select all" "delete".
Restart MC (you will need your name and password). Test to see if it opens (1.3.2).
If yes make a copy of your mc.jar, install Risu's ModLoader (delete META-INF). Test to see if it opens.
If yes make a copy of your MC.jar. Install your next 1.3.2 Mod. Test to see if it opens.
If yes continue as above until ALL your 1.3.2 Mods are installed!!!
This isn't rocket science... It does require you engage your brain!!!
Once ALL your Mods are installed and operational. PM me, IF you followed my direction I'll tell you how to recover any worlds you had.
Doesn't work, broham. Watch you're your making nasty remarks to. I've tried every possible solution out there, and the fact is that Modloader is not correctly operating with other mods. Due to someone's errors on some side.
I use sk89q's SKMCLauncher and except Forge won't load (don't need it yet anyway) haven't had any problem.
I am playing 1.2.5, 1.3.1, & 1.3.2. Nothing in my mods folder is changed. Nothing in the different MC.jars (.minecraft_SK1.2.5.jar - minecraft_SK1.3.1.jar - minecraft_SK1.3.2.jar) has changed.
Update DOES NOT clear your mods folder!!!
About half of the answers to error reports say
Why didn't you see this?
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
MoreCommands: http://www.mediafire.com/view/qjc9c6klcnp660e/CmdLstMoreCommands.pdf
WorldEdit: http://www.mediafire.com/view/bi7r00xd9rgxrrt/WE_Commands.pdf
Any Ideas
Thanks in advanced
Google crash report. Can't help without it except:
Update DOES NOT clear your mods folder!!!
About half of the answers to error reports say
"EMPTY YOUR MODS FOLDER" or "Rename it Mods2"
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
MoreCommands: http://www.mediafire.com/view/qjc9c6klcnp660e/CmdLstMoreCommands.pdf
WorldEdit: http://www.mediafire.com/view/bi7r00xd9rgxrrt/WE_Commands.pdf
Oh and I did not previously have Modloader, this is the first time .
Please be patient. If you are really nice you can PM Risugami here on the forums (that will likely be ignored) or get onto the IRC links listed in the OP and be really polite, asking this very same question. As a favor, he may be kind and upload the file to MediaFire.
Certainly don't demand it. If that doesn't work, you may want to try out archive.org and see if you can get a copy (unlikely, but it is worth a shot).
Version 2.1 now updated for MC 1.6.2
Bloody crash report, please.
First , when you place your items in the shelf it will appear on the shelf
Then, Save and quit .
After that, When I entered the world again , it disappear but the items is in the shelf but not showing itself on the shelf
Do you think thats a bug or It was first like that?
If its a bug , could you fix it please?
is there any possibility that you could put this on mediafire instead of dropbox
Who owns the computer, you or trend-micro???
Turn it OFF, download your Mod, turn it back on!!!
If MY computer and I can't turn it off I'm contacting trend-micro!!!
Links to pdf format, downloadable, command lists for (these often clarify/expand descriptions, and where possible link to the author's posting):
MoreCommands: http://www.mediafire.com/view/qjc9c6klcnp660e/CmdLstMoreCommands.pdf
WorldEdit: http://www.mediafire.com/view/bi7r00xd9rgxrrt/WE_Commands.pdf
Just breakdancing along...
Okay sure im a brony but DO YOU THINK I FLIPPIN CARE?! AM I PROUD OF IT?...Okay maybe but...DEAL WITH IT DANGIT!
Doesn't work, broham. Watch you're your making nasty remarks to. I've tried every possible solution out there, and the fact is that Modloader is not correctly operating with other mods. Due to someone's errors on some side.