This is a map which I have worked on for roughly 4 years, off and on. It contains a bunch of castles, towns, villages, dwarven mountains, and so on. It is an ocean world with islands, and a lot of the islands have castles on them.
There is a hub, which should be the spawn, but may not be, located in a ruined castle on the edge of a jungle. This hub has teleporters to a some of the different areas, one of which is a nearly-complete adventure map (just missing an ending).
This video: provides a tour of the map, feel free to skip around, as parts of it can drag on, but definitely feel free to use this video as reference if you ever get lost, and need to figure out how to get from one place to another. Or run the world file through a 2D map generator, that might help too.
As for the buildings and areas in the map, do whatever you want with them! Use them in your adventure maps, download the world and tell your friends you built it, all that fun stuff. I won't tell you how to live your life.
To get to the adventure map, which isn't great, but hey, whatever, just go to the medium-sized boat at the jungle hub, and push the button next to the iron door below decks. Alternatively, you can just fly there, but where's the fun in that, I ask you.
Attached should be a few images of some of the builds, more are visible at the image album link. I used the GLSL Shaders Mod in a MultiMC launcher to make them look that way. The indoor image is from the dwarven mountain I built, which is way to the north side of the map. You can get there via a button next to a minecart track in the jungle castle hub area. Once you are teleported, you will have to walk through a lamer dwarf area first, or just fly to the big mountain. You'll see it.
Feel free to reply if you have any questions, or if, heaven forbid, the download link doesn't work. Also reply to tell me how much you hate it or enjoy it, if you feel like it. Or don't, I'm not the boss of you.
Hello people of Minecraft!
This is a map which I have worked on for roughly 4 years, off and on. It contains a bunch of castles, towns, villages, dwarven mountains, and so on. It is an ocean world with islands, and a lot of the islands have castles on them.
There is a hub, which should be the spawn, but may not be, located in a ruined castle on the edge of a jungle. This hub has teleporters to a some of the different areas, one of which is a nearly-complete adventure map (just missing an ending).
This video: provides a tour of the map, feel free to skip around, as parts of it can drag on, but definitely feel free to use this video as reference if you ever get lost, and need to figure out how to get from one place to another. Or run the world file through a 2D map generator, that might help too.
As for the buildings and areas in the map, do whatever you want with them! Use them in your adventure maps, download the world and tell your friends you built it, all that fun stuff. I won't tell you how to live your life.
To get to the adventure map, which isn't great, but hey, whatever, just go to the medium-sized boat at the jungle hub, and push the button next to the iron door below decks. Alternatively, you can just fly there, but where's the fun in that, I ask you.
Attached should be a few images of some of the builds, more are visible at the image album link. I used the GLSL Shaders Mod in a MultiMC launcher to make them look that way. The indoor image is from the dwarven mountain I built, which is way to the north side of the map. You can get there via a button next to a minecart track in the jungle castle hub area. Once you are teleported, you will have to walk through a lamer dwarf area first, or just fly to the big mountain. You'll see it.
Feel free to reply if you have any questions, or if, heaven forbid, the download link doesn't work. Also reply to tell me how much you hate it or enjoy it, if you feel like it. Or don't, I'm not the boss of you.