A small luxury mediterranean style villa, fully furnished, built inf Java Edition version 1.20.1.
Please use "Mizuno's 16 Craft " resource pack so it will look like intended.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I tought at first but since it's built in Mizuno 16 Craft resource pack, I'm not sure if the resource pack it's free for Bedrock Edition like it is for Java.
Because currently for the Bedrock Edition, I think it's only available on Minecraft marketplace.
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A small luxury mediterranean style villa, fully furnished, built inf Java Edition version 1.20.1.
Please use "Mizuno's 16 Craft " resource pack so it will look like intended.
Resource pack: Mizuno's 16 Craft
Shaders: BSL
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Can you make it available for bedrock
I tought at first but since it's built in Mizuno 16 Craft resource pack, I'm not sure if the resource pack it's free for Bedrock Edition like it is for Java.
Because currently for the Bedrock Edition, I think it's only available on Minecraft marketplace.
My Minecraft Builds: ko-fi.com/lindolas