I was fighting the first wither boss i cant remember its name, and i killed it but died at the same time and im stuck in spectator mode What should i do?
I was fighting the first wither boss i cant remember its name, and i killed it but died at the same time and im stuck in spectator mode What should i do?
I'm assuming since you killed it you got teleported out of the boss arena and back into the normal arena (with the wool and all there), in which case all you should have to do is switch back into survival mode using "/gamemode survival" and everything else should be fine.
No im in the arena i fought the boss in and im in spectator mode. Should i just fly myself back to the arena/tip area and fight him again?
Hmmm okay fly over there or just do "/tp 763 88 -971", if you did actually kill him also do "/scoreboard players set TerraRestore arenaWon 1" and of course /gamemode survival to get out of spectator mode.
Just to make sure monsters are actually spawning and the gamerules have been updated you might want to do these commands too real quick:
/difficulty normal (Or whatever difficulty you are on)
/gamerule doMobLoot true
/gamerule mobGriefing true
spawnpoint @p 763 88 -920
/gamerule keepInventory false
/gamerule doMobSpawning true
The map is not in beta anymore actually there, everything is more or less complete. There "might" be one last mini update to it yet which just has some small balance changes and some very minor tweaks. Also if that does happen it probably won't be for another month there as more and more LPs start/finish the map. (I find video feedback to be super helpful)
Okey dokey, 3rd boss didn't spawn, where do I go to fix the redstone? And what do I do? Do I get another free stone sword out of the deal like I did before? LOL
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I wander through CTM maps, getting lost, fighting monsters, and somehow accomplishing things. I'm never too sure how, but I do. Come join me, pets!
Okey dokey, 3rd boss didn't spawn, where do I go to fix the redstone? And what do I do? Do I get another free stone sword out of the deal like I did before? LOL
Did you not get sent to the boss arena or did he just not spawn? If you didn't get sent to the arena then do "/tp 2991 148 -1004" and again make sure there is only one item going back and forth between the hoppers and that it is going at a normal pace. I hate hopper clocks >.< Thankfully having them in the spawn chunks from what I tested means they glitch out way less.
The map is not in beta anymore actually there, everything is more or less complete. There "might" be one last mini update to it yet which just has some small balance changes and some very minor tweaks. Also if that does happen it probably won't be for another month there as more and more LPs start/finish the map. (I find video feedback to be super helpful)
3. Pls in the tp's comand blocks put a radius... play this map in MP... with these tps whitout radius + neurotic troll friends... T_T
Unfortunately since most of the time when I tp someone gamerules, difficulty, spawnpoints and stuff change I have to make it so the teleports tp everyone instead of just one person. Otherwise you could end up going into a dungeon with difficulty set on peaceful or go into your base and be greeted by creepers which will grief your base and such. xD
We've been playing along and just had to restart the map due to a server bug, but now we're seeing a weird issue with Hunger.
Three players, When we are outside of the monument/base, the hunger seems to jump around, it's like it's not actually displaying hunger, we're wondering if there is some gamerule that got set in a funky state somehow. Any thoughts?
We've been playing along and just had to restart the map due to a server bug, but now we're seeing a weird issue with Hunger.
Three players, When we are outside of the monument/base, the hunger seems to jump around, it's like it's not actually displaying hunger, we're wondering if there is some gamerule that got set in a funky state somehow. Any thoughts?
Mmmm the only command that would really go with such a thing is the /effect command but I didn't touch the hunger debuff/saturation buff of that in the map so I'm not sure. Did you try restarting the server, or maybe even dieing? I have no idea sorry, the only bug I've ever seen in Minecraft as far as hunger goes is sometimes having the hunger drain non-stop.
Terra Restore 2 will have very similar bosses to the one in this new map, yes ^^
I'm assuming since you killed it you got teleported out of the boss arena and back into the normal arena (with the wool and all there), in which case all you should have to do is switch back into survival mode using "/gamemode survival" and everything else should be fine.
I'll let you know what I think, and I can probably throw out a few invites to anyone who wants to PM me.
Hmmm okay fly over there or just do "/tp 763 88 -971", if you did actually kill him also do "/scoreboard players set TerraRestore arenaWon 1" and of course /gamemode survival to get out of spectator mode.
Just to make sure monsters are actually spawning and the gamerules have been updated you might want to do these commands too real quick:
/difficulty normal (Or whatever difficulty you are on)
/gamerule doMobLoot true
/gamerule mobGriefing true
spawnpoint @p 763 88 -920
/gamerule keepInventory false
/gamerule doMobSpawning true
That should fix that whole thing up there. ^^
The map is not in beta anymore actually there, everything is more or less complete. There "might" be one last mini update to it yet which just has some small balance changes and some very minor tweaks. Also if that does happen it probably won't be for another month there as more and more LPs start/finish the map. (I find video feedback to be super helpful)
I wander through CTM maps, getting lost, fighting monsters, and somehow accomplishing things. I'm never too sure how, but I do. Come join me, pets!
Did you not get sent to the boss arena or did he just not spawn? If you didn't get sent to the arena then do "/tp 2991 148 -1004" and again make sure there is only one item going back and forth between the hoppers and that it is going at a normal pace. I hate hopper clocks >.< Thankfully having them in the spawn chunks from what I tested means they glitch out way less.
I wander through CTM maps, getting lost, fighting monsters, and somehow accomplishing things. I'm never too sure how, but I do. Come join me, pets!
But there is still this! |
Woops, guess I forgot to take that sign down, thanks xD Just ignore the beta part of that.
BTW I Love the map so far. It is perfect for realms and you should see about getting it as one of the defaults like spellbound caves.
Unfortunately since most of the time when I tp someone gamerules, difficulty, spawnpoints and stuff change I have to make it so the teleports tp everyone instead of just one person. Otherwise you could end up going into a dungeon with difficulty set on peaceful or go into your base and be greeted by creepers which will grief your base and such. xD
Three players, When we are outside of the monument/base, the hunger seems to jump around, it's like it's not actually displaying hunger, we're wondering if there is some gamerule that got set in a funky state somehow. Any thoughts?
Mmmm the only command that would really go with such a thing is the /effect command but I didn't touch the hunger debuff/saturation buff of that in the map so I'm not sure. Did you try restarting the server, or maybe even dieing? I have no idea sorry, the only bug I've ever seen in Minecraft as far as hunger goes is sometimes having the hunger drain non-stop.