Are you a CTM veteran? Want to help new players to the genre? Sign up to start writing here:
Remember to put your name down as 'writer' on the right hand list, and put yourself down for a section. Then, just pull up your favorite text editor and start writing. Don't worry too much about formatting it - I'll probably do that so that it's all the same style.
What is this thing anyway?
I've come up with a new idea for a project, but I'm going to need some help from the community. What I plan to make is a stratagy guide for the CTM genre in general. It will not cover any single particular map (there are too many, and new ones are being made faster then anyone could write guides for them), but will cover the general ideas that most maps in the genre follow. For example, expect sections on types of traps, common kinds of custom mobs/weapons, and general tactics for dealing with various kinds of areas.
What I do want to stress is that I would want to actually make this guide useful to anyone reading it. I consider most widely avalible Minecraft guidbooks not to actually be useful to most people (if you're into the game enough to want a book, you'll already know what a grass block does). I believe a CTM guide would be useful as there are more different strategies and traps that players have either not heard of or not seen in such a long time that they have forgotten about it (Like Pistons :P).
I also believe that there are people in the community who would be intestested in help me with this project - even a generalised guide will be pretty hard for one individual person to write and turn into a nice looking thing to actually read, with pictures and nice formatting. Plus I don't know everything about the genre myself. I also know people are making resources to help others make better CTM maps - some of the same ideas could be provided to this. I saw resently a post about how map makers should give indications of traps - if players also knew about trap indicators, they would be less likely to activate or blunder into the trap.
Remember that this will be a generised guide, not aimed at any map in particular (which may be why this failed).
Some sections might include:
> Common Types Of Trap
- How To Spot Them
- How To Disarm Them
> Common Custom Mobs
- How To Best Deal With Them
> Common Types Of Area
- What Best Stratagy To Use
> How To Create Basic Helpful Structures
- Cobble Generator (It surprises me how many Minecraft YouTubers cannot do this!)
- TNT Cannon (?)
> Navigating Tough Terrain
The finished guide will likely be a PDF, and will be free to download. Sections of the guide may be seperately released as they are written.
The guide is not yet close to completion, but is being worked on.
Meanwhile, if you have any questions about this project, or want to know more about the genre in general, leave your questions down below.
> Questions About How To Play CTM
> What does [such and such CTM related phase] mean? [If not found here.]
> Questions about the guide
> Discussion On CTM Tactics / Stratagies
Do Not Use This Thread For...
> Advertising Your Map
> Asking For Any Feedback On Your Map [Use The CTM Offical Discussion Thread!]
> Discussion About Map Creation Of Any Kind [CTM Offical Discussion Thread!]
> Non-CTM Related Things
> Questions/Advice About A Particular Map [Use That Maps Thread!]
Hey there, all. I stream CTMs as well as other indie games, Minecraft servers and probably that's it. I'm your supreme overlord too so I command you to CHECK ME OUT: www.twitch.tv/techniclepanther
I believe Around 2:20 you are referencing "Painwater" from the legendary map, It was also used in The first Race for the Wool.
But I like the idea you have here. I would love to help write a few portions of the guide and If @TechnicLePanther needs any actors, I will gladly volunteer.
I believe Around 2:20 you are referencing "Painwater" from the legendary map, It was also used in The first Race for the Wool.
But I like the idea you have here. I would love to help write a few portions of the guide and If @TechnicLePanther needs any actors, I will gladly volunteer.
Actually, I was going for flame warp, from Kaizo Caverns, but Pain Water is a good idea too. Although that area is so novel, I think it would be a bit too specific for the general CTM guide.
It would be great if you could help me out on the guide! I'm starting out with Sea of Flame II, and because I've already got the parts towards the beginning covered,but it would be great if you could write some of the ending parts. Basically, everything after Vrinstar. That would really help speed things up! If you want to do it, send me a PM and we'll talk.
As for acting, I won't be able to do anything with that unless I find a server, but I don't need it. If you know of a server that may be able to host my artsy interpretations, I would be really grateful.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hey there, all. I stream CTMs as well as other indie games, Minecraft servers and probably that's it. I'm your supreme overlord too so I command you to CHECK ME OUT: www.twitch.tv/techniclepanther
See. This is what I ment when I said I don't know everything - pistons must be useful as Vechs first ever video features them (if I recall correctly), yet I can't remember the last time when I used pistons in a CTM.
Now you've got me thinking of the sea of flame area with creepers and lava behind the walls - that's not really hostile terrian more then an 'area type', in the same niche as hypercharged (UT2/UT3?).
Indepth video responce!
Cereal? Anyway eating sounds.
Well, because of time zone weirdness I first saw/watched this video at around 10 minutes past midnight. So it was nice not having to read a wall of text.
Okay, I guess video guides with one or two pages per map might be viable, but then it would likely either be either in not much detail or too long a video to keep doing for every map. Plus I fear that people may keep asking for a certain map to be documented, and as previously stated there are too many coming out too often to have any chance of documenting them all.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. A bunch of descriptions on how to do things is great, but also being able to also watch someone do them in an area that is well suited to said things and tactics is even better.
As said, I don't want a massive section on certain maps, but a couple pages on popular maps with a couple of top down area views and a video link is something that I would be willing to include. Perhaps in their own 'Specific Maps' section at the end.
I think 'ramble' is a better word. Rant implies you're complaining about something. (When I saw the title of the video I feared you may have been 'ranting' at me for 5 minutes for stealing your idea or something. That would have been... interesting to watch. :P)
There we go. There's ramble. See you next 'episode' on comunicating with dash! :3
UHC is more important than the guide right now. I will be working on the pieces I've signed up for. And I will be writing and potentially making videos for them.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hey there, all. I stream CTMs as well as other indie games, Minecraft servers and probably that's it. I'm your supreme overlord too so I command you to CHECK ME OUT: www.twitch.tv/techniclepanther
Hey there, all. I stream CTMs as well as other indie games, Minecraft servers and probably that's it. I'm your supreme overlord too so I command you to CHECK ME OUT: www.twitch.tv/techniclepanther
Are you a CTM veteran? Want to help new players to the genre? Sign up to start writing here:
Sign Up!
Remember to put your name down as 'writer' on the right hand list, and put yourself down for a section. Then, just pull up your favorite text editor and start writing. Don't worry too much about formatting it - I'll probably do that so that it's all the same style.
What is this thing anyway?
What I do want to stress is that I would want to actually make this guide useful to anyone reading it. I consider most widely avalible Minecraft guidbooks not to actually be useful to most people (if you're into the game enough to want a book, you'll already know what a grass block does). I believe a CTM guide would be useful as there are more different strategies and traps that players have either not heard of or not seen in such a long time that they have forgotten about it (Like Pistons :P).
I also believe that there are people in the community who would be intestested in help me with this project - even a generalised guide will be pretty hard for one individual person to write and turn into a nice looking thing to actually read, with pictures and nice formatting. Plus I don't know everything about the genre myself. I also know people are making resources to help others make better CTM maps - some of the same ideas could be provided to this. I saw resently a post about how map makers should give indications of traps - if players also knew about trap indicators, they would be less likely to activate or blunder into the trap.
Remember that this will be a generised guide, not aimed at any map in particular (which may be why this failed).
Some sections might include:
- How To Spot Them
- How To Disarm Them
> Common Custom Mobs
- How To Best Deal With Them
> Common Types Of Area
- What Best Stratagy To Use
> How To Create Basic Helpful Structures
- Cobble Generator (It surprises me how many Minecraft YouTubers cannot do this!)
- TNT Cannon (?)
> Navigating Tough Terrain
The finished guide will likely be a PDF, and will be free to download. Sections of the guide may be seperately released as they are written.
The guide is not yet close to completion, but is being worked on.
Meanwhile, if you have any questions about this project, or want to know more about the genre in general, leave your questions down below.
List Of Common CTM Terms (May be added too):
Use This Thread For...
> What does [such and such CTM related phase] mean? [If not found here.]
> Questions about the guide
> Discussion On CTM Tactics / Stratagies
Do Not Use This Thread For...
> Asking For Any Feedback On Your Map [Use The CTM Offical Discussion Thread!]
> Discussion About Map Creation Of Any Kind [CTM Offical Discussion Thread!]
> Non-CTM Related Things
> Questions/Advice About A Particular Map [Use That Maps Thread!]
EDIT: And, of course, my personal favorite tactic: The sissy bar!
Hey there, all. I stream CTMs as well as other indie games, Minecraft servers and probably that's it. I'm your supreme overlord too so I command you to CHECK ME OUT: www.twitch.tv/techniclepanther
I believe Around 2:20 you are referencing "Painwater" from the legendary map, It was also used in The first Race for the Wool.
But I like the idea you have here. I would love to help write a few portions of the guide and If @TechnicLePanther needs any actors, I will gladly volunteer.
Actually, I was going for flame warp, from Kaizo Caverns, but Pain Water is a good idea too. Although that area is so novel, I think it would be a bit too specific for the general CTM guide.
It would be great if you could help me out on the guide! I'm starting out with Sea of Flame II, and because I've already got the parts towards the beginning covered,but it would be great if you could write some of the ending parts. Basically, everything after Vrinstar. That would really help speed things up! If you want to do it, send me a PM and we'll talk.
As for acting, I won't be able to do anything with that unless I find a server, but I don't need it. If you know of a server that may be able to host my artsy interpretations, I would be really grateful.
Hey there, all. I stream CTMs as well as other indie games, Minecraft servers and probably that's it. I'm your supreme overlord too so I command you to CHECK ME OUT: www.twitch.tv/techniclepanther
See. This is what I ment when I said I don't know everything - pistons must be useful as Vechs first ever video features them (if I recall correctly), yet I can't remember the last time when I used pistons in a CTM.
Now you've got me thinking of the sea of flame area with creepers and lava behind the walls - that's not really hostile terrian more then an 'area type', in the same niche as hypercharged (UT2/UT3?).
Indepth video responce!
Hey there, all. I stream CTMs as well as other indie games, Minecraft servers and probably that's it. I'm your supreme overlord too so I command you to CHECK ME OUT: www.twitch.tv/techniclepanther
I believe it's supposed to be "It is..." Here's a quick fix link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1edrjuse08SnWi-6sjehjDxSW2XVOjhQ96jAUPXkotU8/edit
I'm also sending you a PM with the Wide-Branching guide.
Hey there, all. I stream CTMs as well as other indie games, Minecraft servers and probably that's it. I'm your supreme overlord too so I command you to CHECK ME OUT: www.twitch.tv/techniclepanther