Tallcraft Dropper is a collection of custom dropper maps, currently the collection consists of 35 unique dropper maps. More maps will be added soon so check back for updates
Play the map on our server and get early access to upcoming maps: dropper.tallcraft.com
------------------------------------------------------ SERVER OWNERS ------------------------------------------------------
If you wish to have this map on your server please do the following:
- Ask permission by PM.
- Put a visible sign with a link to this page.
- Don't change any part of the map that is visible to players.
- The server must be free.
------------------------------------------------------ TERMS OF USE ------------------------------------------------------
Map is completely free to use, but do not change the map and pass it on as your own. Do not make map files available for download on any other download server, we wish to keep our location the only one so we can constantly keep it up to date.
------------------------------------------------------ MY OTHER MAPS ------------------------------------------------------
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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THis is a question. I have gotten the trophy on computer time(it is inside the lamp) but I don't know how to finish it. Do I press the button on the computer or should I jump into the dog bowl or should I jump into the 'smoke' (cobwebs) of the coffe? Please help!
sasko2k i have a suggestion
If you can make a addition in your map that has a mix thing with the End dimension and you must get swallowed by the enderdragon so you can survive
Also Your map is very cool i suggest you keep on doing what you do best (Like)
- Ask permission by PM.
- Put a visible sign with a link to this page.
- Don't change any part of the map that is visible to players.
- The server must be free.
Notice: New map has been added!

or play it without downloading:
DanTDM played this Map.
Can you make a jail map?
Putting that on the to do list
Pls make more maps soon on your server. I have already collected all the trophies. pls this was the best dropper I played
Try downloading it again, updated the spawnpoint.
I downloaded it and I can't see it
Wow! This is amazing! Keep up the good work!
Join this Minecraft 1.8 server today:
IDEA: Video game dropper.
think of more, please make
Good suggestions, we always try to incorporate ideas from community. So keep them coming
How about an illusion map?
how do i play i downloaded and made an account?
i dont have one
I cant downlod it are servers down?
Can you upload it somwhere else please? Because your website is kinda dead rightnow :/
Not dling, but joining server. Sounds cool!
THis is a question. I have gotten the trophy on computer time(it is inside the lamp) but I don't know how to finish it. Do I press the button on the computer or should I jump into the dog bowl or should I jump into the 'smoke' (cobwebs) of the coffe? Please help!
Otherwise the map and the server are really good!
Please keep making such maps:):)
sasko2k i have a suggestion

If you can make a addition in your map that has a mix thing with the End dimension and you must get swallowed by the enderdragon so you can survive
Also Your map is very cool i suggest you keep on doing what you do best (Like)
Just kill yourself. KeepInventory is on.