Finally worked my way through to the last intersection. I'm not sure when i'll finally be able to finish it, but when I do complete the map i'll post my final thoughts and some feedback. Just wanted to provide a bit of a status update!
I really like your open world map. I hope you make more of those.
Hello people, Render here,
it has been slow going with my next map. I had been working on a fire based map, but I didn't really liked how it worked out and didn't feel to work on it. I will continue when I feel in the mood to finish it. In the meanwhile I will make another map.
Secondly, I want bring out a final update to Goliath and move on. You can't stand still at the same map forever. You have to say at one point: I'm done. This is the finished product. Let's move on to the next project. I am at this point, so I wanted feedback to add to this final update. This can be little things that bugged you, balance changes, things that could improve gameplay, something that you feel that missed, etc. One point that I want to change is that the Mixer spawners are most of the time hidden. You are randomly digging around while hordes of mobs spawn around you.
While we are speaking about balancing. I have something important to ask about the two final areas of the map. so...
I have been thinking about the final two areas of Goliath: "Everscream Depths" and "Final Screams". I really like unfair and ridiculously hard maps. But that doesn't mean that I should carry that over to my own maps. Looking back at the fake wool box I am hesitating to remove the Final screams area and put the Red wool into the fake wool box. (and of course, remove all the TNT and charged creeper spawners around the previously-fake-wool-box too.)
Another option is that you don't get blown up with the fake wool box, but I feel that "Final Screams" is overdone, so I will probably nerve that too.
So the questions that I wanted to ask about this situation are: Do you think "Everscream Depths" and "Final Screams" are too hard? Do you think the fake-red-wool-box blowing up is going too far? Do you feel that "Everscream Depths" is worthy of being the final area? How do you feel about these final two areas?
Thanks for reading this post. I would like to have feedback to make the map a better experience for other players.
Why I had never heard of this map?
Downloading now
This map looks really good :D, what did you use to make your terrain and your dungeons?
Probably because it only has like... 450 downloads. But you have to begin somewhere. Popular maps like Super Hostile, Vinyl Fantasy, Uncharted Territory started small too.
I use Single Player Commands in a 1.6 save file. When I'm done with the area I put it in the actual 1.8 map save file. I also use World Painter for making open to the sky areas. And I use MCedit (duh, almost every map maker uses it.) for importing schematics, using filters and importing areas I made in other save files.
Things to change
The only thing that i would change to the final wool area would be to reduce the amount of dispensers. Otherwise, i think the room would have been fair and balanced. I say keep the fake wool box just reduce the difficulty of the final area.
I strongly suggest this map to anyone. It is one of the best CTM maps I (and my friends) have ever played. It is seriously a map that we will be comparing everything to from now on. I wish my channel was bigger so it got the attention it deserves.
Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/Poopinhammer
Hey guys! I wanted to make some banners for every map instead of: Untold Stories 01 - Goliath - 1.1. So I was thinking:
What is the most memorable area of Goliath? Or should I mix multiple areas into the banner because of the diversity of the map. If yes, which?
I was thinking about: The Red Desert, Islands of Adventure (the big forest island) and Icethorn Mountain (in the ice area)
I've started a LP of Goliath on my tiny, very amateur Youtube channel, and figured that posting this here would be a great way to
plug my channelum, support this map, somehow, I guess? In any case, due to most of my technical difficulties that don't involve me having a terribad microphone being resolved, there's every chance this will be a proper, full LP, though, having read this topic, I'm starting to fear for what I've gotten myself into. (7 intersections, many of which have huge open-worldish stuff? Oh dear.)But, I've played through the white wool, and so far, it's been fun. Thus far, only the opening parkour has killed me, although I have been down to a half-heart several times. Of course, this is early Intersection I, so once again, I'm scared.
My Goliath LP playlist
Yay! another LP! Thank you so much! The months before summer break are always really busy for me, but I will definitely watch it when I have the time.
While there are some big open-world areas, the map is still pretty linear and most of the times the points of interest are pretty obvious.
And if the situation gets too hot to handle: Just take things slowly and look for a reliable way to beat said situation. It get's pretty challenging near the end.
Good luck on the journey and remember to have fun! (and make it fun to watch too :P)
(also, sorry for the late reply. I really wish I had more time. ;____;)
Yeah, so far, it hasn't seemed too terribly difficult, only about where it ought to be for the early map. I've recorded through the beginning of Intersection 2, and it's been very well balanced, neither giving me too few materials, nor, as I've noticed has started becoming the case in many maps, a nearly unmanageable surplus. I've really enjoyed the balance thus far, something I've found lacking in far too many recent maps.
Good work on what I've seen so far! And, presumably, the rest as well. But I'm hardly one to judge on that point.
This is the first episode of Untold Stories - Big Leaf Forest.
Good Times!
Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/Poopinhammer
I've started a playthrough of Goliath
Really enjoying it so far (despite my early struggles, haha). MWF schedule for new vids.
This looks fun. From what I can see, the environment looks amazing. Will download and see how it plays.
Minecraft is Awesome!
Nice! I will definitly watch them! (sorry for the late respond. I was out of town for a while.)
If you give it a try you should at least do some of the areas of intersection 2. The map will then open up a lot more.
I want to play this so much, but I have a Windows and suck at installing WinRar and stuff like that... (
) Anyways. I guess raging won't help. Maybe you could put a zip for sucky Windows users?
EDIT: NVM. I am a derp, didn't realize you had...
[Regarding Goliath]
My final ep will air today, and Render has even commented "I wonder why you are still into this map after the frustration." Well, I'll tell you -
First - Non-spoiler edition: This map - while without any lore - makes you care about it. The rewards have a way of not only offsetting your failures but totally validating your efforts.
"Hey war, shouldn't any map do that because normal progression?" Sure. Yeah. But I want to care because the map made me care.
Second - There are flaws. Of course. I'm going to use the spoiler tag now because of SERIOUS SPOILERS. Not kidding. Do not read if you intend to play this map (WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU DO - IT'S A GOOD MAP.).
Dude. Don't kill me without giving me a chance to prevent it. EVERCREEP. Not cool. Nobody should be dropped into lava for no reason. I know you agree, and I believe you commented as such. Nobody's feelings would be hurt if you patched it.
Bats. For real. Are they part of your master plan, or completely unintended? They get old and super annoying after about 8 seconds. They add nothing and just frustrate.
Red Maze. Go **** yourself. In my opinion though, it would be a fair dungeon if there was a craptastic/half-broken golden sword with Sharpness 3867 on it once in a while. Maybe one per floor? Also no bats or skeletons. Skeletons ruin the dungeon. There's no reason I should fail a dungeon because of some beef a creeper has with a skeleton.
We already talked about emeralds. When I get to a certain point in the map, I'm (apparently) going to stop giving a crap about the bonus goal - especially if it doesn't benefit me. Yeah, I have my pride, but the main goal will take priority over any sort of bonus goal any day. I missed so many emeralds from Int6 on just because I didn't care any more. Surviving was so much more important. (Some day, someone will fall for your emerald trap :/) Or maybe I'm just a crappy CTM player. We can't all be Zisteau...
Even the last area... Just tell the fine people that the wool didn't f***ing explode and we can move on... F*** that feeling. No joke, for like a whole week I thought I had lost the map until I watched Poopinhammer's vids. That's my biggest gripe - nobody is going to succeed there, but for the dummies like me - just say, "The only thing in that chest was _____."
Keep the final area as is. I only say that because I know the strategy
(Die once, then - Run, Forest, Run!)
The thing is - The flaws are not game breaking. You might get mad, and you might ragequit for a few days. But you'll be back. The map is not very forgettable - quite the opposite. Like I said - there's no lore, but you still somehow manage to become attached.
This map deserves more attention than it's currently getting.
Go build something Zistonian.
Oh, what's this? A playlist to my whole Goliath Experience? Must have dropped that link...
PS - Redstone Madness
Congratulations on completing it, dude! It's nice to see that you enjoyed the rough ride in the end.

I may have forgotten to add your playlist to the videos section of the main post, Now I've fixed it! sorry about that. But hey, better late than never.
Haha, that was just me being a smartass after a little too much silly juice
I'm wondering if you've got another map of Goliath's size in the works? I'll play Big Leaf next, probably, but one of the main draws of Goliath was the thought that I'd be living in that world for a very long time (actually ended up being around six months). Growing attached to a world is a major plus for me. It makes the heartbreak more heartbreaking and the victory so much sweeter.
Making a map of that magnitude though - it can't be a simple task...