Name of Map:The Creature Kitchen Link What makes your map deserve to be played:I put effort into it I guess
This seems like an add. Seriously this format makes it sound like a infomercial. I can just see a bunch of people standing together shouting "Thanks Collectics Review Destination!"
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Did one of my posts help you? Click the green arrow in the bottom right corner, it only takes a second!
Being the braindead person that I am, I almost forgot to put that I am forever alone. Are you mad at me?
But, I looked at your map, used my alternate account to simulate the ghosts and can make a logical guess for how your map can turn out.
I won't put it on the list, but just give you some suggestions. No more SMP maps will be taken after this one.
Creativity: 2. I like the command blocks/potions BUT the entire game is based on just running from the hunter. If there was something else that the ghosts had to do, the level could be bumped up to a 3
Gameplay and Difficulty: 3. Maybe. Not sure about this one, because I didn't play it. I can imagine that if I had 2 extra friends, it would depend on the skill level.
Detail: 2. I like the fact that you put different biomes into it, but I would appreciate some hills and maybe some block variation in the buildings.
Experience.... N/A because I didn't play it, but I picture a 2... Running is just mindless.
What makes your map deserve to be played:I put effort into it I guess
This seems like an add. Seriously this format makes it sound like a infomercial. I can just see a bunch of people standing together shouting "Thanks Collectics Review Destination!"
Well, let's hope that that effort resulted in a fantastic map. Will play later.
I LOLed at that description of my post.
Ohhh I missed part of the reveiw xD. Heres the full version. Name of Map: The Creature Kitchen Link Genre: Puzzle What makes your map deserve to be played: N/A this time Is your map for Singleplayer? Yes I agree that if the review is harsh you will not rage: No - Unless I get a 4.
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Did one of my posts help you? Click the green arrow in the bottom right corner, it only takes a second!
This will be interesting.
The Code II: Infinite.
I have to be honest: I have only played a sliver of the original. However, this is the best puzzle map I have played. Period.
Creativity: 3. Some puzzles are just genius. I was astonished at the variety of all of them. Also, the fact that you had to use information from previous rooms really left me amazed.
Gameplay and Difficulty: 3. There is a difficulty curve that ramps up throughout the map. Some parts really left me stumped.
Also, the gameplay left me speechless.
Detail: 2. The entire map is in quartz. Make quartz the main block material, but add some others throughout.
Experience: 3. This map is intended to blow your mind, and it did just that.
I can't spoil too much because you have to see for yourself. If you are a fan of puzzles, please download this map immediately. You will be pleased.
Overall Score™ 11/12. Fantastic
The Creature Kitchen. Another Puzzle Map.
Creativity: 2. Lots of parkour throughout, but some of the puzzles were clever. (not as clever as the Code ii, but you get what I am saying.)
Gameplay and Difficulty: 2.5. Yes, I did a .5. The puzzles that didn't involve parkour/mazes were perfect in difficulty, but the ones that did, were too hard.... yeah.... #LessParkourMoreWhatever
Detail: 2. The entire building was pretty much stone, but I like that you didn't use just that and used other variations of it.
Experience: 2. Although the map is well designed, I didn't have as much fun as I would like to. The excess of parkour, the bugs and spelling errors kept me from completely enjoying the map.
I'm doing shameless bumps now. Wonder why.
Besides that, I changed my rating scale a bit to put gameplay in the "Experience", category.
I also put hyperlinks to all of the maps, and added extra stuff in general.
You know what Chai? I am not going to review any more of your map. Soooo.....
Blitzkrieg by xChaikitty
Creativity: 2. There were some areas that I have never seen before, but for the most part, they were all regular places I have seen before in other, better CTM maps. The key system is a good concept, but you pull it off with poor execution.
Difficulty: 1. The amount of spawner spam you put in is ridiculous. A wall of creeper spawners is not good for your reputation. It makes a lazy mapmaker that does not balance anything. Most of the time, I had to bridge across gaps, something that I rarely do in CTM maps.
Also, the wool hides in certain spots that you would never expect sometimes. If you could make the locations clearer, I would like this map much more.
Detail: 1. Obvious brush strokes everywhere. Buildings contain little block variation and depth whatsoever. Flat walls for borders.
Gameplay and Experience: 1. Sometimes you do tedious work to get the wool. (Drownville, Infested Caves.) Sometimes, you bridge across a wall of spawners to get to the wool. (Dual Islands, Creeping Creepers.) Besides that, there is literally no sense of exploration whatsoever. No custom mobs that make you gasp. Very little loot inside the areas to help you. Half of the time you are just going through bland hallways.
Overall Score™ 5/12. Terrible.
I did not give a low rating to criticize you, I gave it so you could make your map better. Follow some of your favorite mapmakers like Vechs, Kerblahh, Xenothomas, etc and learn what makes a good map. I hope that you will improve. Diamonds to you.
The Creature Kitchen. Another Puzzle Map.
Creativity: 2. Lots of parkour throughout, but some of the puzzles were clever. (not as clever as the Code ii, but you get what I am saying.)
Gameplay and Difficulty: 2.5. Yes, I did a .5. The puzzles that didn't involve parkour/mazes were perfect in difficulty, but the ones that did, were too hard.... yeah.... #LessParkourMoreWhatever
Detail: 2. The entire building was pretty much stone, but I like that you didn't use just that and used other variations of it.
Experience: 2. Although the map is well designed, I didn't have as much fun as I would like to. The excess of parkour, the bugs and spelling errors kept me from completely enjoying the map.
Overall Score™ 8.5/12. Okay.
Thanks for reveiwing. I think I added parkour to take up space because at the time I was a novice map maker and couldnt think of much. If you want to review another map by me im making another one called Remember to Forget. If you want to try the beta you can. Im pretty proud of it, and it has some pretty cool puzzles, and a underlying story discovered if you search for hidden rooms like the creature kitchen.
Hello! Shameless bump!
Anyone have any maps to review?
If not, I will criticize some myself. First up is Castlevania: Last Worlds. Expect a review sometime in the next 2 days.
See you later!
Will review, but production depends on how long Castlevania takes me. Pretty long so far. Edit: Actually, I'll try it out right now.
Also, you forgot another line in the format: What makes your map deserve to be played: If you can't find any reasons put N/A. However, it seems... interesting. I'll try it out.
The Crystal Maze by Yokcos700. Creativity: 2. Some minigames were just genius, but others were repetitive or average. My favorite section was Aztec: it had the most of these brain-bending moments. Difficulty: 2.5. Some parts were just right in terms of the balance, but others had you run around in circles for 2 minutes to get the crystal. Work on getting these challenges just right. Detail: 3. I can tell you are a good builder. Block variation was great. Depth was good. Hid pretty much all redstone. Nothing else I need to say. Gameplay and Experience: 2.5. I disliked the parts when:
You used mobs repetitively, having the Player "survive" or collect a certain number of drops.
You used mazes as a way to stump the player.
Some parkour was uninspired. Remove those parts.
I liked everything else. It seemed that almost all the ones you labeled "Hard" were some of the best minigames in the collection. They worked my brain out. Trust me.
In conclusion, this is an above-average map that suffers from somerepetitive and uninspired gameplay (along with some bugs ). If you are a fan of parkour, puzzles, or just minigames in general, you should play this map. I am looking forward to your next one. Overall Score™: 10/12. Fantastic.
Also bumped The Code II 's detail score up to a 3 because, now that I think about it, Jesper used quartz in a fantastic way to create a great atmosphere, even though there was little block variation. Simple yet elegant.
Really? I thought Aztec was the most dull area, both in terms of architecture and challenge quality. Everyone seems to disagree with me on that. Tells you something.
There's only one maze challenge. It's called 'Maze' and is a hedge maze, so if you don't like mazes, you can just avoid it. Wasn't the Corridors of Doom another one?
What bugs? Sorry, I forgot to list them. I'm an amateur at this, you know.
Final challenge did not total score. Note that I dropped an iron ingot zombie in first.
Couldn't enter Hunger Games pen?
In Bottles, I took the glowstone out and it disappeared.
Can't recall any others. You may have fixed these in a new version.
There's basically no depth to the walls, but that helps to indicate the purpose of the puzzles in places. I have to agree with you there.
Ya, I probably played the bugged version. Like I said, the reason why I like Aztec is because some of the challenges in there were some of the most creative. (Negative, Lava and I hate parkour) Of course there were bad ones, and you are probably thinking about those puzzles in comparison to the great ones. At least that is my opinion anyway.
I was trying to say that if the masses disagree with your opinion, you can use this criticism to fine-tune your next map. I may have been a little cryptic with my answer also.
Wither Mans Boss by Indigo2000.
Creativity: 1.5. The map is just parkour and boss fights with little to offer besides that. The majority of it is a blatant and poor attempt to copy Hypixel's style. Custom weapons and mobs along with villager trades bumps the level up to a 1.5. The environments are all indoors and have no theme whatsoever.
Difficulty: 1.5. Some mobs were over powered, but other mobs were too easy to beat as they don't move at all. Parkour may be a bit of a challenge to novice Minecraft players. There are no rules; you don't know what difficulty to turn the map on and whether you can break blocks or not. As such, you can turn the adventure to peaceful and make it a lot easier, which is not intended.
Detail: 1.5. Although Indigo did try to make some of the buildings ruined, almost all of the map are just 1-dimensional walls and flooring with no block variation or depth whatsoever. As I said before, the entire challenge is indoors. It makes me think I am going through a cave or something.
Gameplay and Experience: 1. I was not enjoying the map that much. The unbalanced difficulty, little attention to detail, villager trades for items that I already have, and just the lack of creativity makes this map below average.
Overall Score™ 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1 = 5.5. Terrible.
I didn't give a low score because I hate you... I gave you a low score so you could improve your map using the tips that I gave you. I hope you improve for your next part in the trilogy. Diamonds to you.
Castlevania: Last Worlds by Marcoelfelix. Played very little Castlevania on the consoles, but here is what I think of the map. Also, PAGE GET.
Creativity: 2. Although you used different environments, good puzzles, and custom enchanted gear, much of the map was lots of parkour (especially near the end) and mob fighting.
Difficulty: 1.5. The hard parts were easy and the easy parts are hard. Here is why the hard parts are easy:
You step on a tripwire.
Zombies spawn. They try to kill you.
They step on the tripwire.
More zombies spawn.
This boosts the difficulty of the map and makes it almost impossible to complete a world. In addition, some of the parkour challenges were insane. They could easily frustrate experienced players.
Detail: 2. Most of the buildings were crafted above average, though the environments are bland and sometimes even have obvious brush strokes. Use some erosion and you might get a 3.
Gameplay and Experience: 2. Although I did like some of the beginning puzzles and even some of the mob fighting, the parkour and poor difficulty curve that comes with this map kept me from fully enjoying it. It even made me frustrated. Here are the rest of my complaints;
Some of the world designs were confusing. I didn't know where to go next. If I have to go into Creative Mode every 5 minutes to figure out what to do, you should fix the levels and make it clearer what door to go to.
Armor was all over the place. One minute, you have full Protection 7 Chain armor. The next minute, you have nothing and immediately die from a creeper explosion.
If this is Castlevania, a cat must be a dog. This is nowhere near the excellence of that game.
No story whatsoever. WTF am I doing in this desert? There was a story in World 7 though (escape Prison Island and turn off the power)
Bugs galore. Some doors don't open to go to the next world, you can't place a lever to switch the tracks, dispensers don't dispense on the final boss....
Although this is supposed to be for English and Spanish people, some items were translated into 1 language only. Make an English and a Spanish version and release them as 2 separate downloads.
Overall Score™: 2+1.5+2+2 == 7.5/12. Below Average Use this constructive criticism to make your map better. Diamonds to you.
The Maze Tower
what makes my map deserve to be played:This is my first map ever and even though it's short I put a lot of effort and time on it, I didn't use any map editor tools so it took me a while. I would really appreciate a review to figure out what would make my furture maps better.
Is my map for singleplayer: it's made to be played with any number of players, including 1.
Estimated time: depends how good you are with mazes, probably around 10-30 minutes
I agree that if the review is harsh, I will not rage: Yes, this is my first map after all, I expect there to be flaws
Added to queue. Will play, but the download link says that the file belongs to a "non-validated account". Might want to fix that by tomorrow. Edit: Yay!
link above
What makes your map deserve to be played:I put effort into it I guess
This seems like an add. Seriously this format makes it sound like a infomercial. I can just see a bunch of people standing together shouting "Thanks Collectics Review Destination!"
Being the braindead person that I am, I almost forgot to put that I am forever alone. Are you mad at me?
But, I looked at your map, used my alternate account to simulate the ghosts and can make a logical guess for how your map can turn out.
I won't put it on the list, but just give you some suggestions. No more SMP maps will be taken after this one.
Creativity: 2. I like the command blocks/potions BUT the entire game is based on just running from the hunter. If there was something else that the ghosts had to do, the level could be bumped up to a 3
Gameplay and Difficulty: 3. Maybe. Not sure about this one, because I didn't play it. I can imagine that if I had 2 extra friends, it would depend on the skill level.
Detail: 2. I like the fact that you put different biomes into it, but I would appreciate some hills and maybe some block variation in the buildings.
Experience.... N/A because I didn't play it, but I picture a 2... Running is just mindless.
Maybe Overall Score™ 9/12.. okay.
Well, let's hope that that effort resulted in a fantastic map. Will play later.
I LOLed at that description of my post.
Name of Map: The Creature Kitchen
Genre: Puzzle
What makes your map deserve to be played: N/A this time
Is your map for Singleplayer? Yes
I agree that if the review is harsh you will not rage: No - Unless I get a 4.
The Code II: Infinite.
I have to be honest: I have only played a sliver of the original. However, this is the best puzzle map I have played. Period.
Creativity: 3. Some puzzles are just genius. I was astonished at the variety of all of them. Also, the fact that you had to use information from previous rooms really left me amazed.
Gameplay and Difficulty: 3. There is a difficulty curve that ramps up throughout the map. Some parts really left me stumped.
Also, the gameplay left me speechless.
Detail: 2. The entire map is in quartz. Make quartz the main block material, but add some others throughout.
Experience: 3. This map is intended to blow your mind, and it did just that.
I can't spoil too much because you have to see for yourself. If you are a fan of puzzles, please download this map immediately. You will be pleased.
Overall Score™ 11/12. Fantastic
Ark, you are up next.
Creativity: 2. Lots of parkour throughout, but some of the puzzles were clever. (not as clever as the Code ii, but you get what I am saying.)
Gameplay and Difficulty: 2.5. Yes, I did a .5. The puzzles that didn't involve parkour/mazes were perfect in difficulty, but the ones that did, were too hard.... yeah.... #LessParkourMoreWhatever
Detail: 2. The entire building was pretty much stone, but I like that you didn't use just that and used other variations of it.
Experience: 2. Although the map is well designed, I didn't have as much fun as I would like to. The excess of parkour, the bugs and spelling errors kept me from completely enjoying the map.
Overall Score™ 8.5/12. Okay.
Besides that, I changed my rating scale a bit to put gameplay in the "Experience", category.
I also put hyperlinks to all of the maps, and added extra stuff in general.
Blitzkrieg by xChaikitty
Creativity: 2. There were some areas that I have never seen before, but for the most part, they were all regular places I have seen before in other, better CTM maps. The key system is a good concept, but you pull it off with poor execution.
Difficulty: 1. The amount of spawner spam you put in is ridiculous. A wall of creeper spawners is not good for your reputation. It makes a lazy mapmaker that does not balance anything. Most of the time, I had to bridge across gaps, something that I rarely do in CTM maps.
Also, the wool hides in certain spots that you would never expect sometimes. If you could make the locations clearer, I would like this map much more.
Detail: 1. Obvious brush strokes everywhere. Buildings contain little block variation and depth whatsoever. Flat walls for borders.
Gameplay and Experience: 1. Sometimes you do tedious work to get the wool. (Drownville, Infested Caves.) Sometimes, you bridge across a wall of spawners to get to the wool. (Dual Islands, Creeping Creepers.) Besides that, there is literally no sense of exploration whatsoever. No custom mobs that make you gasp. Very little loot inside the areas to help you. Half of the time you are just going through bland hallways.
Overall Score™ 5/12. Terrible.
I did not give a low rating to criticize you, I gave it so you could make your map better. Follow some of your favorite mapmakers like Vechs, Kerblahh, Xenothomas, etc and learn what makes a good map. I hope that you will improve. Diamonds to you.
Thanks for reveiwing. I think I added parkour to take up space because at the time I was a novice map maker and couldnt think of much. If you want to review another map by me im making another one called Remember to Forget. If you want to try the beta you can. Im pretty proud of it, and it has some pretty cool puzzles, and a underlying story discovered if you search for hidden rooms like the creature kitchen.
Anyone have any maps to review?
If not, I will criticize some myself. First up is Castlevania: Last Worlds. Expect a review sometime in the next 2 days.
See you later!
Edit: Actually, I'll try it out right now.
Also, you forgot another line in the format:
What makes your map deserve to be played: If you can't find any reasons put N/A.
However, it seems... interesting. I'll try it out.
Creativity: 2. Some minigames were just genius, but others were repetitive or average. My favorite section was Aztec: it had the most of these brain-bending moments.
Difficulty: 2.5. Some parts were just right in terms of the balance, but others had you run around in circles for 2 minutes to get the crystal. Work on getting these challenges just right.
Detail: 3. I can tell you are a good builder. Block variation was great. Depth was good. Hid pretty much all redstone. Nothing else I need to say.
Gameplay and Experience: 2.5. I disliked the parts when:
In conclusion, this is an above-average map that suffers from some repetitive and uninspired gameplay (along with some bugs ).
If you are a fan of parkour, puzzles, or just minigames in general, you should play this map. I am looking forward to your next one.
Overall Score™: 10/12. Fantastic.
Also bumped The Code II 's detail score up to a 3 because, now that I think about it, Jesper used quartz in a fantastic way to create a great atmosphere, even though there was little block variation. Simple yet elegant.
There's only one maze challenge. It's called 'Maze' and is a hedge maze, so if you don't like mazes, you can just avoid it. Wasn't the Corridors of Doom another one?
What bugs? Sorry, I forgot to list them. I'm an amateur at this, you know.
Ya, I probably played the bugged version. Like I said, the reason why I like Aztec is because some of the challenges in there were some of the most creative. (Negative, Lava and I hate parkour) Of course there were bad ones, and you are probably thinking about those puzzles in comparison to the great ones. At least that is my opinion anyway.
I was trying to say that if the masses disagree with your opinion, you can use this criticism to fine-tune your next map. I may have been a little cryptic with my answer also.
Creativity: 1.5. The map is just parkour and boss fights with little to offer besides that. The majority of it is a blatant and poor attempt to copy Hypixel's style. Custom weapons and mobs along with villager trades bumps the level up to a 1.5. The environments are all indoors and have no theme whatsoever.
Difficulty: 1.5. Some mobs were over powered, but other mobs were too easy to beat as they don't move at all. Parkour may be a bit of a challenge to novice Minecraft players. There are no rules; you don't know what difficulty to turn the map on and whether you can break blocks or not. As such, you can turn the adventure to peaceful and make it a lot easier, which is not intended.
Detail: 1.5. Although Indigo did try to make some of the buildings ruined, almost all of the map are just 1-dimensional walls and flooring with no block variation or depth whatsoever. As I said before, the entire challenge is indoors. It makes me think I am going through a cave or something.
Gameplay and Experience: 1. I was not enjoying the map that much. The unbalanced difficulty, little attention to detail, villager trades for items that I already have, and just the lack of creativity makes this map below average.
Overall Score™ 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1 = 5.5. Terrible.
I didn't give a low score because I hate you... I gave you a low score so you could improve your map using the tips that I gave you. I hope you improve for your next part in the trilogy. Diamonds to you.
Creativity: 2. Although you used different environments, good puzzles, and custom enchanted gear, much of the map was lots of parkour (especially near the end) and mob fighting.
Difficulty: 1.5. The hard parts were easy and the easy parts are hard. Here is why the hard parts are easy:
Detail: 2. Most of the buildings were crafted above average, though the environments are bland and sometimes even have obvious brush strokes. Use some erosion and you might get a 3.
Gameplay and Experience: 2. Although I did like some of the beginning puzzles and even some of the mob fighting, the parkour and poor difficulty curve that comes with this map kept me from fully enjoying it. It even made me frustrated. Here are the rest of my complaints;
Use this constructive criticism to make your map better. Diamonds to you.
what makes my map deserve to be played:This is my first map ever and even though it's short I put a lot of effort and time on it, I didn't use any map editor tools so it took me a while. I would really appreciate a review to figure out what would make my furture maps better.
Is my map for singleplayer: it's made to be played with any number of players, including 1.
Estimated time: depends how good you are with mazes, probably around 10-30 minutes
I agree that if the review is harsh, I will not rage: Yes, this is my first map after all, I expect there to be flaws