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Just write spectre's cove on planet mc, its algoryhtm ain't optimal for map exposure but this one's been trending for three months now.
You can post it on Planet Minecraft site.
I did, but planetmc ain't that optimal for exposure. My map is not monetized but I'd still feel good seeing more people play It. Anyhow, I'll try to sumbit it one more time, I hope someone rational will test It
Just write spectre's cove on planet mc, its algoryhtm ain't optimal for map exposure but this one's been trending for three months now.
You can post it on Planet Minecraft site.
I did, but planetmc ain't that optimal for exposure. My map is not monetized but I'd still feel good seeing more people play It. Anyhow, I'll try to sumbit it one more time, I hope someone rational will test It