also please answer me instead of always answering someone else when I was obviously the 1st one to ask
Sorry, but i don't think i'm going to change the entrance painting. I'm pretty happy with the one i have, and i don't really want to use someone else's work.
Hey dude! Just wanted to send a thanks your way for the AMAZING map, and the AMAZING work. Definitely want to add you on Skype so me and Dan can communicate directly with you.
We had an amazing time making our "Mine Nights at Freddy's" series on your map. I also wanted to personally thank you for leaving as much spare redstone work behind as you did. Helped me fully understand how to add in custom cameras, and create the custom book as needed. Even though my additions were super rough, they worked because of the stuff you left in the map :P.
Anyways dude, hope we're able to work together soon! Amazing work!
Does foxy's curtain open? It dosent seem to be opening for me if it does.
Also, Do the nights progressively get harder? If they dont, then i think you should add that in the FNAF 4 update.
I don't know if it's supposed to be pure roleplay, but the animatronics dont really have an AI and they just wander outside sometimes.
Also, the kitchen secuity camera is broken, i just get teleported to a hole in the ground.
Btw, I know how to make new security cameras, but i don't know how to insert the text with the scoreboard players command inside the security camera/book. Could theironcommander or somebody else help me with this?
You have to first, make an armor stand that is invisible, invulnerable, and has a name of your choice (for this i'm going to use camlobby) so then, make an objective called camlobby (dummy) after the armor stand. Make a button, (or add the text in the book i dont really know how) which is connected to a command block which says: /scoreboard players set @p camlobby 1. and then go to the command block area and copy the commands but replace the camera objective and armorstand name with camlobby. E.X. change bathrooms in the command to camlobby. Find every command (its only 8 commands that you have to replace it i recall,) and then your security camera will be finished.
(place the armor stand in the place you want your camera and for extra effect, make its head lapis ore (if you have the texture pack) Be sure to make the direction you want to be looking for the camera, is the direction the armor stand is facing.
Do the animatronics actually try to get you at night? I made a video of this for my YT channel earlier but it was daytime the whole time so nothing was happening :s
TheIronCommander, Could i make a better version of this with power and golden freddy + extra room + lobby power, and post it to minecraft forums (nowhere else) and if i post it somewhere else i will give you full credit also? Thanks
hi i just downloaded this map and the texture pack and things work but when i used the cammera it didnt work and there is no vents so im going to try and redownload but yeah i dont no if what i should do plus REALLY would like to play this
It's not supposed to have vents. The camera, well probably you destroyed one of the redstone (because you were looking for the vents that don't exist)and caused the camera to not work. The vents were custom made by AntVenom and Cavemanfilms.
Sorry, but i don't think i'm going to change the entrance painting. I'm pretty happy with the one i have, and i don't really want to use someone else's work.
your maps are awesome:D
Jurassicraft is awesome!!!!!!!
Hey dude! Just wanted to send a thanks your way for the AMAZING map, and the AMAZING work. Definitely want to add you on Skype so me and Dan can communicate directly with you.
We had an amazing time making our "Mine Nights at Freddy's" series on your map. I also wanted to personally thank you for leaving as much spare redstone work behind as you did. Helped me fully understand how to add in custom cameras, and create the custom book as needed. Even though my additions were super rough, they worked because of the stuff you left in the map :P.
Anyways dude, hope we're able to work together soon! Amazing work!
Omg Antvenom:D
Jurassicraft is awesome!!!!!!!
Okay man it's your map after all but I'm gonna change the painting for myself but How do I do that cause idk how to change painting textures
How do you make your own cameras?
Shipshape job matey arrr!
Awesome ! just great
TheIronCommander Dude Your map is standing on the minecraft forum home page!!
Does foxy's curtain open? It dosent seem to be opening for me if it does.
Also, Do the nights progressively get harder? If they dont, then i think you should add that in the FNAF 4 update.
I don't know if it's supposed to be pure roleplay, but the animatronics dont really have an AI and they just wander outside sometimes.
Also, the kitchen secuity camera is broken, i just get teleported to a hole in the ground.
Btw, I know how to make new security cameras, but i don't know how to insert the text with the scoreboard players command inside the security camera/book. Could theironcommander or somebody else help me with this?
Anyway, Awesome map, Good job
You have to first, make an armor stand that is invisible, invulnerable, and has a name of your choice (for this i'm going to use camlobby) so then, make an objective called camlobby (dummy) after the armor stand. Make a button, (or add the text in the book i dont really know how) which is connected to a command block which says: /scoreboard players set @p camlobby 1. and then go to the command block area and copy the commands but replace the camera objective and armorstand name with camlobby. E.X. change bathrooms in the command to camlobby. Find every command (its only 8 commands that you have to replace it i recall,) and then your security camera will be finished.
(place the armor stand in the place you want your camera and for extra effect, make its head lapis ore (if you have the texture pack) Be sure to make the direction you want to be looking for the camera, is the direction the armor stand is facing.
Hope this helps.
They come alive at night.
Can i see the latest update for this map? Cause i want to play the latest version.
Thanks, TheRealGal
TheIronCommander, Could i make a better version of this with power and golden freddy + extra room + lobby power, and post it to minecraft forums (nowhere else) and if i post it somewhere else i will give you full credit also? Thanks
Ayy this is GREAT! Ill make a series!
It's not supposed to have vents. The camera, well probably you destroyed one of the redstone (because you were looking for the vents that don't exist)and caused the camera to not work. The vents were custom made by AntVenom and Cavemanfilms.
Hey IronCommander any secrets to the map? and I saw on Antvenom/Cavemans video with heads of the dead kids. Does the resource pack come with that?
No, but if you go backstage there is a command room that lets you wear suits and toggle power.
Very very nice map! Very enjoyable and congratulations on this huge success of a map.
One man can save a world! But two men can save a universe...