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Hello, my fellow whovian friends!
This is the Dalek Mod T.A.R.D.I.S Museum!!!
Where all T.A.R.D.I.Ses Are made in Minecraft using the Dalek mod!
I have no videos as of yet, but I would love the fans to make one! I'll put it up here if you send me the link in the forum thread!
//" target="" data-ensure-absolute>https://www.mediafir...vx1gu6f98595ex" rel="nofollow" title="">//" target="" data-ensure-absolute>" />
Hello, my fellow whovian friends!
This is the Dalek Mod T.A.R.D.I.S Museum!!!
Where all T.A.R.D.I.Ses Are made in Minecraft using the Dalek mod!
I have no videos as of yet, but I would love the fans to make one! I'll put it up here if you send me the link in the forum thread!
//" target="" data-ensure-absolute>https://www.mediafir...vx1gu6f98595ex" rel="nofollow" title="">//" target="" data-ensure-absolute>" />