This is what I intend of being the first installment of a series of mini-modded hardcore CTM minimaps. The concept behind HBV (Shorthand for Hardcore Beyond Vanilla) is to create a map that shows off some ins and outs of just a few major mods at a time. The stars on this ocassion are L'ender 's Cataclysm and Alex's Caves. Rip those tides with your trustworthy trident while you move through foes old and new, while the world around you pushes and pulls you in every direction. Catch your breath quickly and don't let those bubbles drag you too deep, or you will be on for a hard restart.
This is what I intend of being the first installment of a series of mini-modded hardcore CTM minimaps. The concept behind HBV (Shorthand for Hardcore Beyond Vanilla) is to create a map that shows off some ins and outs of just a few major mods at a time. The stars on this ocassion are L'ender 's Cataclysm and Alex's Caves. Rip those tides with your trustworthy trident while you move through foes old and new, while the world around you pushes and pulls you in every direction. Catch your breath quickly and don't let those bubbles drag you too deep, or you will be on for a hard restart.
Estimated completion time per try: 15 minutes.
Curseforge link