Welcome to the second revival of the Strawberry Jam, a CTM building jam with the goal of making a mini-map in a weekend. Any and all participants are welcome, and please feel free to spread the word!
Jam #18 will be announced soon
The Goal
Build a CTM minimap with a minimum of 3 objectives (more are encouraged) in a single extended weekend. Put in as much detail and game-play as you can before the time runs out!
Rules and Guidelines
1) There will be a general theme that your map should incorporate in some way. Some examples are: The Great Unknown, The Future, Opposites Collide.
2) You would have 72 hours to complete the map (one extended weekend). It should be noted that you are not expected to spend the full 72 hours on the map, as I know many of you will find it hard to get the time, just that the map must be started and finished within that time period.
3) There will be a 24 hour prep period before building begins. No building should be done during this day (typically a Thursday). Then you must build everything in the 72 hours provided.
4) Third party tools are allowed (SPC, WE, MCedit, etc.)
5) Basic pre-built schematics: fleecy boxes, the wool monument, trademark weapons, and basic spawners, for example, are all legal. Beyond that everything should be made during the jam. Essentially what is legal is what is in most mappers "Tool Kit" (for lack of a better word) what they start most mapping with. Nothing unique, or specially prepared for the Jam is allowed.
6) People are encouraged to film their progress (and livestream it!).
7) The map should be 3 objectives long. It is up to the map-maker to make it longer if they desire.
8) People should declare their intent to take part at the beginning of the jam with a post on this topic. Posting status updates is also encouraged. They should also declare that they have finished with a post on this topic (and the download link).
9) People should play each-others maps and critique! At least do a fly through!
10) People who wish to team up may do so but they should do a map with at least, if not more objectives than the number of people multiplied by 3 (2 people = 6 objective minimum, 3 people = 9 objective minimum, 4 people = 12 objective minimum, etc.)
11) Last, remember that this is Jam, not a competition, while you should follow the rules this is meant to be lighthearted and fun not boring and a chore. If a rule needs to be bent slightly that's okay, just note it in your final post and try your best to keep with the rules.
What is a CTM Map?
A CTM (Complete the Monument) Map is a survival-based map in which the player is free to break and place blocks at a whim. The player must traverse custom-created environments in search of various objectives, traditionally colored wool, while overcoming a variety of monsters, traps, and challenges. They then must return those wool to a specially made Monument in order to win the map!
The Next Jam
Jam #17, Nostalgia is currently over. Look out for the next one!
Fangride: Current Organizer Drago: Other Previous Organizer Shaymin_Rocks: Previous Organizer Infamy: His idea was stolen. :3 (better, infamy? ) TheSarcasmLord & Torien: For making banners!
The Maps
All previous jam maps can be found on the following Google Doc, compiled with love and careful attention by the lovely Coolfool88!
I may actually be able to participate this time yay!! It will be just you're average CTM from me no gommicky command block stoofs because I'm bad :3 be sure to expect a better entry than last year's!
Looks great! If the Jam ends up being on the 2nd-4th (which seems probable) I may have to go with something small, as I'll only have about a day and a half. Alternatively, I may start on the 1st and release it on the 2nd or start on the 4th and release on the 6th. Last time I checked that isn't against the rules as I'd still be making it in a 72-hour time period, right? Either way, I'm still eager to make something for this!
I've had an idea for a Jam map that I've been wanting to make ever since the previous one, but even though it works great as a 'numbers' theme it may be difficult to fit with "Countdown". I'll see if I can make it work.
Well, since I'll be back in college at the 5th and my guess is that there will not be any free weekend time after college starts, I guess the 2nd-4th will do
Also I had a whole free month on December and I was hoping the jam will be in that month. Y U Do dis guise? ;_;
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Oh I am SO incredibly stoked to have found this! I'll most definitely be streaming the creation of this over the course of the weekend, so long as it's early on in January (I'm heading to PAX South from the 23-25).
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Check out my Stream-A-Day pledge here where I frequently stream CTM Development!
Follow me on Twitter and subscribe on Youtube for more content!
Looks great! If the Jam ends up being on the 2nd-4th (which seems probable) I may have to go with something small, as I'll only have about a day and a half. Alternatively, I may start on the 1st and release it on the 2nd or start on the 4th and release on the 6th. Last time I checked that isn't against the rules as I'd still be making it in a 72-hour time period, right? Either way, I'm still eager to make something for this!
I've had an idea for a Jam map that I've been wanting to make ever since the previous one, but even though it works great as a 'numbers' theme it may be difficult to fit with "Countdown". I'll see if I can make it work.
Shouldn't be a problem in my mind! Can't wait to see what you come up with this time around
Well, since I'll be back in college at the 5th and my guess is that there will not be any free weekend time after college starts, I guess the 2nd-4th will do
Also I had a whole free month on December and I was hoping the jam will be in that month. Y U Do dis guise? ;_;
We are particularly evil overlords :3 On a realistic note, we were hoping to host one then, but then we ended up focusing on the Christmas Community MiniCTM (I Saw a Zombie Eating Santa Claus) and decided January might end up being better. Hoping you'll be able to participate!
Oh I am SO incredibly stoked to have found this! I'll most definitely be streaming the creation of this over the course of the weekend, so long as it's early on in January (I'm heading to PAX South from the 23-25).
Sweet, looking forward to it! PAX South will likely be amazing! (You should totes get us all League skin cards >.>)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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In the fabric of spacetime
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If we already know the theme, what is the purpose of the prep day; usually it's for planning but that's no longer able to be limited. Anyway, maybe I'll actually submit something this time seeing as I was too noobish for the second jam, unaware of the third jam, and too ambitious for the fourth jam.
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"Insert deep and thoughtful quote here." -theAgamer11
If we already know the theme, what is the purpose of the prep day; usually it's for planning but that's no longer able to be limited. Anyway, maybe I'll actually submit something this time seeing as I was too noobish for the second jam, unaware of the third jam, and too ambitious for the fourth jam.
I wanted to reveal a bit early, as the theme has a lot of technical possibilities, and wanted to give mappers a bit of extra time to make sure what they wanted to do was possible!
I wanted to reveal a bit early, as the theme has a lot of technical possibilities, and wanted to give mappers a bit of extra time to make sure what they wanted to do was possible!
One minor question -- I have some ideas for areas that I was already planning on implementing into my next full-on CTM. It's not against the rules to use those area designs in the Jam, with intent on including them in the full release map as well, correct?
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Check out my Stream-A-Day pledge here where I frequently stream CTM Development!
Follow me on Twitter and subscribe on Youtube for more content!
One minor question -- I have some ideas for areas that I was already planning on implementing into my next full-on CTM. It's not against the rules to use those area designs in the Jam, with intent on including them in the full release map as well, correct?
Not at all! You're free to do anything you like with anything you make during the Jam! After all, it's your maps!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Dis gon b gud
Sadly I probably won't be able to participate in this jam, and probably also not any other future jams, but hey, I might be able to do *something* here to make me be a bit more than just a person who looks at stuff
Btw, are we gonna decide a special theme for this one, and if so, what special theme?
Welcome to the second revival of the Strawberry Jam, a CTM building jam with the goal of making a mini-map in a weekend. Any and all participants are welcome, and please feel free to spread the word!
Jam #18 will be announced soon
1) There will be a general theme that your map should incorporate in some way. Some examples are: The Great Unknown, The Future, Opposites Collide.
2) You would have 72 hours to complete the map (one extended weekend). It should be noted that you are not expected to spend the full 72 hours on the map, as I know many of you will find it hard to get the time, just that the map must be started and finished within that time period.
3) There will be a 24 hour prep period before building begins. No building should be done during this day (typically a Thursday). Then you must build everything in the 72 hours provided.
4) Third party tools are allowed (SPC, WE, MCedit, etc.)
5) Basic pre-built schematics: fleecy boxes, the wool monument, trademark weapons, and basic spawners, for example, are all legal. Beyond that everything should be made during the jam. Essentially what is legal is what is in most mappers "Tool Kit" (for lack of a better word) what they start most mapping with. Nothing unique, or specially prepared for the Jam is allowed.
6) People are encouraged to film their progress (and livestream it!).
7) The map should be 3 objectives long. It is up to the map-maker to make it longer if they desire.
8) People should declare their intent to take part at the beginning of the jam with a post on this topic. Posting status updates is also encouraged.
They should also declare that they have finished with a post on this topic (and the download link).
9) People should play each-others maps and critique! At least do a fly through!
10) People who wish to team up may do so but they should do a map with at least, if not more objectives than the number of people multiplied by 3 (2 people = 6 objective minimum, 3 people = 9 objective minimum, 4 people = 12 objective minimum, etc.)
11) Last, remember that this is Jam, not a competition, while you should follow the rules this is meant to be lighthearted and fun not boring and a chore. If a rule needs to be bent slightly that's okay, just note it in your final post and try your best to keep with the rules.
A CTM (Complete the Monument) Map is a survival-based map in which the player is free to break and place blocks at a whim. The player must traverse custom-created environments in search of various objectives, traditionally colored wool, while overcoming a variety of monsters, traps, and challenges. They then must return those wool to a specially made Monument in order to win the map!
Jam #17, Nostalgia is currently over. Look out for the next one!
By Torien:

By TheSarcasmLord:
Fangride: Current Organizer
Drago: Other Previous Organizer
Shaymin_Rocks: Previous Organizer
Infamy: His idea was stolen. :3 (better, infamy?
TheSarcasmLord & Torien: For making banners!
Ok now, seriously, glad this is back
I get back from holidays on the 5th :C Waaah, can I submit mine late just cus I has no computer on te dates?
My Thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1881805-ctm-wip-lands-of-mystery-by-bnm-new-map-started/#entry23248316
I've had an idea for a Jam map that I've been wanting to make ever since the previous one, but even though it works great as a 'numbers' theme it may be difficult to fit with "Countdown". I'll see if I can make it work.
Also I had a whole free month on December and I was hoping the jam will be in that month. Y U Do dis guise? ;_;
Let's see what the date ends up being and I'll work with ya! Would love to have you participate
Hopefully you can
Shouldn't be a problem in my mind! Can't wait to see what you come up with this time around
We are particularly evil overlords :3 On a realistic note, we were hoping to host one then, but then we ended up focusing on the Christmas Community MiniCTM (I Saw a Zombie Eating Santa Claus) and decided January might end up being better. Hoping you'll be able to participate!
Sweet, looking forward to it! PAX South will likely be amazing! (You should totes get us all League skin cards >.>)
That would be certainly awesome! I'm considering making one or two of my own, but if you'd like to handle that I'd love it too!
I'll do what I can
I wanted to reveal a bit early, as the theme has a lot of technical possibilities, and wanted to give mappers a bit of extra time to make sure what they wanted to do was possible!
I was technically joking, but could never turn down PAX-based skin giveouts <3
One minor question -- I have some ideas for areas that I was already planning on implementing into my next full-on CTM. It's not against the rules to use those area designs in the Jam, with intent on including them in the full release map as well, correct?
Not at all! You're free to do anything you like with anything you make during the Jam! After all, it's your maps!
Sadly I probably won't be able to participate in this jam, and probably also not any other future jams, but hey, I might be able to do *something* here to make me be a bit more than just a person who looks at stuff
Btw, are we gonna decide a special theme for this one, and if so, what special theme?