The Crystal Tower is a short adventure/puzzle map designed for 1-2 players which takes around an hour to complete. Set in a minimalistic atmosphere, the journey features a few puzzles and mechanics-based encounters which are of medium difficulty (and no parkour!)
Download the map below to visit The Crystal Tower.
This map is awesome, love the puzzles other than the second last one. That one need some hint or maybe let us see what the piston are doing? I just brainlessly click my way through that LOL. The last platform is just amazing love it! Thanks for the map!
This map is awesome, love the puzzles other than the second last one. That one need some hint or maybe let us see what the piston are doing? I just brainlessly click my way through that LOL. The last platform is just amazing love it! Thanks for the map!
Here is my recorded playthrough enjoy!
Good playthrough! I'm sorry that the game crashed at some point, but I'm glad that you enjoyed the map.
I'll keep your experience in mind when making revisions.
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I just played this, and it was overall pretty great. The puzzle with the cross of iron blocks in the center that you have to get down and the one with the ring of lights on the outside were just brainless clicking and not much of puzzles, and the boss battle was a little slow-paced and repetitive. I know its a lot of criticism which I probably shouldn't be giving to the god of command blocks(which I went through some of them and got lost very quickly). Great map
You have a unique style to your maps. I think they're very balanced, they're well tested, and they have a new way of storytelling and interacting with the player. Keep up the amazing work!
IT WAS INCREDIBLE, HOW DID U DO THIS ITS WAS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the feedback! As you probably noticed, the tower is full of command blocks. Everything is controlled remotely from the tower, from the maze to the boss. Minecraft 1.8 has some very powerful features, and it was very fun to work with them.
I l o v e d this map, up until the second to last transmutation - there was no string anywhere, none was spawning and none in my invent :/ very disappointed that I cannot complete it.
Feel free to ignore my last comment! I had a derp moment. Haha. Great map! :-)
There is a recipe for the string - its even shown in your book
Here is my recorded playthrough enjoy!
Good playthrough! I'm sorry that the game crashed at some point, but I'm glad that you enjoyed the map.
I'll keep your experience in mind when making revisions.
Part 2
Thanks for the feedback! As you probably noticed, the tower is full of command blocks. Everything is controlled remotely from the tower, from the maze to the boss. Minecraft 1.8 has some very powerful features, and it was very fun to work with them.
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"What is better-to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" -Paarthurnax
There is a recipe for the string - its even shown in your book
I will try it!
The cinematic intro is awesome! I've been pm'd a good few messages about it, and many are super impressed by it.
Thanks again!